Media Server :: Running With Multiple Smaller Mp4 Files About 50 MB In Size?

Feb 22, 2012

I have a question regarding httpstreaming we have fms running with multiple smaller mp4 files about 50 MB in size. When played they start playing immediatly but still are cached/downloaded in directory C:Documents and SettingsUsernameLocal SettingsTemp of the clients
Now we have issues with a large file of 890 MB, which is not being played, clients need to download this complete file to play it. Does the streamingpart doesn't work well on our server?
Please help since we getting a lot of complaints from viewers. Running FMS 4.0.3 on CENTOS 5.7 64 Bit
What can i check besides the forums regarding dynamic httpstreaming

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Media Server :: Have Multiple FMS Installation Running On 1 Linux Server?

Jan 19, 2011

Is it possible to have multiple FMS installation running on 1 linux server?This mean that each fmsadmin, fmsmaster, fmsedge, fmscore will run under a specific user. (not vhosts of a single FMS install)How will this impact the performance of the other FMS instances in case there are more of them running on the same server?

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Media Server :: Running Multiple IP Multicast Sessions

Apr 5, 2011

am setting up multiple multicast sessions, i generated configurations for each session using a seperate stream name, IP address, port.

1) Is it possible to run multiple multicast session.From configuration, looks like we can, but need confirmation
2) How can i test these sessions using the default player ? or any sample player

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Media Server :: Recording Video/audio Files Using Flash Media Server Through Rmtp, And Allow Users To Access The Recorded Files Through Http?

May 25, 2009

As titled, what is the way to record video/audio files using Flash Meida Server through rmtp, and allow users to access the recorded files through http?What I am trying to do, is to record a user's microphone's input and save it to the server.fterwards, I would like other users to be able to access the recorded files and mainuplating the audio data, by computeSpectrum(), to do some visualization of the audio. As I know computeSpectrum() cannot work on streaming files, so I think I need to access the recorded files using http instead of rmtp. Is that true?

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Media Server :: Play Multiple Flv Files Continuously?

Sep 23, 2011

How can I play flv files continuously..?? I have developed code for playing flv files in my browser. Those flv files are streaming from flash media server. I can play files individually, but I want to add one button to play multiple flv file continuously when one button clicked. How can I play those multiple flv files continuously...??

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Media Server :: Creating Streamable Audio Content From Short Multiple Input Files

Jun 9, 2010

My question is how possible creating streamable audio files /mp3/flv/ from multiple input files. The server is vps linux without soundcard, installed flash media server 3.5. My task is creating mixed mp3 output file.The input files are 2 mp3 file = 2 channel, uploaded to a server by the user.Controls: volume pitch, equalizer, fading that is controlled from client side flash appThe problem it should be in real time, when the user control the volume pitcher channels  etc  could be heard the result in the client's flash player on client side.For that purpose I tried to split the audio files into 1 sec pieces, and changing the splits only, and when done joining them together.

Feeding them to flash media server there was more problem:-the server streamed not the actual file but probably from cache -the streaming was always stopped after 1-2 seconds - using client side dynamic streaming /without joining the files / only the last file was played - using server side playlist playing more files was not played all the files So the question which way possible creating streamable files, or is there a better solution than splitting them.

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Media Server :: FMS4.5 Live Stream With Multiple Video Files As Single Source?

Jan 27, 2012

I am using Flash Media server 4.5 and i read the tutorial if i want to stream the live feed, i may need to use the media live encoder.
but what i found in media encoder is i have to manually setup everything and it only support camera devices. But in my case i have multiple video files keep received from another program and place it on file system (server),my goal is use the Flash Media server to perform a live boardcasting with these video file one by one. That means when client watching a live streaming, they will not notice the server is playing mov1, then mov2, then mov3, then mov4... and so on.
You can imagine i am trying to boardcast a live footage say for 60sec, but the video file will not recorded entirely after 60sec, instead for every 10sec i will save a new video file, so that when client watching the live by HLS [URL]when the time reach to 10sec, a mov1 video file available and FMS should boardcast this video on live123.when the time reach to 20sec, a mov2 video file available and FMS should Immediately follow the mov1 boardcast on live123.and so on...Also can FMS dynamically create a new streaming session (invoke by code), so that when client A uploading some video files to the server, the FMS open a new streaming session only stream cilent A video files?the configuration to boardcasting like screen size, bit rate, etc should be pre-defined on the server.  [URL]

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Media Server :: Cannot Connect To Admin Console FMS 3.5 Running Separate Apache Server

Jul 7, 2009

I have installed the FMS 3.5 Server on a separate IP from our main Apache Server: The server is running Redhat Linux 2.6.18-128.1.10.el5
FMS 3.5 running on ***.***.**.138 using ports 1935, 8080 (Admin Server using port 1111)
Apache 2 running on ***.***.**.139 using port 80, 443. (several sites setup on this IP)
However, when accessing the fms_adminConsole.htm in the root directory of one of the domains on ***.***.**.139, all login attempts fail. I am connecting to localhost and using the assigned user and password set up in fms.ini. Using either IP fails as well. The FMS server is set up to listen to all hosts as no specific IPs were set.
/var/log/messages show that FMS and the Admin Server are up an running and listening:
Jul  7 12:15:37 228215-web1 Service[28196]: Server starting...
Jul  7 12:15:37 228215-web1 Service[28196]: Server started (/opt/adobe/fms/conf/Server.xml).


All other settings for FMS are default. This is my first time setting up FMS as a fresh install on a new unknown server and I am at a loss as to what settings to check or which files I may need to modify to get it to connect properly. It is a managed server is hosted by if that makes any difference.

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Media Server :: Deploy Video Using FMS / Apache / IIS Server Running On Win XP Pro?

Sep 28, 2009

Right now I do not have "server". Example: I do not have anything like windows sever 2000, 2003 etc. but I have and running IIS server on the same Windows XP Pro. On this very same machine I installed FMS server with the Apache that came with the FMS. I have read and followed the instructions time and time again in deferent ways to deploy my video on the server but no idea I used is working so my clients could view my videos. Looking forward to have site like "hulu" / "You Tube".

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Media Server :: Flash Media Server Taking Forever To Load Large Files

Jan 12, 2011

We purchased FMIS and we are encoding large 15+ hour MP4 recordings using flash media encoder. When opening these large files for playback, which have not been opened recently  the player displays the loading indicator for up to 4 minutes! Once it has apparently been cached on the server it opens immediately from any browser even after clearing local browser cache. So a few questions for the experts

1. Why is it taking so long to load the file. Is it because the MP4 metadata is in the wrong format and the file is so huge? I read somewhere that Media Encoder records with incorrect MP4 metadata is that still the case?
2. Once its cached on the server, exactly how much of it is cached. Some of these files are larger than 500mb.

3. What fms settings do you suggest I change. FMIS is running on windows server R2 64 bit, but FMIS itself is 32 bit. We have not upgraded to the 64 bit version. We have 8GB of ram. Is it OK to set FMS cache to 3GB. And would that only have enough room for 3-4 large files, because we have hundreds of them.

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Media Server :: Flash Media Server 4.5 Log Files Filed X-sname And X-event Detials

Mar 23, 2012

I am using flash media server 4.5 for video streaming and genrate log files. In log file i have found the user publish point name in "x-sname" filed but this filed contains blank values in many events.This fileds contains value only in "PUBLISH,UN_PUBLISH,RECORD and PUBLISH_CONTONUE" event and other then these 4 events all events are not user related event.?I like to fetch the user bandwidth detials using these log files which user used how many bandwidth.I also like to know I can see serval files on flash log folder name "access.00.log,access001.log and admin.00.log,admin.001.log" Any one please explain what is the name convation for this filed how can i identifiy which files contains information for which date.?

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Media Server :: Media Files Be Moved To Some Ftp Account Using Fms Server Side Script?

Mar 22, 2010

I need to move recorded media files at my fms account to some other ftp account. How can i achieve this through server side scripting.

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Media Server :: Installing Key In Running Dev Setup

Jan 10, 2011

I have been testing a project with no license key(Dev) and last week I purchased a Flash Streaming license but I go into the fms.ini and insert the key and restart FMS but my streams no longer work and the only error I seem to be getting is: Found Connection Penalty (RTMFP) on core launch, penalty active since time 1294334608.351221 I remove the key and restart the service and everything works fine.

I even tried reinstalling FMS and provide it the key when it asked in the installer but same issue. Is this error related to an issue with the licensing key? There is no error when I remove the key but can't get support through contacting Adobe by phone. I asked what is the proper way to install the key and they said they would open a ticket and contact me back but its been 2 days not including the weekend, I thought it would be a very simple question for the FMS dept that I was speaking with.

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Media Server :: User ID In Flash Media Server Log Files?

May 13, 2010

We may be using Flash Media Server in an intranet only scenario. All users will be watching the videos from Windows boxes. Our users who are creating the videos want to track usage by user ID. Does the server log the client's user ID? Is that what c-client-id is? If c-client-id is used to store Windows user name do I need to turn on AD/windows authentication to get that info? I see that IP address is stored, but it would be simpler if the user Id were in the log file.

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Media Server :: Detect If A Live Stream Is Running?

Jan 21, 2009

With the Flash Media Streaming Server (not the interactive version), is it possible to detect if a live stream is running? I want to show an overview of several live streams on one page. The ones that are not running should show as "offline". The others should show an online thumbnail. I don't want the visitors to have to go to all of the pages only to see that the stream is offline.

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Media Server :: Running FMS 3.5.3 On Amazon EC2 (Windows 2008)

Feb 8, 2010

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Media Server :: Running A Live Stream From An XML Playlist

Mar 25, 2010

I have just successfully installed Adobe FMS on my server. I would now like to know how to program a script to run a continuous live stream, of MP4 videos, from an XML playlist.

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Media Server :: Audio Distortion - Running FMS 4.5 On A Linux System With 4GB Of RAM?

Jan 3, 2012

I'm running FMS 4.5 on a Linux system with 4GB of RAM.Whenever I do a live broadcast from the server, the audio does a very strange thing. It sounds, ever so slightly, like an old record player where someone is occasionally (4-5 times a minute) putting a small amount of pressure on the speed of the record player and altering the pitch of the music. All my buffer settings are the default settings. It happens whether I'm doing CD quality audio or dialup 11025 kbps audio. I'm using MP3 for an audio format.

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Media Server :: Make In FMS Files(xml Files) In Order To Reduce The Latency

Sep 8, 2009

iam streaming my web cam to FMS .... i have got a latency of 1 -2 second,,,,,, What should i do to reduce the latency,,,,,, is ter any change i can make in FMS files(xml files) in order to reduce the latency......

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Media Server :: Core Process Restart/re-cycle Have An Impact On Fso/flv Of Running Session?

Apr 21, 2010

I came across a very strange issue. There was a session in which no fso has been recorded. It was a session of around 110min with more then 10 users as per the logs. Flv have been recorded for the session and I can see the chat text file which has been written from server side script but no fso has been recorded for the whole session. While cross checking the logs access log and Master log i saw that the last message recorded on that particular session was around 14:47 and in master log i see following lines:

2010-04-18 14:52:56 52768 (i)2581223 Core (56012) is no longer active. -2010-04-18 14:52:56 52768 (w)2581256 Core (56012) _defaultRoot_:_defaultVHost_:::_0 experienced 1 failure[s]! 56012 is the core process on which this session was running. So is it somehow related? I mean no fso being recorded on server with core recycling? In access log these are the last 2 messages on this core:disconnect session 2010-04-18 14:52:20 Central Daylight Time 56012connect session 2010-04-18 14:52:46 Central Daylight Time 56012 FMS server version is:FMS is 3.0.2Windows server 2003.

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Media Server :: Stream Data Instead Of Media Files?

Nov 29, 2009

Is there a way to stream data instead of media files? In particular I'm interested to stream swf files that will be dinamically loaded by another swf client. I see this interesting message talking about how to do this on Wowza but I prefer to find a solution also in FMS to use the SWF Verification feature.

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Media Server :: End User Search Media Files?

May 22, 2010

If an end user wants to view a certain file on the server but does not know the file name how can they search/locate it?As an administrator I have access to the VOD folder, but end users do not have admin rights.How does a user find the file they are looking for?

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Flash And Media (sound) Files Without Media Server?

Nov 20, 2010

Is it possible to record a sound clip directly on a linux server using a flash script without having a flash media server?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Writing And Modifying XML Files Using Server-Side / Flash Media Server?

Jul 8, 2009

can you write and modify XML files using server-side Actionscript? I've been going through Adobe's Server-side Actionscript reference, reading up on the File class that lets you modify files on the server, and the server-side XML class that lets you read and 'understand' XML data, but can you put them together and essentially edit XML files on the server?

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Media Server :: Change Recorded Stream Files Permissions From Server Side?

Dec 20, 2010

I need a way to set the permissions (ex 0777) for the recorded streams without calling any additionals scripts.

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Media Server :: Converting Files With Adobe Interactive Server?

Jul 20, 2009

I have Adobe Flash Media Server 3.01 installed on my server. I can record files via user's webcam and convert them to .flv with spesific compression sizes. But i want my users  my users to upload an .avi, .mpeg / .mpg, .mov etc file via an http form and after upload finishes i want fms to convert file to flv.
It can be done with the ffmpeg tool free but i wonder if interactive server has a feature like this.

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Media Server :: Server Is Not Streaming Files With A Length Of 2 Minutes?

Aug 2, 2011

I have a problem on streaming my files with the FMS 4. There are several testfiles on my VOD-directory, most of them with a length about 2 minutes. Altough there are some with 12 minutes. So if i want to play all those files with the StrobeMediaPlayer, only the files with a 12 minutes length are working, on the others the player ist sayin "We are unable to connect to the content you´ve requested. We apologize for the inconveniece.".ind any option or notice where it says there is a minimum lenght to stream... so whats going wrong here?Additional Infos:FLV, MP4H.264 + AAC

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Media Server :: Video Freezes When Overriding Flv Files On FMS Server

Aug 10, 2011

I have an flash application that captures a web cam video stream and stores it on the FMS server.I notice when I create a brand new video, and store it on my FMS server, it works fine.When I make another video and my application overrides the file with the new video, this is where I get problems.When I download the flv file from the FMS server, and I play it locally it plays fine, but the timeline is weird.The web player freezes the video during that first 15 seconds.A 30 second video, will have a time line of like 45 seconds, the local flv player is smart enough to skip over the paused part of the video.You will see it skip over the timeline to the good video (from 0sec to 15 secs). The web player freezes the video during that first 15 seconds.

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Media Server :: Hosting Files On A Different Web Server And Playing?

Jul 22, 2009

Is it possible to host my /media/ directory on a different server (that has more space) and have FMS Link to it to player VOD ?

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Media Server :: Why Does Cam Size Keep Changing

Jan 13, 2010

each time I test my client app, the camera settings (h & w) are different. It's a Creative Ultra Webcam. Ultimately I will be using a Canon XL2 but using the webby for testing.
I close the test, and restart it, then the settings are good.

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