ActionScript 3.0 :: Unload Only The FLV From The MC Within The CompletePlay Function?

Jan 11, 2012

im using the following code inside a MC to load a FLV file...

how can i unload only the FLV from the MC within the completePlay function?

import fl.transitions.*;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;


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Flex :: Unload() Or OnClosing() Exiting() Function?

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I upload my flex client-side swf app to some website that loads different swf's on it's site. So you see your application floating in that website. My app is Flex swf app and has onCreationComplete() that starts the flow of logic. Now I want to do cleanup state and save state in a shared object when the application unloads (or probably exiting event, or closing event..) So do we have any function that I can implement and the flash platform automatically calls that function when the swf is unloading/closing/exiting?? (just like the onCreationComplet() function)

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intro_mc.onRelease = function() {
unloadMovie ("_root.container02");
unloadMovie ("_root.container03");
unloadMovie ("_root.container04");
createEmptyMovieClip("container01", 2);
loadMovie("deaf_intro.swf", "container01");
[Code] .....

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on roll over i want the image to load on the stage, on roll out i want the pixholder to be empty. is this the proper way to phrase the roll out?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: ClipEvent - Reset Or Refresh (unload, Reload) This Function So It Works Correctly Everytime Load A New JPG?

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I have a blank container mc into which I am loading JPGs after you click on a button. There are 10 buttons in the movie, each associated with a different JPG.This container_mc is part of a function called on the main Timeline.The Flash movie is 1 frame on the main Timeline. This code works correctly on the first JPG when I click on a button for the first time), but then when you click on a different button I believe it just uses the dimensions and coordinates of the first JPG. How can I reset or refresh (unload, reload) this function so it works correctly every time I load a new JPG?

//after full size image loads into detailthumb_mc,
//resize image so that neither width nor height is > 150, tben recenter
onClipEvent(load) {
var maxWidth = 150;


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public function ViewToActionMap(_forModule:eModule,


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Unload Flv When Completed?

Mar 5, 2009

I have an swf, lets call it 1.swf, that has a button that calls another swf to level one. In that second swf, lets call it whatever.swf, on layer 1 it has an flv file of about 40 seconds. on layer two it has a button that has this action:

on (release) {
loadMovie("../swf/1.swf", 1);

So if that button is pushed, then it unloads whatever.swf as I need it to.

the problem is that if that button is not pressed, then when that 40 second flv finishes, it just sits there with a black stage and the button. What i need it to do is that when that 40 second flv is finished, it automatically unloads whatever.swf on level 1, again showing 1.swf on level 0.

Also, before anyone anwers, the way i did the flv is that in whatever.swf the flv was imported to the stage, i slected the "already deployed" put in the URL and then it created a flash video component which is on the stage.

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AS3 :: Flash - How To Unload A Swf

Nov 16, 2009

how I can do to unload a swf before I load the next one?

var mLoader:Loader = new Loader();
function loadSWF(e:Event):void {
var imageId:Array ="_");
var targetId:int = imageId[0];


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unload My Old Swf?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unload Swf From Itself?

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is there an AS3 equivalent to this.unload?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Way To Unload SWF

Jul 29, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unload Mc Within Itself?

Dec 16, 2004

I have a random number of sprites that are created, each of them hurts the other when the collide, and when they die, I wanted the collisions to not do anything anymore.

I can fade the sprites out to make them invisible when their "health" reaches 0, but they are still there, and when they collide, they cause "ghost deaths" to other mcs. How can I get rid of a sprite from within itself? Or at least disable its onEnterFrame function?

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IDE :: Unload External Swf?

Apr 12, 2009

My index page has two buttons... 'about' and 'portfolio' which loads each respective external swf into a holder.When 'portfolio' is loaded there are another 8 buttons which again load 8 external swfs into a holder in the portfolio.swf. Each of the 8 external swf files load fine, but is there anyway to have a back button instead in each of the 8 external swf to go back to the portfolio.swf without having to click the 'portfolio' button?i have tried _root.unloadMovie.... but it just clears the stuff on my index page and loads the portfolio.swf

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Unload SWF

Jul 11, 2011

I have three swf files that I want to load then unload in a specific order. An Intro swf, the main movie swf then the Exit swf. I can get them to load with the following code;[code]the trouble is, each movie swf loads on top of the previous movie swf which then continues to display.I'm new to AS 3.0 but it seems like I need to unload the previous movie as the new movie loads. Can anyone show me the code I would need to use in order to get that to happen?

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IDE :: Load And Unload SWF With FLV

Jul 13, 2009

I've got a SWF with two (for now) buttons on it that each load a SWF. Each of these will load fine if they are the first one pressed. Once one is pressed there are problems. If you try to go to the next one, the new SWF covers the one currently playing, but it will not load the FLV associated with it and the audio from the previous does not stop. You can see it all here: [URL]

And here is the code on the navigation:
var Xpos:Number = 130;
var Ypos:Number = 10;
var swf:MovieClip;
var loader:Loader = new Loader();
loader.x = Xpos;
[Code] .....

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IDE :: How To Unload External Swf

Mar 18, 2010

i am trying to create a file where a mc hittest another object(using keyboard arrow) it loads an external swf and when keypress to leave the object, it will unload the external swf. my problem is the external swf did load but it wont unload. attached herewith my fla file for reference. script as below,

var leftArrow:Boolean = false;
var rightArrow:Boolean = false;
var downArrow:Boolean = false;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Unload Xml

Jun 12, 2011

I create a flash as3 where my stage has 3 buttons home button2 and button3. when i click home button a thumbnail xml gallery will loaded. when button 2 and button3 clicked it loads some text from another xml file. All it's work well. My problem is after i clicked the home button the gallery loads then if i clicked the other buttons the gallery still displayed in the stage. The text from the other xml file will stack behind the gallery. How to solve this.This is my code:

import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.*;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Unload Movieclip

Feb 10, 2009

I am making a file that loads an swf on(release) of a movieclip. I can get it to load into frame 2 and have created a button to return to frame 1. But when you go back to frame 1 the swf is still there. How can I get it to unload when it goes back to frame 1?[code]

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Unload SWF Still Plays The .flv (audio)?

Jan 4, 2010

I have a captivate generated SWF file which has a .FLV inside it.In flash on click of a button I unload the movie(SWF), the video goes away but the .FLV still plays the audio.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unload An External Swf?

Jan 20, 2010

I have a movie wherein on the stage I have a empty MC with the instance name of mainImage.

There is a menu with listeners that load in different swfs externally into this 'mainImage' clip. The problem I discovered is that I cant seem to unload the old swfs upon the loading of a new one.[code]...

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Unload Movie Not Working?

May 19, 2010

im having troubles unloading a swf file that is 2 levels above my main movie.Basically I have a main movie and I have actionscript on the timeline which corresponds to a button which loads a swf (eg my web portfolio work):

digitalbut.onRelease = function() {


This all works....Then in this swf I have another button which again loads another swf on top to show a particular piece of work and the code on the timeline to correspond to the button is:

Dior_hit.onRelease = function() {


This works also....but I come into problems when I want to create a button in this third swf file which then closes this Dior.swf so you are left with the bottom two still showing. I already have a close button on the Digital.swf which works a charm to get you back to the main movie and the code for this is:

on (release) {


how I can close this third swf to still show the two below?? I have tried so many options but none seem to work!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Load/unload Swf

Jul 10, 2010

Teach me how to load and unload a swf into a main movie. And how to pass a varaiable from the main move to the loaded swf. This is a huge gap in my flash knowlege and i don't know where to begin.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unload External Swf Self?

Jan 17, 2011

I am migrating to AS 3.0 from AS 2.0 and I am unable to unload a loaded movie self.In AS 2.0 i simply used "unloadMovie(this);" have also tried "removeChild(this);" but it doesn't work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: [CS4] Swf Won't Unload Properly

Jan 25, 2011

I have an application program that loads and unloads other swf into it. For example, I have 4 different swfs that are loaded and unloaded via:


They all load fine, but when it comes time to unload one and then load another, I get : Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2036: Load Never Completed. Everything seems to still work correctly. The next swf appears to load completely, so I assume it is that the previous swf is not completely unloading. Is there an eventListener or something that I should be using when unloading before I load another swf? I am loading and unloading the swfs like this:


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