ActionScript 3 :: Handling Public / Private IPs On Developing Of Socket Server

Jan 20, 2011

I am developing a chat server were my users log in using any of my clients applications with a very simple implementation of the TCP protocol. When the user logs into, the client sends a raw text to the server indicating some parameters like username, others, and the most important the WAN ip. This data gets stored on ther server database. After the execution of a algorithm who search for other online user in the database, the server sends to a pair of users the ip and the username of the other user, so later the clients can connect to each other directly wihtout using the server anymore. So, the server acts only like a meet point. Well all this works fine is the users arent inside of a private network, like a wireless router. The clients are programed in AS3 using XMLSocket and the server using VB6 with winsock.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: What Does Public And Private Mean In This Statement

Jan 25, 2009

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package {
import flash.display.Sprite;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: OOP: Private Array Property Still Public?

Feb 25, 2005

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class TestPrivate{
public function TestPrivate(){};
private function getGo(){
trace("can execute");

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public static function setInterrupted(value:Boolean):void{
_interrupted = value;

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class PoolBall extends MovieClip {
private var poolBall:MovieClip;


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Media Server :: FMS Using A Public Ip (not Working)?

Dec 6, 2011

I was making live streaming using FMLE and FMS but inside a local network,  now my server is using a public ip, and now the FMLE cant connect to the server, im sure i have to change something in the FMS but i dont know where, if i try to work inside my network works, but if i try to do it by my public ip launch an error eerytime i try to connect.for example: inside my network my server ip was,  so everytime my FMLE needed the url to stream was something like.. rtmp:// 

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Media Server :: FMS Streamed From Public IP Address?

Mar 24, 2010

I have Flash Media Server, and I think it's free edition coz i dont input serial number when i installed it..I have problem to have people stream from my pc, there's a public IP address assigned/mapped to a development PC here..I'm able to stream it locally from my computer, fyi, my computer is using windows XP and the development PC is using windows 2003 server..and there's an apache webserver already installed there..

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<HostPort name="edge1" ctl_channel="localhost:19350">${ADAPTOR.HOSTPORT}</HostPort>

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4. about security at the proxy server or ISP, I've confirmed with my boss that he's opened the port 1935 to be allowed, and he's also confirmed with the ISP that they dont block port 1935..

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Php :: Handling Server Load Efficiently?

Feb 11, 2011

I am building a Flex application using Pure MVC pattern and Zend framework for calling php code on the server. I need to sync some data with my server which is using MySQL as the database. And there are 5 such tables I need to sync. So I call these php functions at regular intervals from Flex and use long polling on php side. The client side code for my subjects lies in 5 different proxies.

Should I send 5 separate requests from each proxy to call the php code which is lying in separate classes. Or should I build a separate proxy to send 1 request from 1 php file and then distribute this data among different proxies on the client side. Which one will be more effecient? Mathematics shows using separate proxies and php classes allow more number of users to be accomodated on the server.Can I write 1 SQL command to fetch data from all 5 tables given they cant be joined on any column?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Private Class Not So Private?

Nov 26, 2006

Okay so you've got your private vars in your AS2 Class, you think they're all safe right? Wrong.

Doing a trace(MyClass.myvar); will spit out an error that the var is private and you can't touch it.

But a trace(MyClass["myvar"]); will work perfectly fine. You can use it normal, without any setters getters outside the class.

Is there a way to protect against this? I think this is a huge security flaw. I know it's simple OOP, but a private var in an object should have rules.

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Media Server :: 'NetConnection.Connect.Failed' When Using Public IP

Aug 19, 2010

I am getting "NetConnection.Connect.Failed" error when trying to connect to my FMS 3.5 server from Internet.Things work pretty well when the application is hosted and accessed on my local network. Now when I want to connect my live stream application to Internet it isn't working. Public IP for my server is of type (My machine is mapped to the ip so to connect I need to mention the port as well).I am running IIS and FMS on the same machine. I have changed the default tcp/ip port of iis to 8080 and the ports for FMS are set to 1935,80.I have updated the HTTPPROXY.HOST value in fms.ini to HTTPPROXY.HOST = :8080 (port of IIS)HTTP tunneling and HTTP Proxy are also enabled.

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Jul 19, 2011

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C# :: .net - Socket Server - Concurrent Connections

Apr 23, 2011

I have made a socket server in C# for a flash game that I am developing, I got the code from somewhere and I am a beginner in c# and .net development . It works fine in practice when connections are made and the server functions correctly. Get 2 concurrent connections at the same time and we have a problem. here is the basic aspects of the socket server below: (alot taken out for obvious reasons) how can I alter this so that it can handle concurrent connections? Should I be threading each response?


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Java Socket Server And MySQL

Oct 22, 2011

I'm writing socket server in java for my flash browser based game and i need to connect to mysql database. Is it possible to connect to mysql through socket server and send received data to connected flash clients?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Can't Afford Socket Server

Oct 9, 2006

If you cannot afford a socket server and want to support a massive amount of people chatting and playing multiplayer games on Flash, what would you do? Should I use PHP/MySQL? Would that put too much strain on it and make it slow?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: PHP / XML Socket Game Server?

Feb 22, 2008

I wrote a XML Socket server in PHP recently because I wanted to make a multiplayer Flash game in AS3. This server is supposed to be completely generic and doesn't have any game logic. You should be able to build pretty much any game with this server.

While writing it I realized the new version for Flash Player 9 r115 had some new security issues surrounding Sockets. So I implemented a crossdomain.xml and modified the XML Socket server to serve a crossdomain.xml file if it encounters a security request. The security policy socket server runs on 843 always (it's the default port flash player looks at).

Along with the PHP Socket server I wrote an XML Socket client in ActionScript 3 (AS3). This set of classes is also completely generic and is completely event driver. Your game client would include this file and pass it parameters through the Events classes in order to communicate with the socket server.

Lastly I created a very simple game / prototype using the AS3 class and PHP server. It is very basic, each player gets a ship, and can move around and shoot at other players. However I implemented all of the funtions: Logging in, Logging off, Synchronising players and movements, creating objects (ie firing a bullet), etc

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex PHP Socket Server

Nov 28, 2008

I want to test a simple PHP socket server with Flex, server seems to work fine when trying to test using telnet, but Flex doesn't display any responses, here's my code:[code]

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Oct 13, 2010

I am looking to develop basic client server data application to add value to a website.

The website is .net based and opening an api such as asmx web service, json or xml would be simple.

Can anyone tell me what are the limitations - technically, what is possible with flash and also what Apple consider to be good practice.

Does anyone have any Actionscript code examples?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Connect To A Telnet Server Through A Socket?

Mar 20, 2011

I'm trying to connect to a telnet server through a Socket.On that server, I setup a crossdomain.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<allow-access-from domain="*" to-ports="23" />


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ActionScript 3.0 :: XML Socket - Sending Video To Server

Feb 19, 2010

I'm working on a small school project, and I'm grabbing video from my webcam like this:

camera = Camera.getCamera();
if (camera == null) {
} else {
camera.setMode(960, 600, 30, true);
camera.setQuality(0, 100);
outgoingVideo = new Video();
[Code] .....

And I would like to now send this video to a server I am connected to using an XMLSocket. Is this possible?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Socket And Server Based Application

Jul 18, 2011

I am wondering if it is better to write basic "chat" client based servers in java because then you can have multi threaded servers where clients can connect and chat or if you can do this in Actionscript- minus the multi threading because from what I know air and or AS3 do not support threading.

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