Actionscript 2.0 :: Reuse A Deleted Function?
Oct 24, 2011
We area trying to create a virtual world application. We are using hitTest to make the avatar enter the room. That hitTest event is inside an onEnterFrame event of the avatar so every time the avatar is on the stage it runs the function and detects if it hits the hot spot or not.
So onEnterFrame we have: (shortURL is a variable that points to the movieClip)
Code: Select allif(this.hitTest(shortURL.detectRoom1)){
attachDialogue(1, "room.swf");
The code works, however when the user clicks on no, the dialogueBox still appears since the avatar still hits the room's hotspot. If I remove the commented "delete attachDialogue" clicking the no button will remove the dialogueBox movieclip without any problems. However when the avatar walks on other hotspots it doesn't call the function again.
Are there other ways how we can remove the movieclip and set the attachCounter to 0 when the no button is clicked? Or how can we reuse a deleted function?
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MovieClip.prototype.moveIt = function() {
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
menu._x = Math.round(border._x - ((border._width/2) + 68))+5;
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// set up XML object
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my_xml1.ignoreWhite = true;
[Code] .....
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function btnClick (event:MouseEvent):void {
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- listener added with weak refference, therefore it shouldn't keep the GC away
- object set to null
- trace of the object m shows null
- debugger shows the value of m as null
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____if (this._x<300) this._x+=5;
____else delete this.onEnterFrame;
____// to erase it, but you can simply empty it
____// else this.onEnterFrame=null;
How can I turn it on again?
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function loadThumbs(){
for (var i = 1; i <= totalImages; i++){
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<EMBED src="mymovie.swf?myFile=text1.xml" ...
then in the actionscript, get the file with something like this:
then reuse the same SWF on different HTML pages, ex:
<EMBED src="mymovie.swf?file=text2.xml" ...
Is this possible?
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Mar 3, 2011
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hyp1.onPress = function(){startDrag(this);}hyp1.onRelease = function(){stopDrag();}hyp2.onPress = function(){startDrag(this);}hyp2.onRelease = function(){stopDrag();}hyp3.onPress = function(){startDrag(this);}hyp3.onRelease = function(){stopDrag();}
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Jun 12, 2011
I'm displaying an external image in Flash with the loader object, and then addchild() and that whole thing. Im wondering how, if possible, I could then add that same child to another movie clip. So far, when i do, it doesn't show up in the original movie clip anymore. Is there a way for me to display an image twice by pulling it from the same source like you would do with html,css?
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Jul 13, 2004
c_mc2 = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("main_text", 4);
c_mc2._x = 0;
c_mc2._y = 359;
If i use this method to create an empty clip and then once i am done with the clip i unload the movie which was previously in it, what happens to the clip. Do i have to re-create it if i want to reuse the empty movie clip again with the same name?
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