IDE :: Feeding Sight Info To Flash?
Apr 21, 2010
My flash files are in the root directory, while I have seperate HTML pages in different folders. I want the Flash project to react slightly differently depending on what web page the project was opened from.
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May 9, 2011
I've for a while now been trying to work out an efficient way to see if something is in something else's line of sight. A good example is having a sphere that fires a rocket at you if it can see you - but obviously not if you're behind a wall.
Here's how I generally went about doing this:
function cast(end:GameObject, walls:Array, accuracy:uint=10):Object
var xp:Number = skin.x;
var yp:Number = skin.y;
Works, but as we know this will get extremely slow with each new rocket added or as the amount of impassable objects increases.
I'm assuming there's a really simple efficient way that I'm missing - I mean, all games do it (Diablo, etc) with hundreds of enemies that don't do anything unless you're visible.
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Aug 10, 2004
i am working on a flash portfolio that is supposed to be fed from a MySQL database. Until early today everything worked just fine, but then i had to change the structure of my database. initially i had just 2 tables, news and work... now i added links, photo, digital etc, and dropped work. and it just doesn't work anymore... it's strange as i did nothing to the news section for example...
i have included the fla, the php scripts that send the XML to flash as well as a query of my database in the following zip archive..[URL]..
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Mar 30, 2011
how the line of sight works in 2d? Which will be really help full for my 2d experiments. The experiment am working is a simple 2d simulation. Player move in the world from one place to other , my world exactly looks like this. I did the character movement successfully from one way point to other (A to G) , my goal is - when the character passes each point it has to perform some search in that area before it leaves to next point. To achieve I felt way point is better solution , can anyone help me on this.
Edit :
As soon as the player enters a room/checkpoint I will take user to next scene like this where the pickups are place some where on the canvas and my player have to collect them all and leave the area - Back to Map scene.
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Aug 10, 2004
i am working on a flash portfolio that is supposed to be fed from a MySQL database. Until early today everything worked just fine, but then i had to change the structure of my database. initially i had just 2 tables, news and work... now i added links, photo, digital etc, and dropped work... and it just doesn't work anymore... it's strange as i did nothing to the news section for example...i have included the fla, the php scripts that send the XML to flash as well as a query of my database in the following zip archive... [URL]
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Aug 10, 2009
I have to dynamic text boxes; one is for articles and the other is supposed to bu for navigation of the articles. I have a variable set up for the article dynamic text box and I want the navigation part to be filled in via text file. so I need to find a way for the information that's fed in to the navigation part to functions as buttons and when they are clicked a variable should pass though flash telling is what story to display. for instance if you click stereohype then storyvar == stereohype. see what I mean? I could do it all in flash but i'm trying to make it where I don't have to touch the flash file after it's completed and everything can just be manipulated via text files with html php xml you name it, what ever works.
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Jun 22, 2011
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Actionscript Code:
var scrollBarPercent = Math.round(scrollBar.dragger._y / [code]........
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Dec 2, 2010
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The way i have planned on doing it is setting it up so that on frame 199 it jumps back to frame 1, then when the button is clicked it will carry on playing until the end of the 199 frames and the move on to frame 200 where it will play the loop with the new elements in.
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Jul 7, 2008
I am pulling in some lyrics from an xml file, and Im wanting to store them in an array, so I can access them from time to time, after the initial xml code has been fired.
var lyrics:Array = new Array();
var lyricNum:Number;
function getLyrics(xmlData)
trace(lyrics);//this won't pick up the array - Why when I have placed my variable outside of the for loop in the root code!?I have laid my case in the code where the traces reside.why I cant access the array after the for loop has been processed - it says it is undefined.
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Feb 7, 2008
I'm forgetting the correct syntax here. I've got a function that I want to feed an array of movie clip names into, like so:
var clipArray:Array = new Array();
function revealDetails(clipArray):Void {
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Jun 29, 2010
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Aug 20, 2010
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May 19, 2011
I'm using the Halo AdvancedDataGrid component, in which the default itemEditor for each column is mx.controls.TextInput.
For example, the data provider is:
If a String from the dataprovider Array is preceded by an asterisk - as is the case for banana in this example - the String needs to be surrounded by square brackets and be displayed in a grey colour.
I tried to do the following: [CODE]
A colleague told me about using the AdvancedDataGridColumn's labelFunction attribute. I tried that but was unable to do the following assignment (the id of the column is 'tag'):
[CODE]tag.itemEditor.htmlText = formattedText;[/CODE]
I get error "Access of possibly undefined property htmlText through a reference with static type mx.core:IFactory.I tried to both explicitly extract the TextInput itemEditor (like I did for the override set data) AND use the labelFunction, but I couldn't get both to be in the correct scopes.
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Jun 26, 2009
if you look at the code:: barn is an instance of an MC on stage. I have a few buttons stored in an array which i want to attach scripts with a for loop. Why does adding an item from the array not work when placed inside the function call?
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Dec 18, 2009
What is the process for feeding XMLList values to a URLRequest method?
Say I have an array:
ActionScript Code:
var imageURLS:Array = ["images/image1.png", "images/image2.png", "images/img3.png"];
Way I see it is the traces above are the same, where am I wrong?
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Oct 15, 2009
I need to make a projects that when a section is rolled over a info box appears. It is similar if not exactly like the link below.I have a solid basic working knowledge of flash and actionscript. Been working with Flash for few years, but it has all been basic work, nothing too complex.
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Apr 6, 2011
In FlashBuilder's compiler options (Properties->Flex Compiler), under "Adobe Flash Player options" there is an option for "Use a specific version", where you can tell it what Flash Player to link against:
How do I get this value at runtime? Note that I am not talking about the Flash Player version, but the version that the swf was linked against.
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Nov 7, 2008
I would like to have a third party exchange english language text in a swf file with translation-text in other languages. They would like to do it via XML. Is there a place where I can look up some basic info on how to write XML code (beginner), or find a script that lets me exchange text/content via XML?
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May 25, 2004
I have a simpel bottom function that needs to pass variable to a php search page. I have listed the vars:
NAME="newSearch" VALUE="1"
NAME="searchType" VALUE="1"
NAME="searchArea" VALUE="0"
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May 25, 2004
I have a simpel bottom function that needs to pass variable to a php search page. I have listed the vars:
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Jan 20, 2010
On the About Us and Services pages there is a link to open up a pop up box. This works fine but for some reason if I change the text in one section, for instance the "our team" pop up box text the pop up box on the Services page "read more" and "paranormal info" box has the same text displayed.I can't seem to find where to change the text for each box individually. If you visitI've uploaded the .fla file to the server also if someone is kind enough to have a look for me and point me in the right direction. You can download this from:
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Nov 16, 2010
I have a very simple php script that I'm using to check and set a cookie. I'm running this script from a Flash file, but it's not working properly. If I enter the direct URL to the php file in my browser, it works perfectly. However, if I access it through Flash it doesn't seem to recognise that the cookie has been set.
Here is my php code:
$expiry = date("U", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") + 1, date("y")));
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May 25, 2010
I'm populating a listbox like this: dp.addItem( {label:"red dress", data:"OV4MP/23OL.swf"} ); Instead of data:"OV4MP/23OL.swf", I would like to make part of the data file name a variable from a dynamic textbox named centerPt that belongs to the parent movieclip, so I did this: dp.addItem( {label:"red dress", data:"OV4MP/23"+MovieClip(parent.parent).centerPt.text+".swf"} );
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Nov 7, 2010
I want to first try to retrieve $_COOKIE[a],if it's not available then retrieve $_GET['a']
How to do this in actionscript?
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Jul 21, 2011
I want to make a loading bar but at first I need to have loading info per enter frame. This is how I do it but it seem not working.
var mapLoader : Loader = new Loader( );
var mapLoaderInfoLoad:Number;
var mapLoaderInfoTotal:Number;
public function engine() {
[Code] .....
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Jul 16, 2009
OK, I have a flash file which has a download button. This is in a php page. We have a php session in the header named sourceID= etc....
We tried putting the following url into the flash download button same as the php links on our page - [URL] echo (int)$_GET['sourceID'] ?> but it doesnt pick up the sourceID information.
i.e what to put in the php page and what to use for the getURL link in flash.
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Nov 27, 2004
so i got the info all in the database and then i have a php page that goes and retrieves the id that the e-mail sent through. here is my code on the load.php page so far:
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Jun 27, 2009
I have a page display people's name and when you click on a name information such as age, height, and weight are displayed. In Flash, can you create the same thing? I know with displaying data from a database you have to have dynamic text boxes set up to load the info but can you have it set up so you can load a name from a database and THEN click that name to have it load the other info?
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