ActionScript 2.0 :: Animated Buttons, External Swfs, Frame Labels, Better Code?

Jul 13, 2004

I have three animated buttonMc's with code like this on them..

on (rollOver) {gotoAndPlay(2);
on (rollOut) {gotoAndPlay(8);
on (release) {gotoAndStop(16);;


Currently If I want to add five more buttons the code must be duplicated for each buttonMC and this seems really inefficient. This is the only way I have been able to make everything work though.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Buttons In Loaded Swfs Loading Other External Swfs Into The Main Timeline?

Sep 11, 2009

I have a main fla file which loads an external swf into an empty movieclip on the main timeline which works fine but I want a button in the external swf to load another external swf into another empty movie clip on the main start.swf loads UKEIAMap.swf into (empty movie clip within start.swf) MapLoader_mc then a button havant_b within UKEIAMap.swf needs to load HavantProjectSheet.swf into (empty movie clip within start.swf) ProjectSheetLoader_mc without unloading UKEIAMap.swf

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating New Buttons On Different Frame Labels

Dec 6, 2008

i have all my buttons on frame 2. im creating a real estate site and i have to have a couple links like HOME ABOUT BUYING SELLING CONTACT, the thing though is that in the BUYING and SELLING frames i want to add more sections and links but only on these 2 other parts of my site. when i code it and add new buttons to these sections though my movie plays over and over and over non stop. heres my coding...

FRAME 1 preloader

Frame 2 has a frame label of home and all the buttons on a diff layer, and AS3 on a different layer

Frame 3 has a frame label for about section

Frame 4 is my contact for example

so if i create a new button in the about frame label and just add the code to the working as3 code on frame 2 my movie just plays over and over and over again, and all i want it do do is act like the other buttons and go to a different frame label down in the time line. the only way i get it to work is if i have ALL my buttons on frame 2.

frame 1
my preloader
home_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onHome)
function onHome(event.MouseEvent):void


i enter my btn code just like this and the buttons on frame 2 work but any new buttons i try and creat and put into different frames othere then frame label "home" aka frame 2 wont work

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use Buttons To Jump To Frame Labels?

May 16, 2011

I am trying to use buttons to jump to frame labels. They jump to the label just fine, but they won't stop when pressed again. Below is the code I am using to have the button rest when pressed again.

getting_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gettingStarted);
function gettingStarted(evt:MouseEvent):void {


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Actionscript 2.0 :: Frustrated With Frame Labels And Buttons?

May 24, 2010

I created a picture gallery in it's own file called slide, and i've made an mc in another file so i could embed the gallery in it. The images are enlarged on Scene 1 and the small image icons are in there own mc. The buttons work fine when testing the movie from the picture gallery's own file, each button has the following code.

on (rollOver) {
_root.gotoAndPlay ("framelabelname");

But when i test movie in the second file where the photo gallery is embeded, the gallery pops up, the bottom arrow buttons work to toggle between the image icon buttons but when you roll over the image icons to call a certain frame label, nothing happens, it just stays on frame 1. So frustrating because i'm doing this for a client who is paying for it to be done and I don't understand why it doesn't work right when embedded into a different file..

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IDE :: Frame Labels - Linking Buttons To Different Pages

Mar 31, 2009

I'm creating website that I want to put my resume and portfolio on as different Flash applications. For my resume it would be like a mini-web site that has various linking buttons to different pages. I tried to use scenes b/c I had a professor who told us to use scenes to create our pages/animations, and the scenes concept did not work with the actionscripting.

I then read online that scenes were not the way to go. So I'm trying to use Frame Labels to create this - right now I made a menu movie clip that I have my actionscript in for each button - the buttons have the correct instance names and I have my frames properly labeled with their movie clips attached to each for each part of the resume/page portion.

This is the code I'm using in the Menu movie clip. The problem I'm having is that when I click on each button - nothing happens! I tried this one, and nothing happened:
education.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, educationCLICK);
function educationCLICK(event:MouseEvent):void{

And then I tried to re-order it and nothing happened:
function educationCLICK(event:MouseEvent):void{
education.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, educationCLICK);

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Professional :: Buttons In A Movie Clip Don't Go To Frame Labels?

May 9, 2010

have 1 button inbeded in a movie clip named mcintroclp that is on frame 1 of my main timeline, Frame 2 is labeled port_btn on the main timeline. In the timeline of the movie clip mcintroclp I've put the code:

function buttonClick(event:MouseEvent):void


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Buttons Only Work The First Time (using Frame Labels)

Feb 23, 2012

I have 5 overlapping tab buttons and when each is clicked, it calls to a specific frame. The tabs are assigned to a specific frame so that when the timeline jumps to the assigned frame, the tab clicked appears on top of the other tabs. My code below works, but only once. If I click a tab and then try to click a previous tab, nothing happens.

FYI: My 5 tab names are: rotating_globe, company_tab_mc, newproducts_tab_mc, applications_tab_mc and tradeshows_tab_mc

There's also a 'back_home_btn' that appears on the stage when user is not clicked on the 'rotating_globe' tab (the 'rotating_globe' tab is my default home button)

rotating_globe.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, rotatingGlobeBtnHandler2);
company_tab_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, companyBtnHandler2);
newproducts_tab_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLI CK, newproductsBtnHandler2);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Linking Buttons Inside Movieclips To Frame Labels?

Feb 17, 2009

I've been working on a new issue while giving a break on cracking the other one.I have a movie clip acting as a button with rollover/rollout animation- we'll call it menu_mc for simple reference.I'm basically creating a rollover submenu. I've set it up a few different ways but the most user friendly has been hiding the submenu_mc (which has 4 linked buttons to root frame inside) by doing:

_root.sub5_mc._visible = false;
then inside the menu_mc with the rollover I have the submenu trigger set to show:
_root.sub5_mc._visible = true;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Navigate With Previous And Next Buttons To Frame Labels Stored In An Array?

Mar 8, 2011

I have a long timeline with a series of slides arranged along it with a labeled frame at the beginning of each slide.These slides do not have any standardized length so instead of counting out frames and jumping a set number I am trying to navigate with my previous and next buttons to frame labels stored in an array.

This works GREAT!Or works great if you're rapidly hitting the Next and Previous buttons to step through the area.The problem comes when you sit and try to watch the whole thing play out and then try to use the next button.If you have passed framelabel2 and hit the next button it returns you to framelabel2.If you have passed framelabel3 and hit the next button it returns you to framelabel2. Clearly the problem is that it does not know it has gone past framelabel1 and is thus gotoandplay-ing the next frame in the array...which is 2.I need to make it check its current position in the array before adding 1 and advancing the playhead.

var fLabels:Array = new Array("start1", "start2", "start3", "start4", "start5", "start6", "start7");
var cLabel:Number = 1;
function nextPlayClick(evt:MouseEvent):void {[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Basic Buttons - Advance User To Correct Frame Labels And Stop

Sep 13, 2010

I have a flash site that has a presentation page it has a menu of two buttons (1) to take you to a slide show and (2) that takes you to the gallery. These are the only two buttons that seem to work in control test movie, I get no errors. The only button that is connected is the slideshow button (I haven't done the gallery yet). This button takes you to frame two. Where I have the main website. It has its own menu that spans across the entire website which is 25 frames.

Each frame represents a new page. I have mini menus at frames 3, 5, and ten. That are supposed to just advance the user to correct frame labels and stop. The only buttons that work are the ones in the first frames. The rollovers appear to work on all the pages when I advance the movie using the [ . ] key but I get no trace statement which means that it is not being acknowledged, all my buttons are named properly I believe so here is the code as well, all is in frame one:

//handle events for buttons...
Gallery.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);
Home.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);
Location.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);
Guest.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);
Lodging.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Timeline Control - Navigate Through A Movie Clip And Stop At Frame Labels Using Individual Buttons?

Sep 8, 2010

im trying to navigate through a movie clip and stop at frame labels using individual buttons to call to individual labels while being able to see the on the way to the frame(for a blurred effect).my goal is to jump from point A to point F to point Z and see all the frames in between and visa versa.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading External SWFs Without Buttons?

Aug 17, 2009

Flash CS4 Actionscript 2.0 internal training project Main movie is a single frame project, containing just the interface. This includes a menu listing 80+ individual "chapters" for the training series. Each "chapter" that loads is its own project/swf of varying lengths. Once the main interface loads, it should automatically begin to play the chapters sequentially without the user selecting anything from the menu. When one chapter finishes, the next should load. If the user DOES select a chapter in the menu, it should load that SWF, and continue auto-playing from that selection forward.

- Each chapter swf has a built-in play/rewind/ff bar, various movie clips with animations, dialogue audio track and a fairly lengthy embedded FLV movie, and therefore a preloader before each chapter is mandatory.What I have so far works, but it's embarrassingly crafted my lack of AS skills:- First frame of main interface movie (let's call this main.fla) contains the following code:

var slideName = "modules/00.swf";
var loader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Transitions Between External SWFs Using MCs Instead Of Buttons

Aug 13, 2005

I have just completed the "Transitions Between External SWFs" tutorial and I'm now I'm at the stage of altering a few things in there to suit my needs. But I've run into a problem... For my buttons, instead of "Button" symbols, I want to use "Movie Clip" symbols - reason being is that I've got some specially animated Movie Clip buttons that I wish to use.

To get this... err "working"... with my Movie Clip buttons I have needed to use "_root." when referencing to the container Movie Clip. Now that works to an extent, but for some reason each button plays only "red.swf" even when there is no mention of it in the ActionScript and is instructed to play "blue" for example ("red.swf" happens to be the first appearing movie). Normal method with Button - works fine!

on (release) {
if (_root.currMovie == undefined) {
_root.currMovie = "red";
[Code] .....

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Control External Swf's MCs From Main Swfs Buttons?

Jul 8, 2010

Is it possible to control a movie clip in an externally loaded swf from a button in your main swf? I have 4 buttons in my main swf. In the externally loaded swf there are 4 movie clips all with their alha set to 0. What i'm trying to do is when the user clicks button 1, movie clip 1 one the external swf changes its alpha to 1. Then if you press button 2, movie clip 1's alpha returns to 0 and movie clip to 2's alpha changes to 1.

The, buttons need to be in the main swf as there are over 20 externally loaded swf all with 4 movie clips and I cant make those four buttons in each swf and also, the 4 buttons are intergrated into the graphics on the moan swf.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MC Buttons Launching External SWFs With Transitions?

Sep 30, 2006

I can handle animation but am somehow ignorant about ActionScript as my knowledge of Flash goes back to the Tell target actions...I've been playing around with 2 tutorials I've found on Kirupa (see links below) in order to build a text based navigation:

My first level is made of MC buttons. All working great when adding the script indicated in the first tutorial. From there, I would like to be able to load external SWFs when clicking on one of those first level buttons and in order to do so I added the script from the second tutorial (Transitions Between External SWFs)

Doing so, I was told I could only add that script on button symbols which is unfortunately i not an option at this point. how can I launch external SWFs that would allow transitions from those MC symbols?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Created 5 Buttons To Load 5 Different External Swfs Into Webpage

Jan 23, 2010

I've created 5 buttons to load 5 different external swfs into my webpage. I use the following script. How do I unload it when the next button is been clicked. [code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading External SWFs Controlled By MovieClip Buttons?

Jun 4, 2006

I basically made movie clip buttons to navigate through my site, has sounds and all i need those buttons to do is to call out a .swf file from a certain directory. I know how to do this with the traditional button, but not with a movie clip button since it requires a function. This is what I have tried and failed with so far:

this.profile_mc.onRollOver = function(){


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading External Swfs With Buttons (that Are Not On Main Timeline)

Aug 7, 2008

I just don't know how to target it. I'm trying to load an external swf, when releasing a button. The problem is the button is not on the main timeline, but instead nested in a movie clip. I just don't know how to target that button. I tried loading the swf with a button on my main timeline and it worked, so I know the problem is not with the movie clip loader class or the actual swf itself. I actually learned this from a note midway down the page in one of your tutorials..... [URL] how can i target that button that is nested in that movie clip?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading And Unloading External Swfs When User Clicks Buttons?

Jan 9, 2012

I am working on a few websites at the moment, one of the being my online portfolio, as well as my website for a sleep product I am trying to sell. I have very little experience with AS3, last time I created a website AS2 was used. I've tried a few online tutorials, but nothing gets the job done, there is always some error..I have a index.swf which loads the default home.swf.There is also an about.swf, contact.swf, order.swf, and All I need is for the external swf to pull up when the corresponding button is clicked, and when the next button is clicked, for the current swf to unload and the new swf to load.  This was so simple with AS2, one would think things might be as simple if not easier.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: [CS4] Dynamically Loads External Swfs When Click The Menu Buttons

Dec 18, 2009

I am currently doing a project that to create a full flash website. The website contains a preloader, an introduction movie, and dynamically loads external swfs when click the menu buttons. I am struggling with the preloader part. My preloader movie does not shown until 50% and disappears at 90%. I have searched for solutions on the internet for days but could not find any. I attached my source file as well as the swf.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 - Buttons Inside Multiple Random External Swfs

May 23, 2008

detailed as possible. Took basic Flash classes, but no AS other than searching online, taking a couple Kirupa tutorials, so it's all greek tho recognizably so. I have 10 individual "scenes" currently in one swf file, but would love to break these apart individually, and load each into a "container" swf with a "random" code (so each visit to my site starts differently) which I've located and tested with Kirupa's super "Loading random movies" tutorial. Question is: currently I have active buttons in each scene which advance playhead to the next scene. How can I code these to load another swf into the main "container" file and kill/replace the current swf?

Another tutorial "Transitions between external swfs" suggests "if your buttons are not located on the main timeline, you will have to change the path to the container movieclip" - but doesn't show exactly how to do this, and I have to say I can't figure the "path" out! Another issue I foresee is that I'll need the script to automatically pull in the next swf file when the current one finishes, if the visitor doesn't click the button first... Haven't been able to find this with a few hours searching, though some threads come close.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Swf With Buttons That Open External Swfs Which Completely Cover The Main Swf?

Jun 12, 2009

I'm building a website that has a main swf with buttons that open external swfs which completely cover the main swf. The external swf has a close button to return to the main swf. My problem is when the external swf is open the buttons hiding underneath on the main swf are still active. I want to add code to the button on the main swf to disable itself while opening the external swf. BUT, I also want to reactivate them when I close the external swf. Is there code I can place on the close button of the external swf that will communicate to the main swf to reactivate its buttons? It seems so simple but this is the trickiest part for me.

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IDE :: Get Code To Use Buttons To Stop The XML Working While Going To Another Frame?

Jan 12, 2009

Now I'm working on a Website which contains a XML Carousel Gallery, with the coding below.Now this all happens on the homepage. I would like to stop the xml on other frames though. Is there any coding I can use on my Buttons, to stop the XML working while going to another frame?

var folder:String = "thumbnails/";// a folder for thumbnail files + an XML file
var total:Number;
var radiusX:Number =180;
var radiusY:Number = 10;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Some Movie Clips Function As Buttons To Load Some External Swfs?

May 24, 2009

So I want to make some movie clips function as buttons to load some external swfs. I have this action script on the mc's:

on (release)
loadMovie("Chuck.swf", "motionmc");

It was working when it was a button, but now nothing happens?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Transitions Between External SWFs - Looks Crap As The Size Of External SWFs Grow?

Sep 2, 2006

[URL]regarding this tutorial I started my site [URL] to get some trasition effects but im getting somewhat different since the external SWFs take time to load. isn't it better to create "intro and outro" on the same time line instead of loading external SWFs bcos once the movie loaded as a whole will lead to smooth and contineous transitions.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Buttons And Events - Only Recognizing The Code When The Clip Is On The First Frame?

Feb 21, 2009

have button listener code on main timeline: Code: endPanel.playAgain.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playAgain); which lets my button within a clip call a function (function is on main timeline as well) later, that clip advances through its frames and the button seems to be losing it's listener code. the button still has the same instance name and is persistent throughout the clip. why is it only recognizing the code when the clip is on the first frame? You would assume that an instance name would retain it's listener code throughout the timeline no?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Buttons Load The External Swfs Except When Click On The Contact Button That Is In The Main Flash Page

Feb 23, 2011

I am loading swfs into a movie clip. However, the contact button is not a loaded swf any longer. It's in the main flash page. This is what I want to do. All the buttons load the external swfs except when I click on the contact button that is in the main flash page. I need to get the other buttons to load after I click the contact flash button. Below is the code for the contact button and the one under for one of the other buttons.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load External SWFs - Parent Document Which Essentially Loads One Of The Ten Child Documents Onto The Respective Key Frame

Apr 29, 2011

I've got this interactive poem I've been working on for a class. I've basically finished each "episode" seperately. I made a parent document which essentially loads one of the ten child documents onto the respective key frame. Here's a sample of the code for the first key frame of the parent document:

import flash.display.MovieClip;
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, LoadSWF2);

Well Two things are messed up about it, well my "ChildTimeline2" variable will off and on assosciate itslef not with the main time line of a child document, but of a nested symbol inside said child document. Even worse, the "gotoAndStop();" command I will give sometimes applies to Parent document... yaay! but often it will apply to the child document. The end result being this horrible looping moment where you are stuck in one child document for all time.

I wish I could attach the documents but they exceed the 300KB. how I can get Actionscript to listen fro the last frame of the maintimeline of the child document, or tell flash to gotoandStop for the parent document

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Navigate From Btn Of Mc_B To FRAME Of Mc_A Using Frame Labels?

Jul 28, 2009

Im using Flash MX (the pre-02004 version) to design a photo portfolio that will be distributed on CDs to potential clients.Its broken up into subject galleries, each of which is its own movie clip.The pages of those gallery movie clips are all separate movie clips, too, regardless of whether they contain single images or layouts of images. Frame labels with stop codes separate each gallery_mc.

Within each gallery, previous and next buttons allow page-to-page navigation.From the last page of gallery_A_mc (e.g.), I can to go to the first page of gallery_B_mc by using the following ActionScript:

on (release) {

Id think that this should make it go to frame 5 of gallery_B_mc,which is on the gallery_B_ FrameLabel, but it doesn't make it go anywhere.

on (release) {
this._parent.gotoAndStop("gallery_B_mc", 5);

Also doesnt make it go anywhere.

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