ActionScript 3.0 :: Overload A Native Class?

Nov 25, 2009

I'm not so confident in OOP, and I don't know if "overload" it's the right term.I want to add a method to the MovieClip Class, for example, how can I do that?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Override Or Overload Constructors Of Derived Classes Correct?

Nov 19, 2008

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1) So I create a base class called Actor which extends MovieClip save it as and default constructor of Actor() add whatever properties I want.

2) Then I create an object in my library, let's call it mcShip, then I link that symbol for export as ActionScript and have it's base class as Actor and name the class ShipMC.

3) I then create a new .as file and call this one, this class ShipActor extends ShipMC and then I create a default constructor ShipActor(gs:GameScreen, xA:Number,
yA:Number) and this works fine (also I create a method in Actor class called ActorSuper and call it from ShipActor with passed in arguments, since I don't know of a way to overload the parent class' constructor)

If I were to just have my mcShip with a base class of flash.display.MovieClip and I try to create ShipActor with the constructor above it says missing default constructor. The above 3 steps is the only way I can get it to work for now. Is there a way to overload the constructor? If not are there any other work arounds?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Text Input Control On Top Of Native TextField Class

May 18, 2010

I am creating a text input control on top of the native TextField class. I am trying to make the input text field itself behave in such a way that hitting Enter when focused and typing, instead of adding a line feed, produces a kind of "submit" event from my control, clearing the "submitted" text input. The described above works quite well. My problem is that I currently rob the users of my control the simple line-feeding ability - instead of a line-feed, a "submit" event is dispatched.

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theWindow.stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN_INTERACTIVE;
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Jun 30, 2009

I'm trying to add an event listener to a window that pops up (to the whole window) that will close that window when clicked on. Basically it's your typical about window that would be found in any program by hitting help, then about this program. I am using no chrome on it so I'd like to just be able to click it and have it close.

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Professional :: Printing From A Native Mobile App?

Dec 3, 2011

I'm on to designing my 3rd app. I have two already in the Android and Apple stores. Fairly simple ideas these were. Now, I've come across a bit of a challenge. I want to design an app that contains a database of text files, many also containing pictures. I'd like to have it where you can view these files on, lets say, the iPad, and then print them wirelessly, or send them to yourself in an email, so they can be printed elsewhere.

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C++ :: Pass An Image To The Native Process?

Aug 30, 2011

I am trying to make an AIR application, that needs to pass an image (.jpg/.png) to a C++ app, that does number crunching.(this needs to be done very often, like every 2-3 seconds.) I've managed to pass the image by saving it to disk via AIR, then opening this file with the C++ program (and passing the filename as an argument to the C++ program), but this method is really slow, because it involves lots of disk I/O.

Is there a method to send an image directly to a native process?

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Mar 22, 2012

The structure of my ANE file looks like this:


If ExtensionDll.dll uses the functions in the other Dll, the extension won't load. DllMain is not called. It seems like DllUsedByExtensionDll. dll is not in the Dll search path when the air application uses the extension is running. How should I make the application find the extra Dlls, if I don't want to put them into some common Dll path?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Native Code From It?

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Is there a mechanism by which native code can be called from within ActionScript?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Content To Native Window?

Jul 13, 2011

I used the following code to create a new window using ActionScript 3 with AIR 2.6, but I am unsure of how to put anything in the window.

ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.NativeWindow;
import flash.display.NativeWindowInitOptions;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Disable Native Browser Shortcuts?

Feb 3, 2011

Are native browser shortcuts(e.g. CTRL+T opens new tab) enabled/disabled be default? How can I enable/disable them?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Ways To Disable Native Shortcuts?

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I'm working on a big app. I need to enable back native keyboard shortcuts(e.g. CTRL+T opens new tab). e.isDefaultPrevented() called in handler returns false, but still when I press CRTL+T new tab is not opened. Is there some other way to disable keyboard shortcuts except e.preventDefault()?

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Should this be supported  in FP CS5?  Can I update flash.ui to include support?  Is it supported  in FPCS5.5?

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Works well when set to x86, but don't work when set to x64.

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Dec 1, 2009

I'm considering using Flash as the UI of a native Windows app, for several reasons, but before I dive in and start building, I figured I'd poll the community to find out whether anyone's got any good examples of this particular approach out there today, just to prove the concept satisfactorily. So I guess that's pretty much the question: Anyone built one specifically? Or better, anyone know of an app in relatively wide distribution that demonstrates the viability of this approach?

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