ActionScript 3.0 :: Swf Does Not Work As An External Swf?

Oct 12, 2009

it works fine independently as a stand alone But Now i need to get it to work as an external movie swf within my main swf movie. I have managed to load it into the movie but the panning no longer works. Im guessing this problem is something to do with the levels but i have no idea what.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: External Interface Call Doesn't Work With Function That Is On External JS File

Apr 17, 2012

I am using in AS3 "External Interface ". When I call the JS function that is on the same page as swf everything works fine.

I added a link in the html page to an external JS file, when I move the JS function to the external JS file the website crushes.

I would prefer to have all my JS functions on an external file so I can use them in the future in other project and it also makes it easier for me to update the site.

how to call a JS function that is on an external file from AS3?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader For External Swf's - Doesn't Work For The External Movies?

May 22, 2005

... I've had my preloader successes already, but something still doesn't work for the external movies... I'm loading the main movie - which contains several chapters, loaded as external swf's - with the following preloader on the first frame, rest content from second frame on:


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AS3 :: External Preloader Won't Work

Aug 14, 2010

I'm trying to create a preloader for a site I am creating. Originally I was going to make it an internal preloader, but I ran into that issue where the preloader doesn't start until 50% (or more). After searching these forums for a solution to "that" issue, I found it suggested that the best way to fix it is simply do an external preloader instead.

When testing the preloader using the bandwidth editor, I see that the preloader animation isn't starting now until it's at 100%, instead I simply get a white screen. Once it reaches 100% the preloader animation runs through and then...nothing. My main.swf doesn't load. It just stops.

Here is my code:

var fileToLoad:Loader = new Loader();
var fileURL:String = "testmovie.swf";
var fileRequest: URLRequest = new URLRequest(fileURL);


preloader is my movieclip with the animation, and preloader.loading_txt is a textbox inside that mc which displays the % loaded. I wanted to make it so that once the preloader (and its animation) reach 100%, the preloader mc then plays frames 101 - 124 (which are a small transition animation into the main site). Once it reaches 124 it's supposed to call the main.swf to load.

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Doesn't Work When Loaded Into External Swf?

Aug 30, 2011

I've only been working with flash for about 3 weeks and I'm fairly new to programming soI'm using Flash CS5 with AS3 btw.

// Custom Mouse Controls


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Buttons Don't Work On External .swf

May 31, 2009

I have a container .swf file which takes care of loading a menu.swf and maincontent.swf.  I finally got these working together and loading at the same time, but now I ran into another problem.  None of the menu buttons work.  It loads and XML takes care of creating the buttons and adding dynamic text to them.  I also have it set up so that the mouse's hover position over the clip scrolls it horizontally (because there are too many buttons to show at once).  All of this functionality works correctly.  However, the buttons' rollovers, clicks, etc. do not register.
The cursor turns into the hand cursor over the entire movie clip into which the menu is loaded, and I'm assuming there is some problem with the events only targeting the clip it is loaded in, and not the buttons themselves.  It works fine when testing it by itself.  I've just recently begun working with Flash, and I learned AS3.  However, I was given pre-existing commercial software to work with which was written in AS2, and now I've converted all of my work, and this is the problem I am running into.  By the way, it seems to always come up from what I've seen, though I don't understand much about it -- _lockroot is set to true.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Buttons In External Swf Don't Work

Jan 12, 2009

I am loading an external swf in an empty movie clip in my main movie. Within the external swf are several buttons (in a scrollpane). I have this code written on a frame within a movieclip which contains the buttons:

thumb_1.onRelease = function () {

"thumb_1" is the instance name of the button, "big1" is the name of the frame the button goes to when clicked. All of this works fine untill I bring it into my main movie. I believe the problem has something to do with the "_root." command. I think the main movie is trying to find a frame within its timeline, rather than the external swf. Know what I mean? Anyway, all I know for sure is that the buttons within my external swf don't work when loaded in my main movie.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: External SWF Files Won't Work?

Oct 23, 2009

there is an index file, which links every menu item to an external SWF file.

So I finish the project, test it on my computer, and everything is fine.

But when I upload it into my server (uses cPanel), all the links (load SWF) work except a few. But it work on my PC perfectly. I tried everything to make them work, but they are still blank.

By the way, my website is [URL] The two tabs that don't work are "contribute" and distribute".

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ActionScript 2.0 :: External Interface Does Not Work In IE?

Dec 4, 2009

External interface does not work in IE when we keep the flash inside a form..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Buttons Don't Work In External SWF?

Feb 18, 2010

I have a main fla file that loads three external swf's depending on which of the buttons are clicked in the main fla. These buttons work fine. The three external SWF's are all flip books. The page turns correctly on the book itself, but buttons I put at the bottom so that there is a right and left arrow for page turning do not work when loaded into the main fla. These buttons work when the swf is playing by itself, but when the main fla externally loads the swf, theses left and right buttons don't work.

You can see it here: [URL]

This is the actionscript on the buttons that work when they play individually, but you'll see in the editorial book on the site, the left and right buttons do not work.

on(release) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: External AS3 File Does Not Work

Apr 17, 2011

I am relatively new to AS3 - can you please tell me why the gotoAndStop in the following external AS3 file does not work. The frame named "start" is on the stage timeline so I suspect it may be looking for it in the movieclip that the listener is attached to.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button Won't Work After External Swf Opens?

Sep 11, 2009

I have a movieclip that gets loaded from the menu (addchild) from that movieclip I press a button which makes the loaded movieclip go to frame 15, on that frame the external swf loads. THEN when I press a button after that the button animation just flickers and no reaction when I click it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading External SWF - Timer Does Not Work

Sep 19, 2011

I have been trying to create a preloader for a quiz I have made, and it causing me crazy amount of stress. The loader its self is very simple....


So there is nothing too strange there.... the problem I am having is that my quiz has a timer on it, and on the first question the timer does not work.. On the odd occasion it does like 2 seconds and then freezes. I am completely lost to why it is doing this! The quiz works PERFECTLY when not being run via the preloader, so it must be related to the loading process itsself.

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Professional :: Loaded External Swf Does Not Work Properly?

Oct 13, 2010

I'm trying to create universal loader of flash games on one entertainment site. What I want is to make some kind of container (SWF A) which will load another flash to it (SWF B) (by some params).
SWF B could be anything - AS1 / AS2 or AS3 flash. SWF A is programmed with AS3. Problem is that not all SWF games, which I try to load, works fine. Some games lost their click events, some games does not load at all, some games are corrupted. When I run that games separately (not using my loader), games work just fine. Why is this happening? Why some flash games are not working properly after loading by another flash?
I'm using Loader object to handle this, without any special settings - same as on examples on AS3 Bible book...

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Actionscript 3 :: Loading Fonts From External SWF - Some Work, Some Do Not

Dec 16, 2011

I have saved a dozen Fonts into separate swf files (embedded in the library of their respective .fla files). I am loading up to four of them and whilst most of them work, the script silently fails for Arial and Times New Roman. These fonts have been embedded and compiled the same as the others, and when I trace the available fonts I get an object saying that the required font has been loaded ([Object { fontName="Arial", fontStyle="regular", fontType="embedded"}]), however the text is not being rendered. If I change which font to use then the text is rendered using the correct font and performs as expected. It is only with these two fonts that I have a problem with.Is there a common problem with embedding these two fonts or is it possible I have changed a setting somewhere?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Buttons Within The External Swf File Do Not Work?

Jan 16, 2009

I built a flash site. The site's navigation is an external swf file. The file loads fine. However, the buttons within the external swf file do not work. I have a simple goto webapage behavior attached to each of them.

I'm assuming it has something to do with paths. I do not know what the proper code is in order to make a button inside an external swf file change the web page.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading External SWF Does Not Work In HTML

May 17, 2010

I have an swf movie embedded into HTML (it's designed to work as a webpage) but for some reason my links to load external swf movies into a placeholder don't work when the main movie is embedded, but are fine in a flash player.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Buttons Doesn't Work In The External Swf?

Nov 17, 2010

I searched every where but didn't have a solution. my main content has a button in the first frame I call it (wright_btn) when u click on it, u suppose to go to next frame this is a part of the code in the first frame:

ActionScript Code:
wright_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, wrightAnswer);
function wrightAnswer(event:MouseEvent):void


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting Transitions Between External Swfs To Work?

Jun 12, 2005

i've used an empty moveclip and loaded external swfs into it using buttons. Each of the swfs has an intro and outro and uses the transition action script from the tutorial on this website. When I navigate through the site on my computer the transitions work fine, but when I go to the actual uploaded site none of the movies load up. All of the swfs are in the same folder on the site so surely I only need the "the_name.swf" as the path.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Checking External SWF's On Work In Progress?

Apr 7, 2006

I'm checking work in progress with external swf's and the output error log keeps looping an "error opening URL". I don't want to sound stupid but is this because I'm saving each file as an .fla and the ActionScript is in swf's??

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ActionScript 2.0 :: External Swf Buttons No Longer Work

May 7, 2006

The site I'm building has seperate swf's for each page...and I have the external swfs loading into the site. But my problem is that when I am on one of the external swf pages that has been loaded, and it has buttons on it, none of these buttons work. They work when I test the swf by itself, but once my main movie loads the swf into the site, the buttons within the swf no longer work.

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IDE :: Loading External .as Files Wont Work?

Nov 13, 2009

I havent been on here in a while, and about the same time I have gone without programming.Here is my delimaI have a game and I need to load an .as into a section of my flash. this is the code I have. It's on a "Checker" movie clip.[AS]

_global.eyes = _root.eyesP._currentframe; //Global Eyes Setter
_global.mouth = _root.mouthP._currentframe; //Global Mouth Setter


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Won't Work When Loaded As External Swf?

Jul 7, 2004

i am using Kirupa's Transitions Between External SWFs tutorial to design my site. One of the external swfs i am using has a pic scroller with thumbnails, but when a thumbnail is clicked, nothing happens. When I load the pic scroller movie by itself, it works fine.

check out these links to see what i am talking about... (only the first two thumbnails of pic scroller have actions)

movie with transitions

pic scroller alone

The actionscript that is actually on the thumbnail button is:

on (release) {
loadMovie("detective.swf", "_root.content");

i am guessing there is something wrong with that _root part? Also, you have to click on 4 movie clips before you actually get to the button, so that might be causing some problems.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Link Doesn't Work In An External HtmlText

Jun 7, 2009

I am trying to fix this problem. My external text display fine and also the CSS. The problem is when I am using any tag in html like <a> doesn't work, doesn't try to open the link and also the mouse doesn't change to the default hand. I am attaching my code in AS3. If you see I am using a scroller and also a mask.[code]

View 11 Replies

Professional :: SWF Flash Won't Work With External Videos In A Browser?

Jun 5, 2010

I created a flash website component and everything works great in flash when I preview it, or if I view it from my hard drive via the flash player. All the flash components work except for the external videos. When I try to add it to my html file in dreamweaver and then publish it, none of the videos pop up, just the main layout.I've searched every forum and tried everything I saw and still no luck.I was able to get it to work if I link directly to html, but not if I'm linking to my hard drive which I upload to the server.Here is a link to both the html file and the swf file[URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: X And Y Movement Wont Work In External Class?

Oct 21, 2009

I'm creating a small game that basically moves a movieclip around the stage using the arrow keys. I found some code on the web that worked fine but when I added it as an external class as oppose to a timeline script part of it stopped working.The script is supposed to change the appearance of the MC depending on what arrow key is pressed (this is the gotoAndStop entry in the if statement), this works fine but it is also supposed to move on the x and y but now it won't after changing to external as file. I'm stuck please see the code below.I've added the correct class name to the MC and selected the export for ActionScript, I don't get any error messages,

import flash.display.MovieClip;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Work With Public Functions And External AS Files?

Feb 26, 2012

so I've worked with AS for a while now but I've always managed to avoid using external AS files so my knowledge of how to work with them is lacking. Right now I'm trying to work with the sample files from the vimeo API found a the bottom of the page here: It all works fine but I'm confused about how to call functions in these external files.I want to dynamically change the video being played from the fla file and have how to call the function VimeoPlayer from the fla file

ActionScript Code:
VimeoPlayer('XXXX', 35697686, 640, 360);
ActionScript Code:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mouse Events In External Movie Don't Work.

Jan 15, 2004

I have an external .swf that I'm loading into a main one. The external one has actionscripting which reacts to the mouse. When exported on it's own, the scripting works fine but when loaded into the main one, nothing works. There are no references to the _root in the external swf either.

View 7 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Wont Work When Loaded As External Swf?

Jul 7, 2004

i am using Kirupa's Transitions Between External SWFs tutorial to design my site. One of the external swfs i am using has a pic scroller with thumbnails, but when a thumbnail is clicked, nothing happens. When I load the pic scroller movie by itself, it works fine.

check out these links to see what i am talking about...(only the first two thumbnails of pic scroller have actions)

movie with transitions

pic scroller alone

The actionscript that is actually on the thumbnail button is:

on (release) {
loadMovie("detective.swf", "_root.content");

i am guessing there is something wrong with that _root part? Also, you have to click on 4 movie clips before you actually get to the button, so that might be causing some problems.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loaded An External Movie And Its Buttons Don't Work

Feb 19, 2003

i loaded an external movie and its buttons dont work but when i test the movie by itself the butts work fine

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