ActionScript 3.0 :: See Outlines When Use The Shape Tool In CS5?
May 25, 2011
When I open action script 2 or 3 in CS5, and draw a rectangle or any shape, I can only see outlines? The problem IS NOT the outlines button that is in the layers palet as I have changed this many times and it has mad no difference and the problem IS NOT because I have selected no fill or colour for the shape. If you want to see a screenshot of my computer follow this link as I have exactly the same problem [URL]
BUT interestingly, when I have opened someone elses .fla work document, I can draw and fill shapes without a problem, which makes me wonder whether I am missing some basis setting when I start with my own new document ??
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Attachments: flash-problem.jpg (308.2 K)
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package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class Base extends MovieClip {
public var baseHP:int = 50;
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