ActionScript 3.0 :: Process For Feeding XMLList Values To URLRequest Method?

Dec 18, 2009

What is the process for feeding XMLList values to a URLRequest method?

Say I have an array:

ActionScript Code:
var imageURLS:Array = ["images/image1.png", "images/image2.png", "images/img3.png"];


Way I see it is the traces above are the same, where am I wrong?

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<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" />


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var lyrics:Array = new Array();
var lyricNum:Number;
function getLyrics(xmlData)


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i am working on a flash portfolio that is supposed to be fed from a MySQL database. Until early today everything worked just fine, but then i had to change the structure of my database. initially i had just 2 tables, news and work... now i added links, photo, digital etc, and dropped work. and it just doesn't work anymore... it's strange as i did nothing to the news section for example...

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Actionscript 3 :: Apply Formatting To Data Feeding AdvancedDataGrid?

May 19, 2011

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For example, the data provider is:

If a String from the dataprovider Array is preceded by an asterisk - as is the case for banana in this example - the String needs to be surrounded by square brackets and be displayed in a grey colour.

I tried to do the following: [CODE]

A colleague told me about using the AdvancedDataGridColumn's labelFunction attribute. I tried that but was unable to do the following assignment (the id of the column is 'tag'):

[CODE]tag.itemEditor.htmlText = formattedText;[/CODE]

I get error "Access of possibly undefined property htmlText through a reference with static type mx.core:IFactory.I tried to both explicitly extract the TextInput itemEditor (like I did for the override set data) AND use the labelFunction, but I couldn't get both to be in the correct scopes.

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Aug 10, 2004

i am working on a flash portfolio that is supposed to be fed from a MySQL database. Until early today everything worked just fine, but then i had to change the structure of my database. initially i had just 2 tables, news and work... now i added links, photo, digital etc, and dropped work... and it just doesn't work anymore... it's strange as i did nothing to the news section for example...i have included the fla, the php scripts that send the XML to flash as well as a query of my database in the following zip archive... [URL]

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Aug 10, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get XML Into An XMLList?

Jan 15, 2010

Trying to get XML into an XMLList, having seemingly nonsensical problems.

import flash.display.*;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Slider Input Values - Can't Get The Output Values To Add Up?

Dec 6, 2010

I've gotten these sliders to work but can't get the output values to add up. For instance, depending on the values for slider 1, 2 and 3, I need the total to show up in a separate text box. I keep getting a NaN message in the text box.Here's the code I have so far:

//item 1
sliderOne.width = 600;
sliderOne.value = 0;[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Return An XMLList

May 19, 2009


xmlList is alive and well in the xmlLoaded function. I need to access it in the loadMusic.fla.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Difference Between XML And XMLList?

Oct 25, 2011

difference between XML and XMLList in my example code? I am passing a node to the function and extracting the url of the file:

private function getFile(node:XMLList):String {
var file:String;
for(var i:uint=0; i<node.children().length(); i++) {
trace("Test 1: "+node.children()[i].@id);


Why do I have to have 'current' as XML and not as XMLList? I thought XMLList's with length == 1 are handled as XML's anyway, aren't they?

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Xml :: Add / Remove From XMLList While In A Loop?

Oct 28, 2009

I am trying to parse some XML i have retrieved via e4x in an HTTPService. The loop works and for each episode in the list it goes through the loop. However i get the following error when it is trying to append to an XMLList.TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.I am trying to query the local SQLite database and see if the episode exists (working) and if it does append to one xmllist and if not then append to the other xmllist.

public static function seasonFavHandler(evt:ResultEvent):void {
Application.application.ManagePage.selectedShow =
Application.application.ManagePage.gridFavourites.selectedItem as XML;


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AS3 :: Tell When XMLlist Object In Contains A Node?

Mar 17, 2010

How can you tell if an XMLlist object in AS3 contains a specific node?

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Xml :: Select Items From XmlList?

Apr 7, 2010

My Flash designer is reading an XML stream I'm sending back to the browser (I'm a C# dev). We have this working fine.

He is then selecting into an XMLList where a element has its id a certain value i.e. . This is also working just fine.

In this XmlList, are Events, that look a little something like this:

end event

I don't know how to use the formatting here - but each of those items is an element. startdate would have a value such as 04/02/2010 and enddate 6/30/2010.

Now, from this XmlList I do have of Events, I need to select all Events where a new variable myDate, falls in between the startdate and enddate.

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