ActionScript 3.0 :: Buttons Doesn't Work In The External Swf?
Nov 17, 2010
I searched every where but didn't have a solution. my main content has a button in the first frame I call it (wright_btn) when u click on it, u suppose to go to next frame this is a part of the code in the first frame:
ActionScript Code:
wright_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, wrightAnswer);
function wrightAnswer(event:MouseEvent):void
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Apr 17, 2012
I am using in AS3 "External Interface ". When I call the JS function that is on the same page as swf everything works fine.
I added a link in the html page to an external JS file, when I move the JS function to the external JS file the website crushes.
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May 22, 2005
... I've had my preloader successes already, but something still doesn't work for the external movies... I'm loading the main movie - which contains several chapters, loaded as external swf's - with the following preloader on the first frame, rest content from second frame on:
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Jun 5, 2009
My map: [URL] The problem: The buttons does'nt work,i think i'm doing something wrong. They're in the map it self,because i don't want them to move while zooming. Actions of the button is: on (release) {getURL("", "_blank");} T.y. The fla of the map is here [URL]
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May 5, 2008
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on (release)
The as is placed on each button and it works fine when im testing the swf in itself.But they wont work when i test it from the main swf and load the ecternal swf in.
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Jan 28, 2010
I'm new and am having a bit of trouble loading one swf into another for a preloader and main program. If u open up flashSite.fla or the swf, everything works, but when I load it into a mc container of preloaderMomSite, the animated buttons no longer work. If someone could take a look, I would love to find out what I'm doing wrong. All files are located on in the same directory.
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Oct 5, 2008
I still can't figure the way to make my buttons work
here is my fla file... Basically I have a rollover buttons inside a movieclip and my action script in the first frame of the scene is the following
b1_01 is the instance of the button inside designer_mc movieclip~ however I ealized that buttons won't work in movieclip and i just don't know what's other solution
how to get this fixed~ i m so stuck and I have wasted my past 2 days trying to figure this out and still no result...
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Aug 26, 2009
I'm trying to have my buttons open in the current window but it doesn't seem to work. Here is my code:
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Aug 30, 2011
I've only been working with flash for about 3 weeks and I'm fairly new to programming soI'm using Flash CS5 with AS3 btw.
// Custom Mouse Controls
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Jun 24, 2009
This Script:
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
var cities:Array = ["muscat", "sohar", "dubai","abu_dhabi"]
...does not work when the buttons "muscat_btn", "sohar_btn", "dubai_btn" and "abu_dhabi_btn" are grouped into a movie clip.
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Jan 7, 2011
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Jan 7, 2011
I decided to make a website using flash as I am good with photoshop and thought it would be fairly easy to construct in flash using tutorials. All went well except now the website is published, weird things happen. The homepage works fine but when you click on "portfolio" some of the buttons don't appear and when you try the buttons, some images don't appear. Occasionally some of the buttons take you to the wrong place also. When I test the movie in flash, everything works fine so I can't work it out.
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Jun 7, 2009
I am trying to fix this problem. My external text display fine and also the CSS. The problem is when I am using any tag in html like <a> doesn't work, doesn't try to open the link and also the mouse doesn't change to the default hand. I am attaching my code in AS3. If you see I am using a scroller and also a mask.[code]
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Aug 8, 2011
I'm doing a project and I faced problem with loading external swf I have main swf which load external swf which work alone but when I load it from main swfall code do not workI tried and searched for solved codes but in vain)I tried this code whick makes external swf work but the buttons in main swf disappear
tn.onPress = function() {
this._parent.loadMovie("01.swf", "input");
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Nov 1, 2004
Okay I have some files built in MX that use this on the main timleine:
function textLoad(filename) {
loadText = new LoadVars();
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Aug 10, 2011
I have a MovieClip with two buttons inside of it (bottom portion) When I mouse over the MovieClip - it rises up, to revewl the buttons. My problem is, when I mouse over the buttons, the movie clip drops back down. The buttons don't have any actions upplied to them... It acts as though buttons were standing between the cursor and the movie clip... The idea is to hower over the movie clip > reveal the buttons > either move mouse away or click on one of the buttons. However, the movie clip closes when I touch either one of the buttons. Below is the code and thnks a bunch ahead of time:
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Nov 7, 2010
I made a simple website with a flash menu, that opens internal links in an iframe. However, I have a few other (not included in the menu) external links, which open in the same iframe. And after I click on one of them and it loads in the iframe, the buttons on the menu stop working. I'm beginning to think it has something to do with the internet explorer, since it works on some computers. But I'm not sure... not very good at this.
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May 31, 2009
I have a container .swf file which takes care of loading a menu.swf and maincontent.swf. I finally got these working together and loading at the same time, but now I ran into another problem. None of the menu buttons work. It loads and XML takes care of creating the buttons and adding dynamic text to them. I also have it set up so that the mouse's hover position over the clip scrolls it horizontally (because there are too many buttons to show at once). All of this functionality works correctly. However, the buttons' rollovers, clicks, etc. do not register.
The cursor turns into the hand cursor over the entire movie clip into which the menu is loaded, and I'm assuming there is some problem with the events only targeting the clip it is loaded in, and not the buttons themselves. It works fine when testing it by itself. I've just recently begun working with Flash, and I learned AS3. However, I was given pre-existing commercial software to work with which was written in AS2, and now I've converted all of my work, and this is the problem I am running into. By the way, it seems to always come up from what I've seen, though I don't understand much about it -- _lockroot is set to true.
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Jan 12, 2009
I am loading an external swf in an empty movie clip in my main movie. Within the external swf are several buttons (in a scrollpane). I have this code written on a frame within a movieclip which contains the buttons:
thumb_1.onRelease = function () {
"thumb_1" is the instance name of the button, "big1" is the name of the frame the button goes to when clicked. All of this works fine untill I bring it into my main movie. I believe the problem has something to do with the "_root." command. I think the main movie is trying to find a frame within its timeline, rather than the external swf. Know what I mean? Anyway, all I know for sure is that the buttons within my external swf don't work when loaded in my main movie.
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Feb 18, 2010
I have a main fla file that loads three external swf's depending on which of the buttons are clicked in the main fla. These buttons work fine. The three external SWF's are all flip books. The page turns correctly on the book itself, but buttons I put at the bottom so that there is a right and left arrow for page turning do not work when loaded into the main fla. These buttons work when the swf is playing by itself, but when the main fla externally loads the swf, theses left and right buttons don't work.
You can see it here: [URL]
This is the actionscript on the buttons that work when they play individually, but you'll see in the editorial book on the site, the left and right buttons do not work.
on(release) {
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Jan 16, 2009
I built a flash site. The site's navigation is an external swf file. The file loads fine. However, the buttons within the external swf file do not work. I have a simple goto webapage behavior attached to each of them.
I'm assuming it has something to do with paths. I do not know what the proper code is in order to make a button inside an external swf file change the web page.
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May 7, 2006
The site I'm building has seperate swf's for each page...and I have the external swfs loading into the site. But my problem is that when I am on one of the external swf pages that has been loaded, and it has buttons on it, none of these buttons work. They work when I test the swf by itself, but once my main movie loads the swf into the site, the buttons within the swf no longer work.
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Feb 19, 2003
i loaded an external movie and its buttons dont work but when i test the movie by itself the butts work fine
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Oct 16, 2009
I decided to try to use setInterval for myanimation, which is just a mouse trail.However, I'm trying to get teh mouse trail to be a dynamic mask.In my previous swf this was achieved by using a holder mc with the animation inside and then using this as the mask. But this time I just canpt seem to hit on the right way to get it to work. The code I am using for the mouse trail is:
var i:Number = 0;
var myInt:Number;
var t:MovieClip;[code].....
in the function, but now the trail doesn't resize and the mask still doesn't work.
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Apr 21, 2010
I have a button object that I need to scale to align with the variable width of an array of images.However, when I set the width in code, the button does not actually become that width. Tracing out the width gives me the correct value, but on screen.. it's off.
I've proved it to myself by scaling the same button object manually in the properties pane and visually comparing. Both of the buttons below have a width of 410.
navigatorDown_btn.width = 410;
navigatorDown_btn.x = (stage.stageWidth/2)-(navigatorDown_btn.width/2);
trace(navigatorDown_btn.width); // output: 410
View 4 Replies
Aug 7, 2009
I have a movie clip with 15 frames. Each frame has buttons on it (mc's)... I was going to put the actions on the main timeline/stage and navigate within the MC from the main timeline. Is that possible? I can get the buttons on the first frame of the MC to work, but I can't seem to figure out how to target/make the buttons on the other frames work? I was thinking I could identify the path of the MC with the frame labels, but that doesn't seem to work. like: _root.RMChanger.(frame label).buttonOnFrame = function
I have to move a text box in and out over the MC backgrounds on the main stage... which is why I was thinking to do it this way? I've been switching back and forth bwtween AS2.0 and 3.0
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Jul 8, 2005
I am having trouble with a job I am doing at the moment which has an mc with buttons within it. I want it so that when I roll over the mc it tweens from a small version to a larger version, and on this mc there are some buttons. At the moment I can get the mc to move but the buttons remain inactive and also the rollover states on the buttons don't work. I have attached a simpler version of what I am trying to do to this post.
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Dec 4, 2009
I'm having problems with the flash buttons on the flash website i made for a client. or some reason the buttons in the top and bottom menu work on some people's computers but on some they don't. I don't know what to do, i had this code for all the buttons,
on (release) {
and they worked on my computer but on others the buttons didn't work at all so i added this code to each button also
on(press) {
and they still work on my computer and some other people's computers but still some they don't work on some people's computers.
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Jun 1, 2011
I am using Flash CS4 with actionscript 2 to create an interacitve portfolio.I have 2 text buttons that work when I test them with "enable simple buttons." When I publish to IE these buttons won't work. I have created over 50 buttons using the same methods, they all work.
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