ActionScript 3.0 :: Load External SWFs - Parent Document Which Essentially Loads One Of The Ten Child Documents Onto The Respective Key Frame
Apr 29, 2011
I've got this interactive poem I've been working on for a class. I've basically finished each "episode" seperately. I made a parent document which essentially loads one of the ten child documents onto the respective key frame. Here's a sample of the code for the first key frame of the parent document:
Well Two things are messed up about it, well my "ChildTimeline2" variable will off and on assosciate itslef not with the main time line of a child document, but of a nested symbol inside said child document. Even worse, the "gotoAndStop();" command I will give sometimes applies to Parent document... yaay! but often it will apply to the child document. The end result being this horrible looping moment where you are stuck in one child document for all time.
I wish I could attach the documents but they exceed the 300KB. how I can get Actionscript to listen fro the last frame of the maintimeline of the child document, or tell flash to gotoandStop for the parent document
I'm getting a bald patch on my head from frustration with the following problem. I have a parent AS3 swf which loads in a AS2 swf like so;
stop(); var ldr:Loader = new Loader(); ldr.load(new URLRequest( "as2child.swf")); addChild(ldr);
contained in the AS2 file is the following script which loads in jpegs when the user clicks the next button, etc.
however when you view the AS2 swf via the AS3 swf it does not seem to load in the jpgs when requested. I need to retain the AS2 file so cannot rewrite in AS3 as the image loading thing is only a small part of the AS2 file.
I have a parent swf which loads many child swfs (though only one is displayed at a time). My intention was to use the loaded SWFs document class to retrieve an array of objects to be assigned a tab index, combine this with the parent's own array of objects and apply sequential tab indices to them all. But what happens is actually that the parent's objects are assigned an index, but the external swf is unaffected. In fact, the external swf retains its automatic tab indexing, when I would expect that having set a value for InteractiveObject.tabIndex, automatic tab indexing would be disabled.
I've seen similar tales elsewhere. Most posts I've read are wanting to load an external swf, give it focus and loop through those objects, then close the swf and return to looping through the parent. However I would like loop through all objects as one. including manipulating the focus manager(s), and basically fiddling with every tab-related property I know.
I have a class linked with a movie clip, and in this movie clip I want to be able to add an event listener that calls a function in the Document class (the class you link with the fla as a whole). How can I do that? Say the name of my document class is In my class, I want to listen for key input and call pageChange() in when it gets called. Would I have to import into the If so, I wouldn't want to create another instance of the KPScript object.
Is there a way I can share sound assets between parent and child swfs?
Currently, I have a parent swf that loads a child swf (and each have preloaders) and some of them have the same sound assets. I would rather only load the sounds once... can I reference a sound even if it 'lives' in another swf?
I'm using a PreLoader as a parent SWF that loads the actual website as a child SWF. In the website SWF, the child SWF, will MovieClip(root) still work and refer to it's own root, or the PreLoader's root? And would I still access the websitite's document class (the child's document class), through MovieClip(root)? What if both files have a document class?So my main question is how do document classes and MovieClip(root) behave in the scenario when you have:
I am trying to make an interactive book that will have a chapter broken into several paragraphs that will load into dynamic text boxes.
For my first chapter, I have 3 text boxes, in which I have 3 different .txt files being called upon with 3 separate loader(); events It's important that the .txt files are loaded dynamically so the content can be edited easily.
Is there a way to do this with array or classes so I don't need to create and code 10 boxes for each chapter?
Imagine the following setup. The main swf loads a child swf.In AS2 i would simply use _parent or _root to call the desired function. How can that be done in AS3?Can this still be done? Can I call a function on the main swf from the loaded one? How about the other way around, this time, from main to loaded swf?
I've just recently started learning actionscript with most of knowledge coming from this site and others like it. My website loads external swfs by clicking a button. In these swfs is dynamic text and a slideshow. It load the text and images from an xml file. As you click around the website the slideshow stops working properly. I'm not really sure why this happening.
I'm creating a site that loads external .swfs as pages. I have little understanding of how Loaders and instance names work with AS3 (even after reading the documentation), so I'm having some difficulties.
I'm loading the .swfs in a movie clip named "container." I want to replace the contents of "container" with the web page .swf that the user chooses, but I don't know how to write the condition to: a) check to see if something is already inside "container"b) remove the contents by instance name or method of MovieClip. I'd prefer to remove whatever is inside of "container" rather than switching cases for different instances.
I am loading eight external swfs by way of eight buttons with actionscript to remove the swfs and sound after a new button is clicked. This works fine except that as soon as you get to the frame where the actionscript is all the swfs load at one time on top of each other. I don't want any to load until the button is clicked for the right one. MouseEvent listener works but only after all the swfs have loaded. How do I get the swfs to load only when the buttons are clicked. I can't figure out what I am doing wrong.
I am currently doing a project that to create a full flash website. The website contains a preloader, an introduction movie, and dynamically loads external swfs when click the menu buttons. I am struggling with the preloader part. My preloader movie does not shown until 50% and disappears at 90%. I have searched for solutions on the internet for days but could not find any. I attached my source file as well as the swf.
I've never been very good at writing AS3 classes as I rarely use them, but I needed a frame-based timer class so I decided to write my own. However, I don't know how to do everything in it that I want to, so could someone help me fill in the blanks and polish the rest?
I got a Parent Sprite, let's name it SpriteP, which holds inside it two other Sprites. Sprite1 and Sprite2.[code]Sprite2 is a rectangle. When I rotate it, of course, the height of its parent, SpriteP, GROWS. But I would expect that height to go back to what it should be when I'm removing Sprite2!And it does! If I remove Sprite2 while NOT being rotated, the height of the parent drops back to normal, 200.
i am slightly confused about the parent and child relationship. lets assume we have several different instances, what would be difference of adding them all as children of the stage and creating a parent-child hierarchy between them(other than the access path).
I got a Parent Sprite, let's name it SpriteP, which holds inside it two other Sprites. Sprite1 and Sprite2.
When Sprite2 is NOT rotated:
Code: trace(SpriteP.width + ' ' + SpriteP.height); //100 250. SpriteP.removeChild(Sprite2) trace(SpriteP.width + ' ' + SpriteP.height); //100 200. -> works, 200 is good. When Sprite2 is rotated at 90:
And it does! If I remove Sprite2 while NOT being rotated, the height of the parent drops back to normal, 200. But if I rotate Sprite2, the Parent won't update its bounds.
Currently, I have a main SWF (shell) that pulls in external SWFs via XML. I'd like to add buttons to the main SWF that allows me to control the content within the external SWFs (i.e. play, pause, etc). I've played around with a few different ways to get this to work, but have come up empty each time.
We have a requirement to show documents (if we have URL for a document) within Flash. We have a need use embedded document viewer for MS Office and PDF documents. Are there any Flash controls available to acheive this?
I have a frame that I want to display but the function that calls it exists on the parentHow do I call a frame that exists within a child movieclip from its parent?Here is my code. It is basically for a restart button.Here is the parent function.
I am trying to build a presentation by calling external .swfs inside the .fla document.
By clicking a button I want to load an .swf (800 x 600) from the desktop into a target_mc inside a new flash document.
The problem is that once I press the button to load the .swf, instead of loading it into the target_mc, Internet Explorer pos up with a statement saying " To help protect your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this file from showing active content that could access your computer. Click here for options..." Once I click the options link, a new link appears "Allow Blocked Content". once I press it the .swf file loads into the Internet Explorer window full screen.
I want the .swf to load into the mc I am specifying INSIDE the flash document, not on the browser.
I have a parent that loads a child that contains a ScrollPane. The ScrollPane then loads another child (timeline) that has buttons. I would like to be able to click the button within the timeline and have it load the SWF in the ScrollPane child. Making it easier to visualize..
I have a flash page where I am loading another .swf into. With a button in the loaded swf I need to unload the loaded swf (where the button is) and navigate to a specific frame label in the parent .swf. I've tried to do the following in the key frame where the swf get loaded into I've put the following:
var gallery_load_wonderland:Loader = new Loader(); gallery_load_wonderland.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEve nt.PROGRESS, loop_wonderland); gallery_load_wonderland.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPL ETE, done_wonderland); gallery_load_wonderland.load(new URLRequest("gallery_wonderland.swf")); function loop_wonderland(e:ProgressEvent):void { [Code] .....
I basically want to first load the swf called "gallery_wonderland.swf". Then in the "gallery_wonderland.swf" there's a button called "contact03_btn" which I want to unload "gallery_wonderland.swf" even though it's inside the swf and navigate to the frame label called "Contact" in the parent swf.
What can I do I've done similar before and it works, but when I do it know and I click the contact03_btn it comes with following error message: TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::Stage@26215ba1 to flash.display.MovieClip. at gallery_wonderland_fla::MainTimeline/back_wonderland()[gallery_wonder land_fla.MainTimeline::frame1:227]
I have a MovieClip named "all_Pages" inside of it has timeline tweening on its child "pg" which has sets of pages as child of pg on framesHere is the problemI am trying to execute the code written on all_pages first frame which is 6th frame; while executing all_pages.gotoAndPlay(1); // timeline tweening i.e
I actually dotn do a ton of flash work but I have a client who would like to have the ability to post PDF documents to the web using a flash based document viewer like the one found here: [URL] they want the ability to make certain areas of the document clickable like links so they can take you to a url - and they want the ability to roll over or click on an area of the document to zoom in on it. is there some kind of canned component i coudl either get as freeware or purchase that woudl allow me to do this?
My problem is i had 2 swfs parent.swf and child .swf and i loaded the child.swf file in parent.swf using Loader class there is a textbox and a button in child.swf when we enter text in the textbox(say,notepanel_txt) and click on the button(say, mySubmit) the text present in textbox(notepanel_txt.text) is saved in the database using URLLoader and an variable called success(which is String type) must be available to parent. the code is as follows:
I am new to flash."I am unable to access the variables of child swf in parent swf after an action(button is clicked) is performed in child swf".
My problem is i had 2 swfs parent.swf and child .swf and i loaded the child.swf file in parent.swf using Loader class there is a textbox and a button in child.swf when we enter text in the textbox(say,notepanel_txt) and click on the button(say, mySubmit) the text present in textbox(notepanel_txt.text) is saved in the database using URLLoader and an variable called success(which is String type) must be available to parent. the code is as follows[code]...
I had been developing one Flex application , in that users are allowed to upload there own swfs . The problem is, my application has a frame Rate of 11 , if the user tries to upload the swf with higher frame and audio with it( ie Framerate of 24 with AudioFLV ). this makes my application to run at the higher frame rate of that same user uploaded swf.
here is the scenario..I have a picture on the stage that has multiple items that have hotspots/links over them that should open a child swf on top of the background and show details about the items. I found this code in someone's post and I am trying to modify it so that works for multiple buttons currently works for a button loading a single swf. The name of the instance name of the buttons is the same as the name of the swf file that they load so I thought I could do something that when the button is clicked it would pass the name of the button into the URLRequest but I can't figure it out. Here is the code I am using.
////////////////////////////////// code from the actions layer var bioloader:Loader; var biocontainer:MovieClip;
If you haven't met me yet, that's because I'm pretty new around here. I picked up ActionScript just earlier this week, actually. Name's Kate. Nice to meet you. All righty. I'll start by saying that I've been referencing this thread: (I'm not allowed to post URLs until I've got at least 50 posts in?! Gasp.)