ActionScript 3.0 :: Write In UPPERCASE While Caps Lock Is Off?
Jun 19, 2009
user will give answer in input text field, so i wrote like this,
but problem is if user type Gyan or GYAN, it will say wrong so how can i fix this problem, can we write in UPPERCASE while caps Lock is off, or can we restrict UPPERCASE in input text Field?
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Can we write in UPPERCASE while caps Lock is off?
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I wrote the code below to detect the Caps Lock but it couldn't detect the cap lock at start up.
if(flash.ui.Keyboard.capsLock){trace("CAP WAS ON")}else{trace("CAP WAS OFF");}; The result for this code is always return "false" unless I put this code in the eventlistener and have to press the keyboard
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Is there a way to do so in Flash, Javascript - if not, any other languages ?
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Feb 2, 2007
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Dec 24, 2009
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May 7, 2005
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May 7, 2005
How would I upper case the first letter in a scentence and lower case the others. So that when im typing if i hit space then hit a new letter it is automatically caps. and the next is lower case till the next space?
(kinda like in guildwars their naming system).
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toUpperCase() Method converts whole string touppercase. i want only first letter to uppercase. is it possible
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Mar 11, 2007
After "googling" without success, could some provide a URL or code sample that would illustrate how to output the following:
"This Is Not A Love Song"
Where the first letter of each word is capitalized.
View 7 Replies
Jun 16, 2011
i have an input text called relleno1.every time i try to input a uppercase character some of them works other doesnt.
relleno1.border = true;relleno1.borderColor = 0x0066cc;relleno1.maxChars = 80;relleno1.height = 20;//relleno1.restrict = [code]......
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s|Panel #titleDisplay {
textAlign: center;
textTransform: uppercase;
fontSize: 16px;
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Aug 10, 2011
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Sep 22, 2007
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1. If the word is not found
2. If the word is found
3. If the word is found, but it's not the same (Ex. You enter hello but the word in the text is Hello)
I have it all working for the moment using functions etc....but the one thing I am unsure about is how to determine whether the character is uppercase or lowercase or maybe there is another possible way so that I can print out the 3rd reason from about.(telling the difference from hello and Hello.)
The whole thing is based off a tutorial I found here: [URL]
just got rid of the find next button and added an output msg box.
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Jun 23, 2009
I need to ensure that the output from my text box is uppercase at all times.
The text fields are
My code is thus so far:
private function displayForm() {
//Setup intereaction on each of the form elements
this.error_tf.visible = false;
Am i calling the name of the text field properly? do i need to call the function? if so where?
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Nov 23, 2004
say I've got an input field and I want the entries to be UPPERCASE, how can I set this up in flash so that these characters appear capitalized even if the user doesn't have CAPSLOCK on? I've tried myTextField.toUpperCase(); but this doesn't work.
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Apr 3, 2011
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Feb 14, 2009
For an input field I need about 20 fonts to be embedded.
The size increases like hell, as expected. So I try to embed only the needed characters.
First thing I notice is I can only set that for the text field, I expected to be able to set the character range for every single font.
I set only Uppercase for all my dynamic/input fields but the size doesnt decrease and I can still see all characters.
So I suspect the way it works is strange and/or I just dont understand how it works.
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Nov 23, 2004
I've got an input field and I want the entries to be UPPERCASE, how can I set this up in flash so that these characters appear capitalized even if the user doesn't have CAPSLOCK on?I've tried myTextField.toUpperCase(); but this doesn't work.
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Mar 20, 2012
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Oct 1, 2011
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This prototype removes the HTML tags... instead removing the HTML, ingore the text to become upperCase?
String.prototype.removeHTML = function(){
var temp, i;
var xStr = this;
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Oct 1, 2011
I got this text that I want to convert to uppercase...the problem is that my server is linux, and files are case sensitive..So I need to convert the text to UpperCase, except what's inside the html tags.This prototype removes the HTML tags... convert this to, instead removing the HTML, ingore the text to become upperCase?
String.prototype.removeHTML = function(){
var temp, i;
var xStr = this;
var total = xStr.length;
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Aug 23, 2009
I want to convert a string with all uppercase letters to title case (all words first letter uppercase ) how could I do that?
Template Home Portfolio
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Oct 25, 2011
I'm trying to read a XML file and output the values, but i'm getting a 1120: Access of undefined property URLRequest. error.
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Aug 11, 2011
What would be the best way to simply take a string like
var myString:String = "Thi$ i$ a T#%%Ible Exam73@";
and make myString = "thiiatibleeam";
or another example
var myString:String = "Totally Awesome String";
and make myString = "totallyawesomestring";
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Apr 6, 2010
I have many text elements in my flash file - how do I modify the text to make it all caps? Is there an easy way where I can select all of them in one go and make them all caps?
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Oct 17, 2009
I have two text boxes. An input text box you type into and then a dynamic text box that shows whatever you wrote in the Input box in a different font.I want the output box to be in all caps.I've done some searching and it looks like there is some AS2 for this:textOutput. writtentext.text.toUpperCase();
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i save my flas in the normal "save as" and i find some of my flas have a lock icon on the red fla icon.
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