ActionScript 3.0 :: Naming In Loader?
Dec 13, 2009
loader is display object but I could not set name to loader. In the documentation loader does not have property of "name". How to set name for loader instance. Example
var imgColl:Array=new Array("1.jpg","2.jpg");
var i:Number=0;
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Jan 23, 2009
I have two swf files, each one almost with the same classes, the most important one is a Singleton class, each swf does "singleton.getInstance()". The diference is that one swf is like a container and the other one is like a module. So when the container loads the module from an absolute path like loader.load("file://c:/modules/module.swf") or loader.load("[URL]"), two different singletons (same class) are created
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rectangle_mc.x = mouseX;
rectangle_mc.y = mouseY;
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Feb 5, 2009
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loadMyImage('images/headers/logo.png', 80, 20 );
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for (var i=0; i<2; i++){
var newBlock:blocks = new blocks();
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var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
var url:URLRequest=new URLRequest("foobar.swf");[code].....
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*** Security Sandbox Violation ***[code]...
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Edit: All this is happening when a class is instanced, and many copies of this class are being used as actors in a game. As the Actors are being created the older ones are losing their BitmapData to garbage cleanup. When all of them are finally loaded, only the last few are visible. I've rewritten my posted code as a class. If I prevent the Loaders from being cleaned up by somehow keeping a reference to them, the Bitmaps don't lose the data, but I don't want these Loaders hanging around.
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Aug 1, 2009
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var i:Number;
var aArray:Array = new Array();
for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
The output error is 1084: expecting identifier before aArray.
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public class Person extends MovieClip {
public function Person() { name = ??? // what goes here? }}
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Jun 5, 2011
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onPreTick(), onTick() and onPostTick()
onPreFrame(), onFrame(), and onPostFrame()
onPreUpdate(), onUpdate(), and onPostUpdate()
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Jun 6, 2011
or some reasons i need to create var dynamicaly.
I have first an Array wich i want to use to "compose" my vars names
myArray:Array = new Array("aa","bb","cc");
In my final project this Array is created from a xml.
I want to do something like this, but doesn't work...
var ["myvar" + myArray[0]]:Sound = new Sound();
var ["myvar" + myArray[1]]:Sound = new Sound();
var ["myvar" + myArray[2]]:Sound = new Sound();
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Dec 6, 2011
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Apr 2, 2012
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MC1 - instance name: 1
MC2 - instance name: 2
MC3 - instance name: 3
MC4 - instance name: 4
MC5 - instance name: 5
etc etc...
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Aug 4, 2010
I'm producing an array of thumbnails onto the stage from xml, all works fine, but I need to give them a unique number, starting from 0 etc. I believe I'm doing this right but I'm trying to trace back the ID/number from a mouse event...and keep getting the highest number for all of my instances.[code]
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Jan 4, 2011
I made a thread a couple days ago, but dont think i explained the problem well enough. What im trying to do is name each of the children.
Child 0 = A
Child 1 = B
Child 2 = C
all the way to Z. Then start at A again.
ActionScript Code:
function moveBubble(Event) { // This function handles the movement of the bubbles
if (!inPlay) return;
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Mar 13, 2011
I am working on a little project where I have this:
for (var py:int = 0; py < 6; py++)
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Feb 22, 2003
i have a problem whenever i name a movie and set its properties. whenever i use eval on the name it works,
i've heard you shouldn't use eval anymore because it's deprecated, and that you should use this[object]._property instead, but it's not working for me--am i doing it wrong?
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Jun 17, 2007
I am trying to assign meaningful names to buttons in a for loop based of the var mainBtn.mName. This would normally be easy but i need to to get the width of the buttons before it (the bold code) to work out the position of each button, any ideas how i can do this?
for (i=0; i<folder.length; i++) {
var mainBtn:MovieClip = mainMenu.attachMovie("button", "button"+i, i);
mainBtn.mName = folder[i];
mainBtn._x += mainMenu["button"+(i-1)]._x+mainMenu["button"+(i-1)]._width+btnSpacing;
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Jul 29, 2007
I created a slot machine and it works properly but i need it to do more. Currently when you spin the Reel, if you get any 4 of a kind its a jackpot. I need it so if you hit 4 "7's" lets say its different than hitting 4 "Bar's".On the main reel I have 4 frames with movie clips, each having a different (chip) and the end. I have set the random() function on them so it is completely random on how they hit. So my question do I set a variable name for the frames so I know that frame 1 is a "bar", frame 2 is a "7", frame 3 is a "cherry" and so on. That way when I write the "if" statements, I can compare them so a "7" is better than a "bar".
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