Flash :: AS3 - ActionScript Not Running From The TimeLine On A Loaded Movieclip
Jul 3, 2010
I have a AS3 Flash file with some animations during the timeline. On the timeline I also have a stop() in the middle (on a keyframe). When I run this SWF file it does stop. But if I load if from another Flash file using a Loader object it does not stops (nor runs any other action script - i.e.: trace("hi")) I'm also including the context with the current application domain:
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Oct 26, 2010
I am publishing an animation which needs to dispatch events from certain frames on the timeline. The document class is InteractiveAnimation - here's the important bit:[code]When I load it into my player application (into the same ApplicationDomain, I might add) all I get is:"Running constructor of InteractiveAnimation" the timeline trace doesn't happen. Or any other timeline code for that matter.What is killing the framescripts? Has anyone even got any suggestions as to how I might continue to track this down?
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Aug 5, 2010
I have a movieclip, and for some reason, the timeline code isn't running.
Stage, frame 1
var my_mc:MovieClip = new MyMC();
my_mc.name = "my_mc";
MyMC is a properly linked Movieclip.
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Nov 8, 2010
I have 6 frames on the main timeline each with a different movieclip. Is it possible that when one movie clips finishes running it will go to he next frame on the maintime line and run the next movieclip on the next frame with AS3?
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Mar 17, 2009
I am building a website in as3. As of now this is what I have. My main file has a button on it and builds a movieclip to hold loaded movieclips.
The file runs and loads about.swf into the main file. When the button is pressed it tells about.swf to play the exit animation.
All of that is working. What I want to happen now is once the exit animation finishes I want the about.swf file to tell the main timeline to load a new movie.
I can control loaded movieclips from the main timeline I just do not know how to control the main timeline from loaded movieclips.
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Jan 9, 2009
My script have a list of .swf files and needs to play them one by one. My problem is that i can't detect when the movieclip (containing the swf) completes playing.
I understood that i need to copmare between _currentframe and _totalframes of the moviecip but i keep getting 1 as the _currentframe (my main timeline contains only 1 frame).
var mcLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
var loadListener:Object = new Object();
var container:MovieClip =
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Mar 3, 2009
I have a basic xml driven portfolio. The xml file holds the path to the portfolio pieces (external .swfs). I have a main navigation that moves from project to project and a subnavigation to view individual pages of that project.The subnav is where I have the problem, I simply want to call gotoAndPlay("framelabel") of the designated mc. It seems that you can no longer call to the timeline of child movieclips as you could with AS 2. I've found some examples Except the examples discuss access of nested movieclips on the stage with assigned instance names. But the problem I'm facing is that I have each item pulled in via the loader Class then the objects are pushed into an array and my subnav needs to access them dynamically via array notation.something like this:
PHP Code:
public function loadMe(){
//var l:Loader = new Loader();
View 12 Replies
May 25, 2011
I've made a MovieClip of an electric wire with 3 different keyframes with a few frames between each. The first 2 keyframes have a single bitmap in each with a different picture, I want it to cycle between these two to make it look like the electricity is moving and not just sitting there. The 3rd keyframe has nothing, eventually I will put an image with the electricity off, so the player can walk through, I just haven't done it yet. Since I don't want it to run the last keyframe until the player turns it off, I put a gotoAndPlay(); command in the movie clip after the second frame looping it back to the first frame, problem is, the line refuses to work.
I have copied and pasted it from other programs where it worked, I have checked the Frame Name, I put other lines in there, like stop(); trace(); and other things, but could not get ANY line of code to work in the MovieClip. There's probably something like "the layer is invisible, code will not run", but I can't tell what it is. I've deleted the symbol and started over, same problem. I've restarted Flash, same problem. I've restarted the computer, same problem. I even took it to a different computer, same problem. I don't know why it won't run this code, is there something disabling it that I overlooked? I have other code in the main timeline outside the movie clip and code in other movieclips that has always worked fine and continues to work fine, I don't see what the problem is.
I ignored the problem for a while, and worked on other things, but I had to add multiple frames to an existing movieclip (which I believe was created before the other one), and now this movieclip is having the same problem. Does anyone know how to fix this, before it spreads to the rest?
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May 2, 2010
I have a Flash website that moves from page to page by jumping to various frames in the timeline. Clicking on a button causes a jump to a specific frame. It is necessary to have stops in several frames. I'm trying to run an mp3 player in the background. The player is running on it's own layer. It works when I launch the page and when I go from page to page until I hit a frame with a stop at which point, the player stops. How can I prevent this?
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Dec 25, 2011
I'm using setInterval() to run a function that shoot a bullet every 1.5 seconds.
every 1.5 second the function is run, the function include playing the shooting animation in timeline using gotoAndPlay(). and create a new instance of bullet animate towards a certain direction
But i want to know is it possible to finish playing the shooting animation first then only move on to creating the bullet instance part?
because currently the shooting animation and bullets created, is almost instantaneouly.. what condition should i add in order to do that??
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Nov 7, 2011
How do you tell the root timeline to root.gotoAndStop(2); from the timeline of a movieClip added using addChild?In the maintime line I have
and in fade_eng I have the following on frame 20
But I am getting 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method gotoAndStop through a reference with static type flash.display:Stage.
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Aug 6, 2009
I have a movieclip running inside a movieclip and i want trigger an action on the timeline in AS2 I would put _root.gotoAndPlay("start6_fl"); or _parent.gotoAndPlay("start6_fl"); depending on were I wanted to go.How do you do this really simple action in AS3?
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Aug 21, 2009
Where in, all the Images were getting loaded at the same time & because of this all the versions IE browsers were getting hanged. (I have around 100 Images to be loaded. a total size of 32.5 MB) Mozilla was working fine though. So I decided to download each Image at a time using a preloader. Below is the script. But it seems like the function LoadZones(index:Number) is being called over again. and all the Images are starting to download again, causing a hang.
cards = 100;
dropzones = 5;
_root.loadstatus.cardcount.text = cards;
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Apr 26, 2010
I'm loading content swfs into an Air App. The swfs are loaded into the non-app sandbox, and any communication is via the parent/child sandbox bridge. The swfs have timeline code. This code executes fine. The swfs also have mcs on the timeline - any code inside these mcs, or any child mcs of these mcs, is ignored. Simple traces do not execute below the top level timeline of the loaded swfs. I have tried naming the child mcs. I have tried exporting them in the library. Neither makes any difference. When I run the swf standalone, I see my diagnostic traces. When I load the swf, I only see the traces for the top level timeline.
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Nov 2, 2009
I currently have an AS3 swf that uses a loader to load in various other swfs, some AS3 some AS2. I load in all the swfs at the start and store them in an array for when they are need later. This works fine with the AS3 swfs, as they all have eventListeners for the ADDED_TO_STAGE event and so won't start until I need them. Unfortuantely, I haven't found a similar solution for the AS2 swfs, and they will run immediatley as I load them. Is there any way to stop this?
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May 1, 2006
I have a main interface which loads up a series of animated .swfs, one after the other into an empty movie clip, under a mask layer on my main timeline.My problem is with the loaded swfs running really slowly. Without them being loaded into the interface, they run fine, as I have tested them online.But once they are within the interface, they run really slowly, especially when the redraw regions are biggest.
I'm just using
loadMovie("FirstMovie.swf", "_root.empty_mc");
In my main timeline to load the first movie, then
...on the final frame of the first movie, and so on.As you can see, I havent put any numbers or channels in, as I'm not sure how they work. Could this be why my swfs are running so slow?
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Mar 11, 2009
I have instances of items on the stage, on various labelled frames. I have an actionscript class that uses gotoAndStop('framelabel') to move forwards and back. When using the IDE this works perfectly.
However, when I view the swf on its own, or in a HTML page, I get the error:
Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
If I use a timer to create a delay between gotoAndStop and trying to reference the items it also works fine. So it seems that when using gotoAndStop, the actionscript is trying to access the items on stage before they have been added to the display list.
Is there a way to force Flash to load the display list of the frame it's stopped at before trying to access those items? Surely it should load the stage instances before running the actionscript?
Below is an example of the script
private function goThree(e:MouseEvent = void):void {
var btnMinus:SimpleButton = Main.root.getChildByName('btnMinusThree') as
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Feb 8, 2012
I recently discovered the incredible functionality of getDefinitionByName(), I'm attempting to load in pages for an interactive book.Each page has its own functions, listeners, nested animations, and timers.When loading in these pages, no stop()s are working within the nested clips, and any interactivty has been lost.It's just a mess of a bunch of animations running over and over.[code]
In addition to having the MovieClips not running code, I am running into serious garbage collection issues.I can unload the pages from display, but all sounds continue playing.Does anyone have an idea of why these loaded MovieClips are not running code, and why they will not unload properly with the destroy() method?
View 10 Replies
Jul 8, 2008
This may sound like a strange request, but I need to be able to determine:
1. What browser domain the current swf is executing in (that is, the page that hosts the swf is displayed in a browser, what is the domain of the page)?
2. What server domain the SWF was loaded from (ie, what the URL domain was for the SWF)?
I believe both of these I can get via javascript and ugly workarounds and pass them in, but what I need is actually to get these values (at least #2) from inside the SWF without relying on the javascript in the hosting page.
Specifically, what I'm trying to determine is if the SWF is executing in a page from the same domain as it itself was hosted/loaded from. I want to fork on this test and create different behavior for a SWF if it's "hot-linked" (that is, loaded onto a page on a different domain from where I host it).
I've looked into flash.system.SecurityDomain and ApplicationDomain... both these have properties called 'currentDomain' which would seem to be the value i'm looking for (for #2), however this object is a static variable that I can't seem to get any information out of or transform into any kind of useful string that I can look at it's value and test with it.The only info I've found on either of those two classes all relates to passing them to LoaderContext and such, when you are loading external resources.I do not want to load anything, I just want to determine how and where the SWF is executing.
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Sep 7, 2010
I have a couple swfs that are loaded in using Loader, my first problem is I want to stop the timeline until another function when I want it to start. so In the complete function I have
var swfMC:MovieClip = e.target.content as MovieClip ;
but the swf still runs through.Another problem I am having is whenever I add it to the stage it seems to make a duplicate of the swf, and when I remove this duplicate it remains til flash finally crashes. There isnt anything but simple tweens in my swf's (and added trace statements), so they shouldnt be held into memory. that and they shouldn't have been duplicated in the first place... right?
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Oct 16, 2011
what I'm trying to do is accessingsnapText = scrollPane.source.textSnapshot;from an external swf. I've tried:
trace("-->: "+scrollPane.source.textSnapshot.getText(0, 1000));
trace("-->: "+myLoader.content.textSnapshot.getText(0, 1000));
trace("-->: "+mc.textSnapshot.getText(0, 1000));
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May 20, 2011
I have a Movie Clip object with a timeline, and it has 3 layers: a layer to stop the timeline at the last frame, a layer with regular drawing with mask attribute and a layer containing a target movieclip with the instance named 'target', that is masked by the layer above.
The drawing is very simple, not even a movieclip, just vector drawing. It's supposed to show the target movieclip only on regions where the mask layer has some drawing, right?
So, I created the method to load an image, listen to the complete loaded event and add the image to the target masked movieclip, but it disappears after the first frame! If i delete the layer with the mask drawing, works fine.
Here's a smaller version of the code.
import flash.display.*
import flash.events.Event;
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Mar 16, 2007
I simply want to assign a variable to the current frame of the main timeline (not movieclip timeline) I already know about _currentframe and it doesn't help in this case.
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Sep 14, 2010
If I removeChild frame animated Movieclip, will it automatically stop running the frames inside it? Actually without calling mc.stop();
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Apr 26, 2011
I am in the learning process. Working with FlashCS5 and AS3. if the issue appears to be too simple for you. Placed a movieclip(mcassessJohn) on the main timeline and moved to the frame labelled "johnFeedback" in the movieclip timeline using the following actionscript code.
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May 21, 2009
Why does a child movieclip only show the first frame within the IDE, regardless of where you are in the parent timeline?If you throw a movieclip with 25 frames onto the main timeline, which also has 25 frame, you don't see the nested movieclip's frame-progress while you scroll through the main timeline.Is there a setting somewhere in preferences or somewhere that will enable you to see a nested movieclip's frame position from the main timeline? Like you do with After Effects composites?
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Apr 19, 2011
I am working with CS5 and I have bunch of movie clips on the stage and each movie clip contains a kinetic typography animation. When I click on each movie clip, the animation starts to play but the problem is that it runs really slow. I use a very detailed font (Sketch Rockwell) which might be the reason for this slowness. And the whole animation looks ugly because of this.
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Jul 22, 2011
I've been trying to reference a Library symbol that is introduced in Frame 2 by using it's instance name, using timeline scripting only. I am trying to make a colour picker MC symbol for multiple re-use. Firstly I drew a small button on the stage and converted to MC, called textColourPicker of type CPicker (the class used to represent this MC in the Library). Inside this MC I have a button symbol called pickerButton
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Aug 11, 2011
Let's say i have a simple motion tween animation present on the timeline. What's the quickest way to wrap this animation into a movieclip?
I have: timeline containing tweened object with many keyframes
I want: timeline containing movieclip containing tweened object with many keyframes
i'm just looking for the quickest way to achiev exactly that, given the described situation (as i have to cleanup some existing files).
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Aug 6, 2009
I have a multiple videoplayer running in a movieclip on the timeline of another movieclip.I need to unload or stop it from playing when the timeline moves on
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