Can a button play a movieclip if it lives within another movieclip? Let me explain: Buttons in a map key ran route animations on the map. Code for button (accessed by selecting button and F9) ..reads : on (release) { gotoAndPlay("BusRoute_375");}
All layers and consequently all route movieClips that relate to the map as well as the stop codes for the individual route animations now reside within that MovieClip which sits on a new layer above the map key layer. However, the key buttons no longer run the route animations. What should be done so that when clicked they still play the route MovieClips. Its like the button code cant see the layers it once refered to, now that they are in a movieclip.
I am trying to create an interactive graphic. Basically, it's three squares layered on top of each other, with a large square in back, a medium square centered in the middle of the large square, and a small square in front centered in the middle of the medium square.
When you roll over the medium square, say, it expands to almost the size of the large square and some text fades in, and the small square on top of it fades away. When you roll off of the medium square, it goes back to it's smaller size, and the small square fades back in.
Currently, I have the actionscript in the movieclip to make the medium square get larger and smaller (and the text fade in), but I need to somehow reference the instance of the small square movieclip to hide it when I roll over the medium movieclip.
My actionscript for the medium square activity, currently:
My question is fairly simple, but I can't find a sollution. I have a button, and I want to play a movieclip inside a movieclip from the main stage. It is the 5th frame inside the movieclip 'page' from the movieclip 'book'. I have this, but it doesn't seem to work.
I was asking button to go to a movie clip on the main timeline that had a stop frame at the beggining. Flash won't do this because it doesn't recognise anything past a stop frame and used _parent instead of _root
code on the button:
on (release) { _global.destination_detail = "first" _parent._parent.gotoAndStop("content_mc"); }
And in the stop frame that's at the beginning of the movieclip that contans my content:
I can't see how this isn't working:[code]The button with this funtion is nested within a movieclip on the main timeline.'content_mc' is the instance name of a movie clip on the main timeline that contains frame label "1". I want to play frame label one by clicking on this button.
I am trying to tell a movie clip nested within a movie clip to play a movie clip in a totally different part of my timeline.At the same time I need the target pic1 to iterate as the nested clip loops, for example pic2, then pic 3 each time it plays.[code]But my nested movie clip can't seem to call the main function.
Is this possible?I have a .fla-file. On the timeline I only have one frame (keyframe).In the library I have a movieclip called mc_testi would like to do something like this.1. when mc_test is loaded2. if num == x3. gotoandplay frame 6 (frame 6 inside the clip)I think I would place the code on the first (and only frame) in the timeline och the mainscene.
I have 2 movieclips on stage - "clipA" and "clipB". Both are animations - at the end of "clipA" - I want to use the AS3 version of Then at the end of clipB - I want to use _root.thisFunction() To run a function on the stage.
I've created a simple movieclip (48 frames long). I want to play this movie on the stage. I created enough frames, but the movie doesn't play. I haven't used Flash for a real long time, so I'm probably missing something simple.
I have a movieclip called 'mcBox'. and I have a button called 'playBtn'all that I want to happen is when you click the button the movieClip plays, so simple, but really finding it hard to get to work. This is what I have
playBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onPlayClick); function onPlayClick(event:MouseEvent):void {; }
I know it's the ';; part but can;t figure what it is?
I made an animation contianing several layer and it works wonderfully, and in the last frame on it's own layer, I put a stop action.Then I made a movie clip object, containing a secondary animation, and I wanted to simply have that movie clip play within the content area of the original animation I made. I would like it to start and loop over and over after the first animation has completely loaded and stopped?
Everything I'm finding online refers to making an button to activate the movie clip and make it play, but I have to believe there's a way to do it automatically as It's a header for a website, and it need it to just load the primary content which is a logo and an address that fades in then slides to the right side of the header.Then in the empty left part of the header I want this movie clip to go ahead and play on a loop.
On a mouseclick i need my movieclip to play once instead of looping for ever i really want it to play one time thruogh and then have last frame stay on the screen. then when i click again i want it to play again.
I have 4 MC on Scene1 (main), and all on one frame, since movie clips have thier own timeline. But I want each MC to play after one another, after each MC is played, goes to the next one. So basically what's the actionscript? MC 1 has MC1 instance name, and within that MC, I have labels, with start and end (on different frames of course). But can actionscript read withing MC's timeline? If your confused let me know, 'cause I think I messed it up
At the end of an flv I want it to play a movieclip off the main timeline which should be:_root.mp3player.gotoAndPlay(2);How do I make the flv make that actionscript happen after it's done playing? the flv is 22 seconds long.
I've a movieclip at frame 1, I want this to play and when it's finished i want to go automatically to frame 2, I've a movieclip their too, I want it to play and when it's finished i want to go automatically to frame 3 and so on.
I have a strange situation:in a fla file (an H264 player with pseudostreaming) i have a fla structure with only one frame. I use attachMovie to add movieclips to an empty movieclip. These movieclips stops at frame 1.In another file with identical structure all the movieclips add with attachMovie plays correctly.In the first file, if I add frames to the main timeline, the movieclips goes on, they play correctly.
I have 4 MC on Scene1 (main), and all on one frame, since movie clips have thier own timeline. But I want each MC to play after one another, after each MC is played, goes to the next one. So basically what's the actionscript? MC 1 has MC1 instance name, and within that MC, I have labels, with start and end (on different frames of course). But can actionscript read withing MC's timeline? If your confused let me know, 'cause I think I messed it up
I have a file where there is a magnet being dragged horizontal. When the magnet is on the left there is a electrical current flowing down, when it's at the right the current flows up. What I want is to have the two electrial currents play at certain points during the drag.So in the beginning the 1st current plays, which is a separate MC. Then once the user drags the magnet to the right the 2nd current MC begins to play and the 1st one becomes invisible. Then the cycle needs to repeat once the magnet gets dragged back to the left.[code]
I'm creating a movieclip that shows some photo samples with two arrows at the bottom. I want it so that if the user presses on the right arrow, the movie clip plays forward and goes toward the end to "shuffle" through the image samples. But I would also like them to be able to press on the left arrow and be able to play the movieclip backwards to "shuffle" back toward the beginning of the images.
The closest thing I can think of that would be similar to this would be the way you can shuffle through album images in iTunes.I just need to know the Actionscript 2.0 code to play the movieclip in reverse.
I'm having a problem trying to get some nested movie clips to play. I have three movie clips on three different layers all on frame one of the parent layer. each layer has a labIe (well just call it "layer1", "layer2. "layer3") I have a stop command on the parent level (on its own layer). each of the three movie clips has its own animation (the nested animation). The lower two have a stop command in their first frame(nested) so they wont play. Only the top movieclip would play on run. I want to place a gotoandplay command in the nested timeline of the above movie, that will start to play the next lower movie clip nested timeline, as the above one is ending, and repeat this process to cylce back around to the top movieclip. The overall goal is to have one animation move into the other using nested timeline smoothly.
have 16 instances of one movie clip on the stage and each one has their own unique instance name. The movie clips have a nested animation and I want each clip to play randomly. I'm familiar with the Math.random class, but not for animating clips. Here is what I have so far:
var turkeyArray:Array = new Array();turkeyArray[0] = turkey1_mc;turkeyArray[1] = turkey2_mc;turkeyArray[2] = turkey3_mc;turkeyArray[3] = turkey4_mc;turkeyArray[4] = turkey5_mc;turkeyArray[5] = turkey6_mc;turkeyArray[6] = turkey7_mc;turkeyArray[7] =
Currently I have the code:piechart.l1.gotoAndStop("percent_20")But I really need it to play from label "percent_1" to "percent_20" and then stop. Is there an easy way to do that?
i'm trying to cobble together a working website for my photography. I would like to know if there is any actionscript that when a button is pressed on layer 1 it will fade out a movieclip on layer 2 and goto and play frame 5 i have the movieclip instance name set to "ran". This movie clip loads random pictures onto my website and here is the actionscript currently for it "_root.ran.attachMovie("img"+(random(8)+1),rand,1) ;"
I have this case, I'm trying to do a game for a school. I have a main .fla that have some frames labeled as:
1: "preload", just backgrounds, i will work in the preload later
2: "aux": just backgrounds, just the gotoAndStop("video2")
3: "intro": movie clip "mc_clip" is dragged to the stage, and just for this frame (y dedicated keyframe is created).
4: "level1": content generated with ActionScript, the game at level 1
5: "video1": there is video with FLVVideoPlayBack,and backgrounds.
6: "level2": there is nothing, except backgrounds.
7: "video2": there is nothing, except backgrounds.
As you can see, in "intro", i have a movie clip ( named as mc_intro, linkage: "mc_intro"). And in "Aux", in this frame i can put gotoAndStop to "jump" to the desired frame to skip the game testing. When i put gotoAndStop("video2") in "aux", i noticed that I'm hearing the voices and sounds of the movie clip mc_intro, and there is no present in "video 2". The sound is looping despite of the frames with stop() inside the movieclip. (I put stop() in many frames in mc_intro to test the stopping and the are ignored).
I have a menu that starts with doors opening. Then inside there I have movieclips for each drop down menu I have. This is the code i have for the submenus to play:
I've got a movie clip which i want to affect with 2 buttons. On a mouse over, the right button makes the movie clip play, and tween to the right, and on mouse out, it stops. I want it to do the same thing but in reverse for the left button. Here's what i've got so far...
ActionScript Code: /* Code to animate thumbnails RIGHT */ MC_ADNAV_RIGHT.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, PlayThumbsRight); function PlayThumbsRight(event:MouseEvent):void
so i know how to make a movieclip play from a button but how do you do it just by inserting an action at a keyframe? i have a keyframe at frame 5 with the action
but it doesn't work. I want the movieclip 'squaresRedMovieclip' to start playing at frame 2. but it doesn't work. am i meant to add some extra code that i'm not aware of?