ActionScript :: Class Number Communication?

Mar 15, 2012

I'm a little new to AS3, but I have a question. I have a variable called "lives". It is a Number. I also have a class. It is called "Enemy". Within the "Enemy" class, there is a function called "collision_detection". How can I change the value of "lives" from "collision_detection"?

I have an Enemy class. I need to communicate from within the class to let the main program know that a collision occurred. How can I send this message to the main program?


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Communication Between Swf?

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public class MainB extends MovieClip {  private var a:Itfa;  public function start(_a:ItfA) {    a = _a;    // etc  }} 
In the first Swf, SwfA:
public A implements ItfA {  var mLoader:Loader;  [...]   public function startLoad()  {    mLoader = new Loader();    var mRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("B.swf");    mLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,  onCompleteHandler);    mLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onprogressHandler);    mLoader.load(mRequest);  }  public function


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Input A Number Output A Multiple Of Words Equal To That Number)?

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SO, I want to do a very simple program, and I have no clue how to even get started. This is what I need to do. Several Different boxes to put something into. I Have Done That, I can type into them. Their instance names are


Heres what I have no clue on how to do though, completely lost. Box 1 needs to have the value psr.


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I would like to know is there any limitations in flash textarea like the number of lines it can have or the number of bytes it can have. iam opening a text file using php in textarea, where all the contents of the files are not getting loaded in the textarea.  If it is there then how to increase its size, is it same thing in flex?

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var i:Number = 7059467160524343000;
i = 7059467160524343700;
i = 7059467160524343999;


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