Media Server :: Developing Text Chat App With Flex 4.6 - Count How Many Users In
Mar 15, 2012
I'm developing Text Chat App with FMS 4, Flex 4.6. I want to count how many users in. I've searched enough. And I made some codes. Server Side Code(main.asc)
I'm building a chat app and there are between 100 and 900 users inside. I'm checking if a user is connected to the FMS by pinging it and if the stats['ping_rtt'] is higher that 3 secs i disconnect the user. The problem is that some user are connected but have very high ping like 30 secs or even higher.Does anyone have an idea what can be the reason for the high ping?
I have developed a audio/video/text chat application with multiple users. I would like to store/save live session in to a single video so that we can manage archived live sessions, and make these sessions available for other users just like a normal video/FLV.
I know we can store single live streaming with DVR but I need to store all the live cams into single video. Note: I'm using FMIS for above application (with rtmp).
I am wondering if we should use RMI or NetStreams for our text chat.A few things should be considered, as we have different scenarios that could happen :
- Imagine a 2-way text chat, with 2 people connected via RTMFP to the FMES server. Would text chat with RTMFP NetStreams be more appropriate than RMI? - Imagine a 2-way text chat, 1 person connected via RTMP and the other via RTMFP, would the text chat be better over RMI or over RTMP NetStreams? - We need to consider that video/audio are also available, and we use either RTMP or RTMFP NetStreams (depending on the protocol the users connected to the server with).
i have implemented simple text chat using fms and php but now i want to implement the group chat whoever come to online should be able to text each other implement this.
private function sendMessage(e:MouseEvent=null):void { if (_message.message_box.input_txt.text=="Message..."||_message.message_box.input_txt.text
I'm trying to make text chat application using shared object. I'm using api Shared.getRemote("so",m_nc,true); to make the data persistent. It makes the file with extension fso. I want to save the chat history in notepad for further reference, and also load that data as per requirement.
We have been using flash media server with great success. We were wondering if the is any software package which works with the server to provide text chat amongst the user
As titled, what is the way to record video/audio files using Flash Meida Server through rmtp, and allow users to access the recorded files through http?What I am trying to do, is to record a user's microphone's input and save it to the server.fterwards, I would like other users to be able to access the recorded files and mainuplating the audio data, by computeSpectrum(), to do some visualization of the audio. As I know computeSpectrum() cannot work on streaming files, so I think I need to access the recorded files using http instead of rmtp. Is that true?
I am testing RTMFP unicast for a video chat project using FM Developer Server 4.0.During the testing I overloaded the upload traffic to make packets dropped rather than suffering delay due to retransmission.
However, I see it makes a significant delay and it looks like doing retransmission just like RTMP.
Do you know if there is an option in FMS to disable the retransmission or other configuration I have to consider?One thing I found is "Netstream.videoReliable=false; Netstream.audioReliable=false;" but it doesn't make any difference.
Medium-load chat server using Shared Objects segfaults every few hours. Runtime size has been increased to 30MB (this saves it from crashing every 10 minutes). I have the core dump but don't understand what it means.
the chat client application is created using adobe AIR, the application should be able to do communication sims like Google Talk and AIM does. If it is impossible is there any other solution to do that?
I'm usig Adobe Flash Media Streaming Server 3.0.1, it works fine, no major problems, when the internet between Media Encoder and Server stops, some times the stream doesn't start automatically.I have a problem with users(viewers) trying to connect to server. The server is connected to fiber optic internet at 100mbps and the stream is made in 500kbps with media encoder 2.5.
When are 40-50 simultaneous viewers works fine, but when enter more viewers, for example, 200 simultaneous, nobody cam receive the stream good, it works frame by frame or flash player display "buffering", work 3 seconds and buffer 5 sec,and so on.HOW I CAN RESOLVE THIS PROBLEM?it is possible to connect milions of users simultaneous, how can i do that.I need more servers to connect each to each other? Could you send me a diagram how to do that?I need to increase the ram memory from server?( i have P4 dual core 3.0 Ghz, 6 Gb ram 800Mhz).
I'm planning to develop a chat program in Flash using a sample program called Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK. On their website, they say: with the help of this sample program you can easily implement text, audio and video chat programs and it doesn't require a long period of time.
I'm trying to make a P2P video chat application with Flash Builder 4.5 and Flash Media Server 4.5.First, I've tried a simple sample application using Cirrus(Stratus). It worked very well!NetConnection -> NetGroup -> 2 NetStreams -> netstream play and publish -> last, netgroup post.The sample was all OK.[code]I couldn't get events about NetGroup and NetStream any more..When using Stratus, It worked well...I am not familiar with FMS.. did I skip something in FMS setting?
I am building an enterprise application which involves many to many video chat. Most of the chats at any given time will be idle but they still need to trasmit some frames to keep the video chat alive and let other person know that someone is available. Will I be able to achieve this without any media server such as FMS and wowza? I heard about data packet loss during RTMFP. Is that true? What would be my limitations?
sample Application, etc. .xml that would provide optimal tuning for many 4-way video chats?Using the "live" application out-of-the-box ended up in very significant delays (~7sec)
I cannot get good quality in video chat. I have 3mbps line but i did not get good quality video, and my video is too slow. Also i will subscribe my FMS on influxis server.
If I have a Quad-core server and 8 RAM, how many users can it handle while streaming a 48-128Kbps audio-only stream of Mp3 or AAC? I guess there are some users here that are handling similiar cases, and maybe employees with estimates
I have created a video chat application using Flash Media Server, Its working well in Local, But not in FMS (If I connect with my FMS account). But Text Chat working well, pbm in Video only My server is from influxis with Bandwidth 1 mbps, But My application got 13 mb totally, It is any pbm in the server, I'm very newbie to FMS, so excuse my silliest question and explains if its.
I want to create a video chat application between 2 people and I want to record the dialouge between the two people to one audio file, so both of then can play back the dialouge at a later time.