ActionScript 3.0 :: Position Circles Around The Circumference Of A Circle?
Nov 18, 2009
I'm trying to create a flash app which creates and positions circles around the circumference of a circle. My issue is that my grasp of trigonometry is flimsy at best and I'm struggling to create the code.
Here is what I have so far (Called rotation matrix, because that's eventually what I will be using on it):
ActionScript Code:
package com
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Sprite;
A number of circles (a.b,c etc.) drawn on the circumference of a circle X.
When + button is clicked, a new circle is added on the circumference which makes thar circle X expand. When a circle 'a' is drag and dropped to a garbage image, circle 'a' gets deleted making the circle X shrink in size.
I'm not so hot with this type of math.I'm trying to duplicate and position a movieclip (not animate around circle just place) around the circumference of a circle.The part I'm having a hitch with is respecting the movieclip's angle.I'm setting the movieclip's registration point at the bottom center.
How to make a point rotate about the circumference of a circle upon dragging. How do I go about doing it? Is there something to do with the startDrag(...); ? From what I have right now, I can move the point but not on the circumference of the circle.
how to randomly animate circles moving around inside a bigger circles? the small circles will have a collision effect on each other and on rollover of each individual circle, the name of it will come out in the bottom.. so the big circle will act as a wall preventing them from coming out..
I am trying to animate a circle from a position to another, but the speed is like "easeIn" twining animation. The moving speed start high and ending a smooth slow animation like easing. I know It can be done thru easing. but its not helping to my animation which i am doing currently. So pls someone help to do this by "EnterFrame" event.
Circle starting position : 10 px Cricle Ending position : 500 px Starting Speed : 20px /per sec Ending Speed : 1 px / per sec
So what will be the speed in middle of somewhere ?
What I'm doing is taking an image and "folding" it into a cylinder. I am then placing smaller images at certain points in front of that image. The large image isn't big enough to make a decent-sized cylinder, so I had to use it twice, which is fine. So now I need to create doubles of every small image that goes in and place them at opposite points (from the top perspective) in the cylinder.
Here's my problem: I want my inputs to be a simply x and y representing where the object would be if it were overtop of the flat large image. I take those inputs and (attempt) to convert the x coordinate into an angle, with which I can calculate the object's x and z position, as well as its y-rotation. However, my input range seems to be much more limited than it should be. The problem seems to lie in my angle calculation, since the others are pretty standard. Here's what I'm using right now:
I'm trying to find a random x,y value that always is at the far end of a circle. Like if the circle has a diameter of 300 pixels and the centerpoint is at 50,50, I want a random position on the outskirts of that circle. Just cant seem to do it.
anyone know of any tutorials or any codes on how to randomly animate circles moving around inside a bigger circles? the small circles will have a collision effect on each other and on rollover of each individual circle, the name of it will come out in the bottom.. so the big circle will act as a wall preventing them from coming out.. yeah, by the way i have attched the file so more or less u will understand wat im saying.
I have a circle and a square on the stage. When you click on the square the circle will go to "circle._x = 300" when the circle is at 300 I want to make it when you click on the square the circle will go "circle._x = 45"
Code: moveCircle = function () { circle._x = 300; if (circle._x >= 300) { circle._x = 45; }} square.onRelease = function() { moveCircle(); trace(circle._x + "is the position of the circle"); }
I am having a problem creating a slice of a pie chart. - The slices are accurate up to 90 deg,. - I can't get both sides of the triangle to draw from the centre to the circumference.
//Input value = 10% of 100 var value1:Number = 10; //Convert to decimal var persent:Number = value1/100; var deg:Number = persent*360; [Code] .....
I've got two concentric circles with their centers at (centerX,centerY). The inner circle has a radius of 100 and the outer circle has a radius of 400. If take a point on the circumference of the inner circle, I can draw a line from the center to that point. Let's call that point x1,y1). I now want to continue that radius out to the outer concentric circle and calculate the position of that outer point (x2,y2).
I'm adding a 3px 'dot' just to show where x1, y1 is on the screen. (Subquestion: I can't see it...not sure why.)This is what I'm trying:
var x1:Number = 100; var y1:Number = 50; var x2:Number;[code].............
I'm developing a game atm, and I need some help on the mathematics/coding of colliding circles (and their change in x/y speed). What i need to know is how to calculate the direction and speed a circle has after colliding with a static (non-moving) circle. I know how to detect a collision between the two, but I'm not sure about the maths I need to give the circle the right speed and direction after the collision
If i do know how far away the two circle-points (in the middle of each) are to each other (in both x and y coords) would it be easy for me to find the new speed and direction of the large circle in the example above? I know that I somehow should use the angles to pretend the circle hits a flat "wall" (as it only hits one point), and then calculate the new speed/direction. My only problem is that I'm not sure how to decide the angle of this flat "wall" and how x and y speeds should change when colliding with a wall that is angled. Does anyone here have any insight, links or tips on how I can du this?
What i need to know is how to calculate the direction and speed a circle has after colliding with a static (non-moving) circle. I know how to detect a collision between the two, but I'm not sure about the maths I need to give the circle the right speed and direction after the collision.If i do know how far away the two circle-points (in the middle of each) are to each other (in both x and y coords) would it be easy for me to find the new speed and direction of the large circle in the example above? I know that I somehow should use the angles to pretend the circle hits a flat "wall" (as it only hits one point), and then calculate the new speed/direction. My only problem is that I'm not sure how to decide the angle of this flat "wall" and how x and y speeds should change when colliding with a wall that is angled.
I`m working on a app that you can draw circles, rectangles... my problem is when a user draw a circle for example....i wanna be able to paint (change color) inside of this circle. I`ve tried working on Shapes with cacheAsBitmap = true and Bitmaps with BitmapData but it doesn`t seens to work.
Trying to do circle circle collisions via math which I'm really having trouble with. One circle (player) just moves from keyboard. The ball reacts to the player. All the code shown is in my players class and I passed in a reference to the ball.
On my enterframe I have:
Code: var xmov1 = xSpeed; var ymov1 = ySpeed; var xmov2 = ballRef.xSpeed; var ymov2 = ballRef.ySpeed;
Perhaps I'll go with a box2d equivalent instead of trying out my own physics shenanigans.
Here I what i need is : Start drawing first circle and when first circle is on half way, Start second circle.same way second and third circles. and after completing 3 circles, just gotoAndPlay 2nd Frame .
I have a simple three ring animation where the three rings fade in and out.On the stage the rings are a perfect circle, in the publish preview they look fine, but once I publish the SWF, all of the sudden the rings are not perfectly round anymore.
They are almost perfect but right at the top and bottom there is just a small portion which has sort of "flattened out"...
I bought a Flash video tutorial online for Animating and the FIRST step is to create a circle with the circle tool, and the guy does it online, and it fills itself in. I repeat his actions exactly and I cannot get the same result at all. I just get a circle.
I have two MC's, circular in shape. One of the circles is stationary and you can drag the other. I'm trying to get the moveable circle to be able to move around the circumference of the stationary circle, but not overlap. I'm able to detect when they overlap, not using hittest. I just can't figure out how to code it so that the draggable circle can't be moved over the stationary circle.
I have been trying to get this right for hours now it cant be as hard as I am finding it! but basically I have a circle and in that circle is a circle and all I want is for the inner circle to not be able to leave its parent. that's it but I just cant get it to work.
I got to create an app with 3 draggable circles. (Red,Green,Blue). At the centre overlay the RGB needs to display the mixed RGB. I.e if red and blue, overlay display magenta. If green and red overlay display yellow. If red, blue and green overlay display white, etc.