ActionScript 3 :: Class Raising Non Custom Events?

Jan 23, 2012

I'm using ActionScript 3 in Flash Professional and I'd like my class to raise an event, not a custom event but an existing one. I've set up my class so that it extends EventDispatcher. In the documentation [URL] the example declares a custom event by adding a static String variable:
class CustomDispatcher extends EventDispatcher {
public static var ACTION:String = "action";

I assume that enables:
dispatcher.addEventListener(CustomDispatcher.ACTION, actionHandler);
Or at least auto-complete when you've typed 'dispatcher.addEventListener(' into the Flash Professional IDE.

But lots of classes that raise events raise a mixture of existing noncustom events. For example if you have an instance of a flash.netFileReference and type

A long list of potential events to listen for is given including DataEvent.UPLOAD_COMPLETE_DATA, Event.SELECT, HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS, SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, etc.

If I want my class to be registered to raise those existing events, what code do I need? Preferably so that the IDE knows instances of my class may raise the event and suggests them in the addEventListener auto-complete/intellisense list.

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//add listeners to the preloader_mc movie clip on stage


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Flex :: Dispatch Custom Events From A Created Class?

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I came to some misunderstanding how to use events. LOL. I thought I understand it but as I see I dont.

I've got a Engine document class where Hero is added, and Cannon object too. In body of Hero I need to dispatch event when Hero reaches some point or particularly a pitfall, so I've got static const string to handle it:


but this way I would end up with dozens of handlers in the Engine body class, and I am trying to minimize this class as it is big enough without those handlers. I am stunned and suprised, and I am noob again. Maybe someone will clear out how to get custom events working/... and why only instance of object that dispatches an Event can hear it (my case).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Custom Class - Dispatching Events Performance

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Jun 16, 2011

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var parameter1:customclass2;
in customclass1 constructor:


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I have the following situation:I have an event handler, that displays small messages in my application's statusbar.These messages get passes through by dispatching events from custom components.A simple message could be like "HTTP Error" or so.Now, the main event listener, in the main application file, listens to the event dispatched by any custom component,but seems to refuse listening to events dispatched by custom AS classes.Here is my code for the custom event:


So to sum it all up:

- The event listener listens to the custom event dispatched by any custom component.

- The event listener does not listen to the custom event duspatched by an AS class.

Those who wonder, the event really gets dispatched, that's why I added a trace call.

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Flex :: Access A Custom Property In A Custom Class?

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I couldn't work it out yet...

package components {
public class templateSelection extends VBox {
static public var tempSelectionBag:Dictionary;


I want to have a custom class tempSelection with a Dictionary as a public accessable property of that class. If I use this code, the compiler tells me:

1046: Typ wurde nicht gefunden oder war keine Kompilierungszeit- onstante:Dictionary

Which translates to:

Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: Dictionary

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Events Dispatched By The Class A Doesn't Get Listened By The Main Class?

Feb 2, 2010

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Class files are in: ....etc

The main mxml file gets the input from a textArea. Sends the input to the capturedInput (input:String) function using set method which is in the ProcessInput Class.Now I need to dispatch events NORMAL, COMMAND depending on the input obtained after the processing, where I'm having problems. The reason is that if the event NORMAL is dispatched a particular function inside the DBController is to be called. If COMMAND event is dispatched then I need to call another function. This idea doesn't work since the events doesn't get listened.But the events dispatched by the CSDB class when listened by the DBController works well.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Custom Events

Mar 1, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Custom Events And Bubbleing?

Apr 29, 2010

So heres the issue I'm haveing, my event listener is not being triggered from the parent, and not retrieving my string for each button being clicked on.
Here is the event listener which listens for the subclass to dispatch an event called MenuEvent.LOAD_PAGE and then passes a string to a variable thats called whatPage thats defined within my custom event.


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AS3 :: Flash - Custom Broadcast Events ?

Mar 15, 2010

In Actionscript 3, most events use the capture/target/bubble model, which is pretty popular nowadays:

When an event occurs, it moves through the three phases of the event flow: the capture phase, which flows from the top of the display list hierarchy to the node just before the target node; the target phase, which comprises the target node; and the bubbling phase, which flows from the node subsequent to the target node back up the display list hierarchy.

However, some events, such as the Sprite class's enterFrame event, do not capture OR bubble - you must subscribe directly to the target to detect the event. The documentation refers to these as "broadcast events." I assume this is for performance reasons, since these events will be triggered constantly for each sprite on stage and you don't want to have to deal with all that superfluous event propagation.

I want to dispatch my own broadcast events. I know you can prevent an event from bubbling (Event.bubbles = false), but can you get rid of capture as well?

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Actionscript 3 :: How To Implement Custom Events

May 12, 2011

How do I correctly implement custom events? I thought the following should work, but I never receive CustomEvent.READY in the main Model


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dispatch Custom Events?

Mar 14, 2011

I have this Document class:

ActionScript Code:
package  {
import flash.display.MovieClip;[code]....

I just want to dispatch that custom event named "myEvent" but it doesn't work. How can I do? I don't want to use flash events. I want to use mine.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Custom Events Not Dispaching?

Oct 3, 2009

I'm making a game where you build supports under a bridge to keep it up. I'm trying to add some custom events to my game but I cant seem to get them to dispatch. What I'm trying to do is get the repair shop support to fire an event and tell the bridge and the surrounding supports its been built so they can generate a movie clip and start repairing them selves.If I trace the event it gives me all the correct data after the support is built but the listener on in the repair shop support and on the bridge does not receive it.

package com.CustomEvents {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Dispatch Custom Events

Nov 24, 2009

i have been trying to figure our the dispatchEvent system in as3. But am just not able to wrap my head around it. So can someone please explain and give me an example on how to dispatch custom events?

for eg: Here i just want to disptach event every 100ms and the event should give me the value of "a" .

package com
import flash.utils.Timer;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Custom Events Within Package?

Dec 24, 2009

I'm trying to create a custom multi-touch application that consists of a package containing about 6 classes at the moment. I'm trying to find a way to communicate between the various classes when certain custom events happen but am having a hard time making custom events.

I've tried about 5 different tutorials online for creating custom events and none of them have worked. The code is a bit extensive so I won't attach it but the specific situation I'm dealing with goes like this:

There is a drop down menu system that contains file names from an XML file. When the file name is clicked in the menu I want a custom event to be dispatched that I can pick up in another class file that loads the name of that file into a "status bar" textfield element elsewhere in the app, and later a class that will open the file and add it to the stage.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Custom Events Not Working?

Aug 12, 2010

Can anyone help with this, I've been working on it for hours straight and I'm still having major issues.

Sometimes it works great, sliding each new status update down as it should. Most of the time it seems to have completely random positions set. I am completely at a loss. [URL]..

I think it's an event issue, specifically with line 127 trying to loop through the children and dispatch a custom event to all children. I'm not sure how to best do that.

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Actionscript 3 :: Dispatching Events From Parent Class To Child Class

Apr 30, 2010

I think this is a pretty simply problem but I do not seem to be able to pull it off. Basically I have a parent class A, and a child class B.Class A instantiates class B with addChild.There is a shared object which is being updated from a java server (red5) that has an event listener attached to it in class A.I have a function in class A which will pass certain, specific updates from this shared object to class B.The problem occurs is that when class B is instantiated, the event listener from class A doesn't work anymore. I have not removed the event listener from A.?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Custom Events On Video Playback?

Feb 6, 2009

I'm using one of flash's standard FLV skins but want to modify the code and graphics. Not a problem however, I want an animation running around the outside of my player that can also be controlled by the play button of the movie player..... so..animation on outer skin is running or perhaps starts to run when user mouses over that area... video inside is still.... press play button, video starts, animation stops.... press pause, video stops, animation starts...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Mulitple Custom Events ?

May 14, 2009

I'm using the following code to create events my question is how do i create multiple events? I need each event to contain a diffrent data parameter.

PHP Code:

package NetConnections.Call{
// Import class
import; [code].........

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Custom Events - Any Way To Call Function?

Jul 29, 2009

The fact is that the "dispatchEvent" method must be placed into the code or timeline where the "event" happens, then it can be trigged and the function associated with the event will be invoked. Ok, it is understood. Nevertheless, my question is: what's the point to create an event to trigger the a function call, if I can simply call the function instead directly???

public class CustomEvent extends Event{
public static const ONSOMETHING:String = "onSomething";
public function CustomEvent(type:String){
[Code] .....

If I can do simply:
function DoIt(){
trace ("Done!");
What I mean is that custom events doesn't look like as REAL events for me, but more like a delegate way to call a function. Differently from Flash native events that are controlled by an internal engine that keep checking if the event happened, in the custom events they must triggered 'manually', and it seems to lose the event main characteristic.

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Flex :: Custom Components / Events And Scope

Apr 15, 2012

I'm trapping keyboard events on the stage and dispatching custom events through a framework (Mate, though I don't know that this is an important issue), but I'm pretty confused by the scope. The structure is:application (traps keyboard events and dispatches custom event mainPanel (receives dispatched events but mainCalendar (a child element) is null on debugging. Obviously if I try to call a public method on mainCalendar it errors out, even though it's a child of mainPanel. However, mainCalendar is NOT null IF I use FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.mainPanel.mainCalendar. Outerdocument and parentDocument do not expose mainCalendar either, BTW mainCalendar (a custom component inside mainPanel with public methods. Creation policy is 'all' and it's visible and exists long before I trap any keystrokes at the top level)Could someone take a minute and explain why the mainCalendar is out of scope when mainPanel receives a custom event, even though mainCalendar is a child of mainPanel. Is there a better way to manage the events so I don't have to always address the component via the topLevelApplication?

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