ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading External Swf Stuck Or Doesn't Work?

Aug 8, 2011

I'm doing a project and I faced problem with loading external swf I have main swf which load external swf which work alone but when I load it from main swfall code do not workI tried and searched for solved codes but in vain)I tried this code whick makes external swf work but the buttons in main swf disappear

tn.onPress = function() {
this._parent.loadMovie("01.swf", "input");


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Component - Scroll Panel Get Stuck While Loading And Doesn't Display The Full Size Image

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//stoped the playback
//importing all neccessary libraries
import flash.utils.Timer;

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Doesn't Work When Loaded Into External Swf?

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// Custom Mouse Controls


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I checked format. This is the xml output:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<nivel nombre='A1'>


To see the xml, but itīs php. It hasnīt generated it.
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Aug 23, 2010

But it works fine locally.

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var loadStart:Loader = new Loader();

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Dynamic Swfs Doesn't Work

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Feb 1, 2007

I have built this AS2 game that uses quite a few classes and library symbols.It works fine the first time you play the swf. But if you try to do the whole ctrl + ENTER in the Flash IDE, it doesn't seem to load any of the assets that are dynamically attached to the stage.This also happens if you have another swf use loadMovie to load it.I have all the dynamically attached symbols assigned with the linkage and set to export on the firstFrame. There is an include .as file on the first frame of the fla.

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Jun 7, 2009

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Apr 7, 2009

I'm trying to load an external SWF with the following code:


It loads the SWF, but doesn't play it correctly when I test it. Here's how the loaded movie is supposed to look: [URL] But instead, it plays without the transitions, like this:[URL] I've been trying to figure this out for a few days and have tried adding "this._lockroot = true;" to the SWF I'm trying to load, but I can't get it to play correctly. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

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I have been trying to create a preloader for a quiz I have made, and it causing me crazy amount of stress. The loader its self is very simple....


So there is nothing too strange there.... the problem I am having is that my quiz has a timer on it, and on the first question the timer does not work.. On the odd occasion it does like 2 seconds and then freezes. I am completely lost to why it is doing this! The quiz works PERFECTLY when not being run via the preloader, so it must be related to the loading process itsself.

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Actionscript 3 :: Loading Fonts From External SWF - Some Work, Some Do Not

Dec 16, 2011

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IDE :: Loading External .as Files Wont Work?

Nov 13, 2009

I havent been on here in a while, and about the same time I have gone without programming.Here is my delimaI have a game and I need to load an .as into a section of my flash. this is the code I have. It's on a "Checker" movie clip.[AS]

_global.eyes = _root.eyesP._currentframe; //Global Eyes Setter
_global.mouth = _root.mouthP._currentframe; //Global Mouth Setter


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading External Images Won't Work Within A Class

Aug 27, 2009

I'm trying to load external images in the usual way;

loader=new Loader();
loader.load(new URLRequest(_thumb));
private function onLoadComplete(e:Event):void{

But when it comes through to the onLoadComplete Function, I get a sandbox violation. I've tried using Security.allowDomain and a crossdomain.xml file, but it just won't work. Even more annoyingly, if I do the exact same thing, but within the main class file, it works fine.5 or so of these classes that need to load images are loaded from an XML file (which also works fine without allowdomain etc). Is there some sort of conflict going on because of there being more than one of them?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Masks - Trail Doesn't Resize And The Mask Still Doesn't Work

Oct 16, 2009

I decided to try to use setInterval for myanimation, which is just a mouse trail.However, I'm trying to get teh mouse trail to be a dynamic mask.In my previous swf this was achieved by using a holder mc with the animation inside and then using this as the mask. But this time I just canpt seem to hit on the right way to get it to work. The code I am using for the mouse trail is:

var i:Number = 0;
var myInt:Number;
var t:MovieClip;[code].....

in the function, but now the trail doesn't resize and the mask still doesn't work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Animation And Loading External Jpg Files Using LoadMovie() - It Is Not Work In Firefox2?

Jan 8, 2007

i created a very simple flash animation and loading external jpg files using loadMovie(). I had test it in IE7 and its works fine but not in Firefox2, it cannot display the jpgs. What is the problem?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stuck When Loading Pictures

Mar 8, 2010

Im currently learning AC3.0 (ActionScript 3.0 [flash]) at school, and I was doing some practice. Well, I got stuck on this part.[code]...

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Mar 5, 2011

I'm trying to do is load a Bitmap from a URL Request. 2 problems really.

1. the mLoader.width and height doesn't return anything
2. When I input the loader manually, nothing comes up just some dots on the screen.

It's part of a vehicle class, I've been searching hours on end for a solution. Even copy and pasted code. Nothing works..[code]

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Mar 30, 2003

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