ActionScript 3.0 :: Use Buttons To Jump To Frame Labels?

May 16, 2011

I am trying to use buttons to jump to frame labels. They jump to the label just fine, but they won't stop when pressed again. Below is the code I am using to have the button rest when pressed again.

getting_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gettingStarted);
function gettingStarted(evt:MouseEvent):void {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating New Buttons On Different Frame Labels

Dec 6, 2008

i have all my buttons on frame 2. im creating a real estate site and i have to have a couple links like HOME ABOUT BUYING SELLING CONTACT, the thing though is that in the BUYING and SELLING frames i want to add more sections and links but only on these 2 other parts of my site. when i code it and add new buttons to these sections though my movie plays over and over and over non stop. heres my coding...

FRAME 1 preloader

Frame 2 has a frame label of home and all the buttons on a diff layer, and AS3 on a different layer

Frame 3 has a frame label for about section

Frame 4 is my contact for example

so if i create a new button in the about frame label and just add the code to the working as3 code on frame 2 my movie just plays over and over and over again, and all i want it do do is act like the other buttons and go to a different frame label down in the time line. the only way i get it to work is if i have ALL my buttons on frame 2.

frame 1
my preloader
home_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onHome)
function onHome(event.MouseEvent):void


i enter my btn code just like this and the buttons on frame 2 work but any new buttons i try and creat and put into different frames othere then frame label "home" aka frame 2 wont work

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Frustrated With Frame Labels And Buttons?

May 24, 2010

I created a picture gallery in it's own file called slide, and i've made an mc in another file so i could embed the gallery in it. The images are enlarged on Scene 1 and the small image icons are in there own mc. The buttons work fine when testing the movie from the picture gallery's own file, each button has the following code.

on (rollOver) {
_root.gotoAndPlay ("framelabelname");

But when i test movie in the second file where the photo gallery is embeded, the gallery pops up, the bottom arrow buttons work to toggle between the image icon buttons but when you roll over the image icons to call a certain frame label, nothing happens, it just stays on frame 1. So frustrating because i'm doing this for a client who is paying for it to be done and I don't understand why it doesn't work right when embedded into a different file..

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IDE :: Frame Labels - Linking Buttons To Different Pages

Mar 31, 2009

I'm creating website that I want to put my resume and portfolio on as different Flash applications. For my resume it would be like a mini-web site that has various linking buttons to different pages. I tried to use scenes b/c I had a professor who told us to use scenes to create our pages/animations, and the scenes concept did not work with the actionscripting.

I then read online that scenes were not the way to go. So I'm trying to use Frame Labels to create this - right now I made a menu movie clip that I have my actionscript in for each button - the buttons have the correct instance names and I have my frames properly labeled with their movie clips attached to each for each part of the resume/page portion.

This is the code I'm using in the Menu movie clip. The problem I'm having is that when I click on each button - nothing happens! I tried this one, and nothing happened:
education.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, educationCLICK);
function educationCLICK(event:MouseEvent):void{

And then I tried to re-order it and nothing happened:
function educationCLICK(event:MouseEvent):void{
education.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, educationCLICK);

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Professional :: Buttons In A Movie Clip Don't Go To Frame Labels?

May 9, 2010

have 1 button inbeded in a movie clip named mcintroclp that is on frame 1 of my main timeline, Frame 2 is labeled port_btn on the main timeline. In the timeline of the movie clip mcintroclp I've put the code:

function buttonClick(event:MouseEvent):void


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Buttons Only Work The First Time (using Frame Labels)

Feb 23, 2012

I have 5 overlapping tab buttons and when each is clicked, it calls to a specific frame. The tabs are assigned to a specific frame so that when the timeline jumps to the assigned frame, the tab clicked appears on top of the other tabs. My code below works, but only once. If I click a tab and then try to click a previous tab, nothing happens.

FYI: My 5 tab names are: rotating_globe, company_tab_mc, newproducts_tab_mc, applications_tab_mc and tradeshows_tab_mc

There's also a 'back_home_btn' that appears on the stage when user is not clicked on the 'rotating_globe' tab (the 'rotating_globe' tab is my default home button)

rotating_globe.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, rotatingGlobeBtnHandler2);
company_tab_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, companyBtnHandler2);
newproducts_tab_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLI CK, newproductsBtnHandler2);


View 9 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Linking Buttons Inside Movieclips To Frame Labels?

Feb 17, 2009

I've been working on a new issue while giving a break on cracking the other one.I have a movie clip acting as a button with rollover/rollout animation- we'll call it menu_mc for simple reference.I'm basically creating a rollover submenu. I've set it up a few different ways but the most user friendly has been hiding the submenu_mc (which has 4 linked buttons to root frame inside) by doing:

_root.sub5_mc._visible = false;
then inside the menu_mc with the rollover I have the submenu trigger set to show:
_root.sub5_mc._visible = true;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Navigate With Previous And Next Buttons To Frame Labels Stored In An Array?

Mar 8, 2011

I have a long timeline with a series of slides arranged along it with a labeled frame at the beginning of each slide.These slides do not have any standardized length so instead of counting out frames and jumping a set number I am trying to navigate with my previous and next buttons to frame labels stored in an array.

This works GREAT!Or works great if you're rapidly hitting the Next and Previous buttons to step through the area.The problem comes when you sit and try to watch the whole thing play out and then try to use the next button.If you have passed framelabel2 and hit the next button it returns you to framelabel2.If you have passed framelabel3 and hit the next button it returns you to framelabel2. Clearly the problem is that it does not know it has gone past framelabel1 and is thus gotoandplay-ing the next frame in the array...which is 2.I need to make it check its current position in the array before adding 1 and advancing the playhead.

var fLabels:Array = new Array("start1", "start2", "start3", "start4", "start5", "start6", "start7");
var cLabel:Number = 1;
function nextPlayClick(evt:MouseEvent):void {[code].....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Animated Buttons, External Swfs, Frame Labels, Better Code?

Jul 13, 2004

I have three animated buttonMc's with code like this on them..

on (rollOver) {gotoAndPlay(2);
on (rollOut) {gotoAndPlay(8);
on (release) {gotoAndStop(16);;


Currently If I want to add five more buttons the code must be duplicated for each buttonMC and this seems really inefficient. This is the only way I have been able to make everything work though.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Basic Buttons - Advance User To Correct Frame Labels And Stop

Sep 13, 2010

I have a flash site that has a presentation page it has a menu of two buttons (1) to take you to a slide show and (2) that takes you to the gallery. These are the only two buttons that seem to work in control test movie, I get no errors. The only button that is connected is the slideshow button (I haven't done the gallery yet). This button takes you to frame two. Where I have the main website. It has its own menu that spans across the entire website which is 25 frames.

Each frame represents a new page. I have mini menus at frames 3, 5, and ten. That are supposed to just advance the user to correct frame labels and stop. The only buttons that work are the ones in the first frames. The rollovers appear to work on all the pages when I advance the movie using the [ . ] key but I get no trace statement which means that it is not being acknowledged, all my buttons are named properly I believe so here is the code as well, all is in frame one:

//handle events for buttons...
Gallery.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);
Home.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);
Location.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);
Guest.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);
Lodging.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);
[Code] .....

View 10 Replies

Actionscript 2.0 :: Jump Forward And Jump Back Buttons?

Jun 15, 2010

I am brand new to scripting in Flash, and was hoping I could get some help on a question. I have an animation that is 300 frames long. The first 100 frames are an animated 'ad' (for lack of a better term), the second 100 frames are a different ad, and the third 100 frames are the last ad. This can be viewed straight from beginning to end (and is intended to loop if no action is taken), but I would also like to add some functionality to the animation, so that people can jump forward to the next ad, or back to the previous ad (hitting back from the first ad would take them to the third ad, and vice versa.)


This does not turn up any errors when I test the movie, but the functionality does not work. Am I anywhere near a working script, or am I attempting this in a completely wrong way?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Timeline Control - Navigate Through A Movie Clip And Stop At Frame Labels Using Individual Buttons?

Sep 8, 2010

im trying to navigate through a movie clip and stop at frame labels using individual buttons to call to individual labels while being able to see the on the way to the frame(for a blurred effect).my goal is to jump from point A to point F to point Z and see all the frames in between and visa versa.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Combo Box To Jump To Frames Labels

Jun 11, 2009

I'm using a combobox to jump to different frame lables. Nothing is working. Here is my code:

menuCombo.addItem("Home", "Home")
menuCombo.addItem("About Us", "About Us")
menuCombo.addItem("Products", "Products")


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Script That Will Jump To A Certain Frame When A Movie Cilp Reaches Its Last Frame?

Dec 2, 2009

I need to create a script that will jump to a certain frame in the scene when a movie cilp reaches its last frame. Putting a goto... within the MC itself doesn't work. I assume that I need to create a listener of some sort....I haven't been able to find what I need in any documentation (and I'm even been looking through AS dictionaries going back to Flash 4).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Play A Frame And When It's Stopped Jump To Another Frame

Sep 6, 2011

I built a button in one of the movie clips in my project,

when I release this button, it goes to the 41st frame of the main timeline and continue to play until the frame 70 which has got a stop; command. till here everything's just OK. But I want this button to do something more though I don't know whether it's possible or not.

I want this button to go and play the frame number 41 in the main timeline, and then after it stopped at the frame 70 , then jump to frame 73.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Navigate From Btn Of Mc_B To FRAME Of Mc_A Using Frame Labels?

Jul 28, 2009

Im using Flash MX (the pre-02004 version) to design a photo portfolio that will be distributed on CDs to potential clients.Its broken up into subject galleries, each of which is its own movie clip.The pages of those gallery movie clips are all separate movie clips, too, regardless of whether they contain single images or layouts of images. Frame labels with stop codes separate each gallery_mc.

Within each gallery, previous and next buttons allow page-to-page navigation.From the last page of gallery_A_mc (e.g.), I can to go to the first page of gallery_B_mc by using the following ActionScript:

on (release) {

Id think that this should make it go to frame 5 of gallery_B_mc,which is on the gallery_B_ FrameLabel, but it doesn't make it go anywhere.

on (release) {
this._parent.gotoAndStop("gallery_B_mc", 5);

Also doesnt make it go anywhere.

View 7 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Frame Labels And Frame Numbers?

Feb 19, 2002

For example if I wanted an action to occur untilt the movie hit the frame label I would ideally be able to do somethign along the lines of:

do {
play ();
} while (_currentFrame != "label name");

This does not seem to work, but I am hoping that this is close to something that willObviously, I can put an action to stop the clip in the labeled frame, but I only want it to stop there under certain conditions . . .

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Frame Labels Instead Of Frame Numbers?

Mar 2, 2012

I am building a large project that could be subject to change during it's construction, I am stressing out a bit because I am relying on the timeline to go foward and backward through the structure, (as well as user having the ability to use a menu to go where ever they want). So apart form the menu that specifies where to go, there is a forward and back button using next and previous frame to go forward and backwards.

So, what if after building a large section of this, the client wants to put in an extra page? this will upset all of my navigation (OR if I put the extra page at the end of the timeline the menu will work fine but the forward adn backwards buttons wont work properly) So should I be using frame labels instead of frame numbers? (How do I do this gotoAndStop(?) Or is there some other way I should be approaching this? like having a variable to keep track of page number instead of frame numbers?

View 5 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Different Frame Labels Are At Frame 1?

Apr 13, 2010

I added some actionscript 3 to an app with 5 repeated sets of animations each beginning with a different frame label. The different frame labels are at frame 1, 31, 61, 91, and 121. Here is the actionscript.


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Use Frame Labels Instead Of Frame Numbers?

Mar 1, 2012

I am building a large project that could be subject to change during it's construction, I am stressing out a bit because I am relying on the timeline to go foward and backward through the structure, (as well as user having the ability to use a menu to go where ever they want). So apart form the menu that specifies where to go, there is a forward and back button using next and previous frame to go forward and backwards.

..  So, what if after building a large section of this, the client wants to put in an extra page? this will upset all of my navigation (OR if I put the extra page at the end of the timeline the menu will work fine but the forward adn backwards buttons wont work properly)
So should I be using frame labels instead of frame numbers?  (How do I do this gotoAndStop(? );)Or is there some other way I should be approaching this? like haveing a variable to keep track of page number instead of frame numbers? Use frame labels instead of frame numbers?

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Adding Labels To Buttons?

Nov 30, 2009

How do I add a label to a button? Using a component button, in CS3 it seemed quite straightforward however CS4 has me stumped. I am trying to make up a website with a row of buttons across the top to appear in all the pages. I have a controling page names portfolio.fla and several other pages to link in with this one. I have placed a button in the library from the components tab in the windows tab. Then dragged out 5 buttons and have them all working properly and linking up to the other pages, but when I went to place labels on them found myself having problems. Clearly not a good day for me.

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Jump To A MC Frame From Different Scene?

Oct 7, 2001

I have a movie clip with a button, clicking on it goes to another scene. When in the other scene, i want to be able to click another button and go back to the original scene and have the movie clip be at the frame where I left it, or any other that I specify.

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Actionscript 3 :: Jump To Next Frame?

Mar 18, 2012

I have a memory game here. And each time a card is removed from the gameboard I have "cardCount -2", when this cardCount gets to zero, I want the program to jump to the next frame which is like a "game over" page. I've tried using gotoAndStop(); as well as nextFrame(); but it doesn't seem to be working![code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Jump To A Frame

Nov 10, 2011

I have problem to jump to a frame after a video clip (which is on server) is done playing. Do you have any idea how to do this?

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IDE :: Jump Into Another Url If It Enters A Certain Frame?

Nov 21, 2009

if a flash website can jump into another url if it enters a certain frame...

For example maybe something like?

on enterFrame {
getURL("", "_self");

how do i tell the timeline to get that url instead of the button?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Jump To Different MC Frame 2?

Aug 4, 2008

On the main stage there is a MC on frame 4.

I have a drop down menu button that I want to jump me to frame 2 of that MC

I tried this:

button.onRelease = function () {

but it didn't work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Labels/ Buttons Not Working

Jan 1, 2010

I've got a movieclip which contains 4 buttons and 4 labels.

The buttons work but once you've been past a label it won't go back to a previous label so it's just linear.

I'm using the following coding:

Buttons: arrow1, arrow2, arrow3, arrow4. And the labels are the same for each.

ActionScript Code:

PHP Code:

arrow1.onPress = function() {
arrow2.onPress = function() {


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Adding ActionScript For Buttons And Labels?

Apr 6, 2011

My flash files is designed like this:

Layer 1 Pages with labels and actionscript for that specific layer (stop, gotoandplay, and Uiloader source)
Layer 2 is a Movieclip with a navbar
Layer 3 Dropdown menu where buttons are placed inside a movieclip
Layer 4 Actionscript

My problem is finding the correct way to link from a button inside a movieclip to a label inside another movieclip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Labels/ Buttons Not Working?

Jan 2, 2010

I've got a movieclip which contains 4 buttons and 4 labels.

The buttons work but once you've been past a label it won't go back to a previous label so it's just linear.

I'm using the following coding:

Buttons: arrow1, arrow2, arrow3, arrow4. And the labels are the same for each.

ActionScript Code:
arrow1.onRelease = function() {


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Navigate Among Frame Labels?

Sep 15, 2009

I use scrollbar at the bottom of the timeline to go to different frames. This is slow if I have thousands of frames. I wonder if there is a similar interface like the Actions window for labels on timeline. I mean you can see all the scripts at left pane and be able to go there directly by clicking on anyone on the list. I would be nice if you can see all your labels in a menu and click to go there directly (I believe Director has that). Maybe I can put some dummy script in different label and then I can use Action window to travel to there.

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