ActionScript 3.0 :: Trigger An Event When Any Sound In A Soundchannel Completes?
May 3, 2011
I have a soundchannel, and I'm playing a lot of sounds in it, but I need the completion of any sound file within that channel to be followed by a wait of two seconds, then trigger an event. How can I do this?
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Apr 18, 2011
I'm streaming an external MP3 (around 3 mb file) with the following method:
ActionScript Code:
With that i have no problem, where i am completely lost is the possibility of triggering an event after de 15 seconds (first parameter of SoundLoaderContext) are loaded, ie, adding an event listener or something like that.
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May 27, 2009
I'm trying to use a playing sound to trigger an event when it finishes:
onSoundComplete = function(){
redbtn._alpha = 100;
redbtn.enabled = true;
I have the button fading and disabling nicely (on (release)) but when the sound stops playing, I need them to return to alpha 100 and enabled=true. It doesn't work but there's no error generated either.
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May 4, 2011
The thing I don't understand is how to assign a sound to a soundchannel without playing the sound. All the examples I've seen do this.
_SoundChannel =;
And how can I set a SoundChannel volume to zero before allocating a sound to it?
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Apr 17, 2009
I wondered if there is a way to find out from the soundChannel the url of the sound it is currently playing. once I found out its url, i can than use its name to call something else.Or anyway to find out the sound that is playing on a soundChannel.I will know which channel to look into, but different sound will be loaded into this soundChannel.If this is not possible, i thinking along the line of overloading SoundChannel play method so that is fires an event when the sondchannel plays and also find out the name of the sound file it is currently playing.
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Mar 23, 2011
I am trying to create a game that has a sound player.I have created an array of 6 sounds each sound lasting 20 seconds.I can click on the next sound button to cycle through 6 sounds.The idea is that the player must guess what the sound is before the sound completes playing.Once the sound is complete a graphic appear telling the player what the sound is.The player would then click the next sound button, this would cause the current graphic to disappear,when the next sound completes a second graphic will appear.At the moment the sound side of the game is complete.I have create an array similar to the sounds array containing each of the 6 graphics.The code I have allows the first graphic to appear when the first sound completes,and when the next sound button is pressed that graphic disappears. how to display the next 5 graphics as each of the next sounds complete.I have cycled through each of the sounds in the sounds array,I have given each of the graphics a name in the linkage box, although I can only get that first graphic to appear and disappear when it has been dragged into the stage and given the instance name "image1"![code]
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Apr 10, 2010
As I have commented before I am building English teaching apps. I will have music playing in the background, words being pronounced and at times a surprise sentence. All three could sound at the same time at any given point. To build this properly should I use SoundChannel for all of these?
At the moment my code for the music loop is as so. The sound is in the library and exported for AS. Is this code fine or is it better to assign it to the SoundChannel class.
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May 3, 2011
I have some sounds in my library that I want to play in a soundchannel, but how? This is what I have so far:
var music:Sound = new Sound();var channel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();var sTransform:SoundTransform = new SoundTransform();var sound:SoundFile1 = new SoundFile1(); // Note: SoundFile1 is a class; in it is my soundfile in the library// music.load(sound); ??channel =;
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Apr 5, 2010
Is there a better way to use the sound channel is AS3?
var mySound:Sound = new Sound();
playButton.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, myPlayButtonHandler);
var myChannel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
function myPlayButtonHandler (e:MouseEvent):void {
View 2 Replies
Nov 23, 2009
I've just started working with sound and as I understand it I primarily need two objects: Sound and SoundChannel. Every call to a method will create a new SoundChannel object. So technically, I could write my code like this:
Will simply create a new SoundChannel object and the first one created by the constructor will be garbage collected? As a side note, it's possible to see Adobe's source files I'm curious as to how the SoundChannel.stop() method works since it doesn't throw an error or exception even if the audio has already stopped playing.
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Aug 9, 2011
How do we check if there is a sound already playing in a soundchannel?
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May 3, 2011
I'm planning to program a small piano in flash that have an x number of notes to play through a SoundChannel.
What I have not found is a way to record what is playing through SoundChannel and send it as byteArray to a server side script that will save it as WAV (or mp3).
I know Flash Player 10.1 allows you to record sound, but everything I have found is about recording sound using the microphone class. It seems the way to go is to send the sound data to the microphone. That doesn't seem very right or possible though..
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Dec 6, 2008
I just finished a simple music player... For testing purposes. I upload it in the following address:http:[url]....with 10 music songs that I had recorded from radio stations(added the last 2 twice for testing).The problem is that when a song has totally loaded, stop action taken needs about 1 second to be applied!I.e. When I press "STOP", the sound continue to play for 1 sec before stop. When I push "pause" it takes one second for the music to stop!
However when using resume (second time pause) the sound starts instantly! Thus I guess there is an issue with stop()function of the SoundChannel object that I am using to stop the sound. Also notice that when unpause the music, it continue ~one second before the last sound - which means that I saved the soundChannel.position number (and also call soundChannel.stop()) in correct time, but it didn't stop immediately - bug!?
This only happens when the application runs through a browser(plugin v. 10) - programmed in CS3.
PS1. Notice that ,this also happens when I change Volume too. Thus because Stop and Volume are parts of SoundChannel, I guess there might be a bug with SoundChannel in online plugins..... :/
PS2. Notice that ,this also happens when I close the browser (firefox). Even if browser is closed the music continue for 1 sec the same way as when pressing stop!.. Thus I guess it's flash bug!...
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May 28, 2008
I have a pause button that pauses a sound playing in a soundchannel. It works, but when I resume the sound, it isn't in thecorrect position, almost like it was rewinded a little. I'm usingthe code straight from the
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Jan 20, 2010
I load a song and when I get the length the song never reach this value.Here is issue document by another guy AS3 - SoundChannel.position never reaches Sound.length.And here is my code
import flash.display.Sprite;
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Oct 23, 2010
From the Flash player specification, it supported up to 15/16 or 32 sounds in a buffer, which mean any more sounds is load beyond that limit will either caused buffer stop working.
Is there any class to override to increase sounds to 1024 or greater?
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Mar 16, 2011
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Mar 4, 2010
For some reasons, my soundchannel event.sound_complete is not working. Basically, my class is to import sound into it and to allow use to change their volumes and the speedness of the sound.
This is the tutorial for the speed [URL]
Right now, what I want to do is to auto loop back the song once the song have finished play but I have having troubled doing it.
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Mar 9, 2011
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1) Will the code past the .LOAD line (in red) be executed only after the image completes loading?
2) Can I nest several listeners as seeing in my code below?
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Nov 27, 2005
I'm a flash newbie working on a "game" for an architecture grad school class, using 2004 MX and and a Flash 8 demo. The game is a player in a street scene, where the user moves the player around with the arrow keys, and the up and down keys also zoom in and out. That part is working okay. My other objective is that when the player collides with any of the bulding facades, text describing the building would pop up, and a sound would be played. This is where I'm having trouble. I'm having some success with using hitTest to keep the player contained within the buildings, but great difficulting trying to get sound to play or text to appear when the player collides with a building front.
I converted one of the building facades on the "obstacles" layer to a movie clip ("snare3_mc"), with export to actionscipt checked. I'm trying to reference this movie clip in the "actions:Frame 1" code to play a sound when the player collides with it, and I'm also doing a test to see if it works by having it trace some text. I can get the trace to work for the "obstacles" layer with the buildings, but not specifically for the "obstacles.snare3_mc" facade (the green one). If I change line 123 of the code from "obstacles.snare3_mc" to just "obstacles", the trace text works, but I hope to have it specifically address the green building, not all of the buildings. Somehow I must not be properly loading or properly referencing the green object, my "snare3_mc" movie clip. Any ideas?.
Beyond not being able to specifically address the "snare3_mc" in the code to get the hitTest to even work, I can't get my audio clip to play no matter what I try. I'm trying to make the player's collision with this movie clip trigger the "snare3.wav" sound, but to no avail. The part of the code where I'm attempting this is the same hitTest with the trace text, lines 123-128 of the "actions:Frame1" code. Again, I'm probabl-y improperly loading or improperly addressing the sound in code.
The one other thing I want to do is to try and make text pop-up in a hidden box when the player collides with the green facade ("snare3_mc"). Ideally this text would appear out of nowhere when the player is in collision with the green facade, but dissapear entirely when the player moves away from the facade. I haven't even tried this yet in my .fla, but would want it as part of the same hitTest referred to above, lines 123-128.
Attached are 2004 MX and Flash 8 .fla files of this rough, ugly test version of my the semester is winding down and my professor is not so into Flash or games. I feel like I am close, but really need help with these three little issues: properly referencing movie clips in the code for the hitTest, making the hitTest play a sound in my library, and making the hitTest pop up a text box with text while the player is colliding with the building facade.
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Sep 7, 2011
I want a link to trigger a sound click in flash AS3. I've taken the .play() outside of the function to confirm that it works by itself. What am I missing that will let me call an AS3 function from javascript?
Here is my html
<object width="5px" height="5px">
<param name="movie" value="play_coin_sound/playCoin.swf?v=5">
<param name="wmode" value="transparent">
<embed src="play_coin_sound/playCoin.swf?v=5" width="5px" height="5px">
[Code] .....
View 3 Replies
Jul 28, 2010
First check this website:Go to the sound menu, and try to play any of the songs. Try the first one, than try it from the bottom.You will notice, that for a few seconds the buttons are not working. After a while they just start function.The Actionscript is on the "playBtn_mc":
var my_sound5:Sound = new Sound();
my_sound5.loadSound("zene5.mp3", false);
play5_b.onPress = function() {
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Jun 6, 2007
I am working with a short vocal track and when the audio ends I would like a replay button to appear. The codes should work fine, no errors appear. Trace displays nothing...Here is some of the code:
var clip = "testClip.mp3";
//Create the Sound & SoundChannel Objs
var soundReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(clip);
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Apr 29, 2010
im building a sound toy that has four balls that can be thrown around and will bounce of each other. when each ball collides i have a chord to be played through a hit test for each pair. im having a problem with getting good collisions between balls and also using hit tests to trigger sound.
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Jun 22, 2011
Im looking for an event to trigger on a particular date. Does anyone have a code snippet of how that can be achieved?
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Aug 17, 2010
i have a movieclip with an onRelease event. Is there anyway i can trigger this event in code? without clicking the movie clip?
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Jan 4, 2012
How to trigger an event if the video is over? I'ld like to show a replay button then.
var vid:Video = new Video(480, 270);
var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
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Jan 9, 2010
So I am trying to essentially have one class dispatch an event into the flow when it is added to the stage, and have another class catch the event, but I'm having problems. I set up a little test to simplify/display the problem I'm having. There are 2 classes, and then just some init code on the timeline.
ActionScript Code:
//code for box 1
package {
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Sep 18, 2010
This should be easy but I can't figure out. The sound is playing which means the mp3 file was successfully loaded but SOUND_COMPLETE event does not trigger
private var soundReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("blabla.mp3");
private var sound:Sound = new Sound();
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