ActionScript 3 :: Writing Local File From Game Without Saving Dialog Prompt?

May 19, 2010

I'm writing a game to be run locally, on the user's computer. NOT over the internet. I want to have a file that will hold the usernames and avatar indices (they're in an array). I want to know if there's a way to write to files through Flash with AS3. I'm using CS4. I'd also like to know if you can delete files through Flash, though that's just optional.

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public class FilesApp extends MovieClip {
var file:File;
var xmldata:XML;


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Oct 26, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Saving A Xml File On Local Host Machine?

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var xml : XML = <save><instruments/></save>;
var fileRef:FileReference = new FileReference();,"NewFileName.xml");

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1061: Call to a possibly undefined method save through a reference with static type

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Data Integration :: Saving Data To A Local XML File?

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I am seeing repeated comments on this discussion forum that it's not possible to save data from Flash into a locally stored XML file . . . but there must be a way to do this. Why is you can read data from a locally stored XML file but not update or add data to it. how absurd a design would that be, it simply wouldn't be logical!

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Saving Images To Local Machine?

Jul 2, 2009

Is it possible to save  images in to local machine while loading images in a flash component from a server. I think it's possible to save images in to local machine using actionscript3. I want to know whether its possible by actionscript2. While searching i got some tutorials regarding this but its using actionscript3.

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Professional :: Saving Local Data In Flash?

Jan 20, 2010

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I came across an article [URL] which states that it is possible to save local data onto a user's computer without a backend script (e.g. php) in Flash Player 10 but the article doesn't really say how this is done.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Upload Image And Saving It To The Local Map?

Mar 2, 2011

how do you upload the image for temporary savings and then save it down to the local map?

My Situation: Making an flash website for my father in law and we got a server/domain which has got no database... Which make it impossible to basicly just save it to a database.

so I will make a admin place where he can go on and save the image to a map specified. and then it will upload the images by it self...

So how do I move the image from the local computer to the server where the website is. He wount have access to the server so he can't manually go in and put the images into the folder he needs an admin way of the website to save the images into the folder by remote access.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Saving And Loading Data To Local Machine?

Feb 1, 2012

I am new to Flash/ActionScript, and I am having a lot of fun creating a project in Flash. am working on a character tracker (yes I am totaly geeking out) an I was wondering how to save the data I have entered into the project (hit points etc...) and load it back next time I opened it. The data would be saved on my local machine. How can I get Flash/ActionScript to do this?

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Flex :: Saving And Loading Image To Local SQLite BLOB ?

Sep 8, 2011

I need to be able to save and load images into an SQLite database using Flex 4.5 for a mobile application. The use case is this:

Inside the view there is a spark Image object with a URL as a source

When user clicks button, the Image is saved to an SQLite db inside a BLOB field.

In a separate Image, the source is set to the ByteArray stored in the db.

The biggest question so far is this: where do I get the ByteArray for a loaded Image? I've tried debugging and inspecting Image, BitmapImage, and BitMapData but there's no sign of the byte array.... perhaps it's inside the ContentLoader? But that's null unless I enable caching.

I've done some research and there are no complete examples for how to handle this. I've written a simple View that anyone can copy and paste into a new project. It will compile without errors and can be used for testing. I will update this code as I get the answers I need so that anyone can have a fully working example of this workflow.The only caveat: I used a synchronous connection to the DB to avoid complicating the code with event handlers, I wanted to keep it as simple as possible.I will only mark this question as answered once it is fully functioning both ways.

UPDATE SEPT. 09 2011: The code below is now fully functioning in both directions (save and load). Here are some of the things I've learned: It turns out that the ByteArray of a spark Image can be found inside the LoaderInfo of the image itself. Like this:


However, trying to set this ByteArray as the source of another image ( image2.source = image1.loaderInfo.bytes) results in this security error: Error #3226: Cannot import a SWF file when LoaderContext.allowCodeImport is false.Which is too bad because it would save so much time and processing power.the workaround is to encode the ByteArray using either a JPEGEncoder or a PNGEncoder. I used the JPEGEncoder which produces much smaller files. Here's how:

var encoder:JPEGEncoder = new JPEGEncoder(75);
var imageByteArray:ByteArray = encoder.encode(imageToSave.bitmapData);

Now the problem is saving these bytes to the DB. Saving them as they are now will not work once we read them out, I'm not sure why. So the solution is to encode them into a base64 string like this:

var baseEncoder:Base64Encoder = new Base64Encoder();
var encodedBytes:String = baseEncoder.toString();

So now just save that string into the BLOB field and later read it out. However, you have to decode it from a base64 string to a ByteArray like this:

var encodedBytes:String =[0].imagedata;
var baseDecoder:Base64Decoder = new Base64Decoder();
var byteArray:ByteArray = baseDecoder.toByteArray();

Now assign the bytearray as the source of your image and you're done. Simple right?if you find any optimizations or alternative ways to do this.I will respond and keep this code updated if need be.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Write A Class File Using A .as File Instead Of Writing Code Into The Script Tab Of A .fla File?

Feb 4, 2010

I am trying to write a class file using a .as file instead of writing code into the script tab of a .fla file.When I write stage.addChild(img); I get an error that stage is null. When I take out stage, and just write addChild(img); the code runs fine, but nothing appears on stage. Do I need to do something to set a stage active?
Is this because I don't have a Main class? My class is named after the file and I don't have a file named Main.Here is the code. As it is, it runs and I get the two trace outputs, but no graphic on my screen.
package  { import flash.display.DisplayObject; import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.display.Loader; import*; import*;  public class HelloWorldImage extends Sprite {  private var background:DisplayObject, foreground:DisplayObject;  private var url:String = "hw_jpg.jpg";  private var loader:Loader = new Loader( );    public function


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Saving Game Data To The Server?

Jul 22, 2009

I am working on an educational game that requires the user to enter their username and password in order to retrieve their saved game data. I know how to do this locally using the sharedObject class but I do not really understand how to do this remotely on the server. I thought maybe using remote shared objects would work but it looks to me like that only works with a flash server and data can be changed by anyone.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Saving A Game Map To A Single String

Feb 22, 2012

I'm attempting to make a flat text file made up of game map information. I have an array of objects that I'm extracting the properties from and converting to a multidimensional array (an array of arrays). then finally imploding or joining into a single string separated by 2 glue strings.[code]The problem with the above code: The above code works but only for 3 objects or less. In order to add a forth I would need to change mapTextArray var to equal which I'm unsure how to do pragmatically and it seems there should be an entirely easier solution.[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Launching A Local Html File From Local Swf?

Jan 16, 2007

i am having a problem launching a local html file from my swf. i have a button called print that when clicked it is supposed to open the local html file and print out the content. this is the code i used on the button

on (release){


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Download File Without Prompt Of Save As Dialogue?

Aug 29, 2009

I need a way to be able to download a file without the prompt of save as using filereference i need to download this file, manipulate the file and then later on, upload it back to the server!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash CS5 / CS4 Game Saving / Loading Tutorial

Apr 8, 2011

Somebody give me some tutorials sites for saving and loading game.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use Random File Access For Reading And Writing Data To File In It?

Jan 20, 2010

I am wondering if it is possible to use random file access for reading and writing data to file in Actionscipt 3.0 similar to that what is in Visual Basic?

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Media Server :: Advantage Of Writing A SSAS File Over An External AS3 File?

Jul 23, 2011

I do understand the differance between ssas and as3. Not all, but all most everything I see written in SSAS can be writen into a external AS3 file. This leads me to quite a few questions I'm hoping you kind people can shed some light on for me.
1)  What is the advantage of writing a SSAS file over an external AS3 file?
2) Can I write an .asc file in AS3 or do I have to use AS1? Please understand I'm using tuts from and the books "Learning Flash Media Server" (pdf) and "Programming Flash Communication Server". I'm not a javascript programmer so nothing I do in AS1 seems to make any sence while everything I do in AS3 does. It may not seem like it to you people that are programmers, but to those of us that aren't, AS1 and AS3 are miles apart.
3) kind of off topic, but a security question. I'm not a "hacker" and don't like the jerks that are. My question is on external AS / SSAS files and swf files. When my fla is compiled into a swf does my external AS files remain external? I assume they do, but then what is the threat of the swf being decompiled? In most projects I would do I could care less if somebody had access to my fla as long as they don't have my actionscript files.
I don't know. Maybe on questions one and two I'm getting confused becasue I'm using out dated material. Again I assume that even though fms was built off of the javascript engine it should be able to read and execute my AS3 file. Other wise what was the point of the evolution of actionscript into a fully functional programming language?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Compile Script With The Mxmlc File - Prompt Shows Up For A Split Second Then Disappear?

Feb 19, 2009

how to compile actionscript with the mxmlc file? everytime i doubleclick the file to run it, a prompt will show up for a split second then disappear.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Saving Movie Clip Positions In A Simple Drag And Drop Game

Aug 7, 2011

I have a drag and drop game where each movie clip is a word that the player has to arrange on screen in a certain order of importance - there is no snapping mechanism and the user can place the words anywhere desired.

Later in the game, I need this list of words to appear in the order that the player previously organized within a different scene.

This is an example code of how I set up the drag and drop game:

//Array to hold all the puzzle movie clip instances.
var burgerArr:Array = new Array (burger_mc, burger2_mc, burger3_mc,
burger4_mc, burger5_mc, burger6_mc, burger7_mc);


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