Actionscript 3.0 :: Flash Dynamic Templates That Import Variables Text Files?

May 4, 2010

We have AS2 Flash dynamic templates that import variables text files. they are formatted like this:

&label1=label text 1&
&label2=label text 2&
&label3=label text 3&


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Flash :: Import Variables From A Text-based File?

Nov 12, 2011

I couldn't find a good, clear question and answer for this in StackExchange, so I'll pose this as clearly as I can and hopefully get a clear, concise answer.Suppose I have a .txt* file with variables for a bunch of objects of one type that I was to load into an ActionScript 3 program. I can use an import statement such as:

private var testFile:Class;

for some of the places where I need to do this, but I also need to know how it's different for files chosen by the user from their local hard drive.n code, how can I convert this file, testFile:Class into an array, result:Array, of strings?*: If you have a solution using .xml or another format, please also include a sample of what the file's contents would look like and how you would get them into variables within AS3Edit: Below is a quick example file I threw together, test.txt:



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ActionScript 2.0 :: Import Some Html Into A Dynamic Text Box In Flash Mx 2004?

May 25, 2005

I am trying to import some html into a dynamic text box in flash mx 2004. I clicked the render as html button and this is what is coming up in the text box...

<a href="" target="_blank">This is a test </a>


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Setup Code For Dynamic Templates With PureMVC?

Feb 15, 2011

I'm at the verge of starting a (for me) very complicated project and I am confused about in what way I should setup my code.EXPERIENCE:- I've been programming AS2 for almost 7 years now- Finally switched to AS3 a year ago- Have beworking with the PureMVC framework in my last couple projects nowPROJECT DESCRIPTION:I have to make several templates for a dynamic quiz game.+ Information about the quizzes comes from a database+ quizzes can have different kind of question and there are also other types of screens (information, video, etc)+ All quizzes are dynamic and therefor different+ there have to be several different templates (design, animations and dimensions)MY PROBLEM:I don't really know how to tackle the different templates in the right way.I want all the templates to make use of the same basic code, but only look different (design, transitions and dimensions) terefor I think I should use a MVC pattern.But how do I implement it in such a way that I:- can have 3 different templates- add extra features to the source code without needing to update all the templates- easily add other templates when neededI'm a bit stuck in the MVC way if thinking (which is quite complex for me).

- Do I need to create different sf's = SWFs for every template (and thus the need to update them all for every new feature we implement)- Or should I use a core template, on which I can expand a new "skin" by dynamically loading a theme-swf?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Import The Variables From The Text File?

Oct 10, 2010

I have a text file that holds names. I want to import the variables from the text file.I can do that, but I also want to create a loop that will iterate through the text file and create the variables. The number of variables in the text file will vary.I simply don't know what I'm doing and need a hand.Here is an example of my variables in my text file.

Here is my URLLoader[code].........

I have variables named name1, name2 in my text file and want the same names in my flash file. I know my onDataLoad function is incomplete but I left some fragments so you can see my failed attempts.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Import An Html File That Contains Just Plain Text Inside Of A Dynamic Text Box

Apr 8, 2003

I want to import an html file that contains just plain tet inside of a dynamic text box. The things that I have tried jus tmake the html file pop-up as a new page, but i want the information inside of that textbox.

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Flash :: Flex Bug Trying To Import Actionscript Files - Error "import"

Jan 26, 2010

The "import "" line throws the error: 1084: Syntax error: expecting rightbrace before semicolon.

package {
import ""; //ERROR
import "";
public class Game {

I was going great with Flex, until I tried to split up my code into separate files. Now I'm struggling. Here are my files and their dependencies:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Import The Text Into A Dynamic Text Field Using URLLoader

Aug 23, 2009

When I import the text into a dynamic text field using URLLoader (and when I pasted it here) I get this: Praesent vestibu lum molestie lacus. Aenean nonummy hendrerit mau ris. Phasellus porta. Fusce suscipit varius mi. Cum sociis natoque penati bus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.


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Flash 5: Changing Variables For Dynamic Text

Jul 17, 2009

My .txt file is called my_text.txt

Inside I have:
myText1=This is test 1.
&myText2=This is test 2.

I tested it out with my dynamic text. If I made the variable myText1, it loaded the first line. If I made it myText2, it loaded the second line. All seemed to be fine.

I have a dynamic textbox, variable named names. I want to be able to change the variable in order to get it to load whichever line of text I want.

I tried:

names = myText1;
loadVariablesNum ("my_text.txt", 0);

But that's not working. I've tried playing around with it in various ways, like
names = eval(myText1);

and such, but nothing is effectively getting it to change. I've been trying to look it up and tried all the different ways people told other people to use, but it's not working for me.

Once I get this work I everything should fall into place easily.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Import Multiple Text Files Into Individual Datagrid Columns?

Oct 30, 2009

I have 5 text files that contain a list of 50 items in each file.

I want to bring that information into a datagrid; 1 column per text file. I'd also like to extend the code to add more columns when new files are created.

I was able to bring in one column, but maybe an approach with xml, an xml connector and dataset would be better.

Here is the code so far:

var PATH:String = "10-12-09.txt";
var extIndex:Number = PATH.lastIndexOf( '.' );
var extless:String = PATH.substr( 0, extIndex );


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Variables In Dynamic Text Boxes

Nov 17, 2010

I have a PHP file which is correctly pulling records from a SQL database. What I need to do is place each new record into a new text box. I understand that I need to assign a variable to each record as it comes through the PHP file and that Flash needs to know which variable to assign to which text box. So, in that respect I have added a counter to the PHP script (it is performing correctly)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Import Some Xml Data And Display It As Dynamic Text?

Jul 6, 2010

I'm trying to import some xml data and display it as dynamic text...This is my simple xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<boardTitle>Whats On This Week</boardTitle>

and I need to display that in a dynamic textbox I've called 'varBoardTitle'

my_xml = new XML();
my_xml .ignoreWhite = true;
my_xml .onLoad = function(success:Boolean):Void {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Import Numbers For Calculations Into A Dynamic Text Box?

Jan 7, 2011

I am an animator who does a little actionscript from time to time (enough to get me in trouble) but am at a newbie lite experience stage. I have flash 8 (actionscript 2). I have formulated a calculator for my boss (not in animation, unfortunately) that has some very simple flash maths. I have previously loaded text into a swf from an external text file into a dynamic text box � easy enough. But in my simple calculator I�d like to add a pricing schedule which I can edit externally (without Flash, simply edit the text file) to change the prices on some stuff. Can this be done? Every time I try using the loadVariablesNum or LoadVars approach my calculations come up with a NaN error. I suspect you can�t load characters that are recognised as numbers from an external text file. Can I do it with XML (I have some very basic understanding) or do I need to use php and mySQL?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Variables From A Text Files

May 1, 2003

The external TxT file is loaded into _root!In the text file I have these variables:


They work fine but when I want to divide ro1 by ro2 it returns NaN!It was workin' a minute ago! I've been messin' if it for days now!

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Flash :: CS5 Will Not Import Mp3 Files

Oct 11, 2010

With the latest Flash program and the latest Quicktime version, I still can not import mp3 files to my Flash.

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Import Working .gif Files Into Flash (CS4)?

Feb 17, 2010

I've downloaded some animated .gif images. When I try to import them to Flash and add them to the libary, and then onto my animation, they don't move, just stay still like normal images. Why is this? I've seen people import things such as boats moving across the sea in .gif files and they work in flash, why aren't mine?

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CS4 :: Import Earlier Flash Files Into This?

Sep 2, 2009

I thought I might have had this answered before, and my question is just below, which I marked as answered, but really it's not, so, apologies for asking again. I inherited a site to maintain [url]... and I've just got the original 'fla files (I only had .swf previously). However, while I can get the file to play in it's entirety, I only get to see 35 frames, so I get the impression I'm not able to import the lot.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Data Loaded From Text Files Into Dynamic Text Box?

Feb 1, 2011

I'm having a problem adding numbers that are loaded to dynamic text boxes. I'm using AS 2 (Flash 8). The numbers are loaded to the textboxes from a text file using a loadVars command. The text boxes have instance names of TELEMATICS and BOOK - I have a third textbox called (instance name) RESULT - the text file is called TEST1.txt. My problem is that after trying (and trying) several solutions in tutorials I am unable to add the values in TELEMATICs and BOOK to get a (sum) total in RESULT. My code to load the numbers is as follows:


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IDE :: Using A Dynamic Text Field To Show Html Formatted Text From .txt Files

Apr 8, 2009

I am using a dynamic text field to show html formatted text from .txt files. I have set the html property both in the properties panel and in AS, and it mostly works. All html formatting show up just fine, except for when "&" is used. Flash CS3 documentation indicates that & is supported, so.? All text after the & does not appear: the only text loaded is that that comes before it. I am using CS3, AS2, publishing in Flash Player 9. Sorry if this problem has been addressed elsewhere, but I've had no luck with my searches.


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Convert .vob Files To Import The Video Into Flash?

Jul 1, 2006

Client has supplied a dvd with .bup, .ifo, & .vob files Can I convert them somehow to import the video into Flash??

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Import Microsoft Words Files Into Flash?

Jan 29, 2010

how to import miccrosoft Words files into flash. I have some Microsoft Words file which I want to use in Flash. When I open swf I want the contents of this file to be seen. How do I import them ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Have A Flash Document That Will Import Certain Variables From An XML File (name, Age, And Gender)?

May 31, 2011

I want to have a flash document that will import certain variables from an XML file (name, age, and gender) and be able to manipulate them in flash... (i.e, be able to change someone's age or gender or even name in the flash program) But I don't have the first idea where to start. The XML I think I know what to do, but not the flash.Here's a sample of my XML file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<person id="John Doe">


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Use File=> Import=> Import To Library... Or Import To Stage...the Flash Environment Becomes Terminated?

Aug 18, 2009

I`m using flash cs3 for my works , but i have one problem!when i use File=> Import=> Import to Library... or Import to Stage...the flash environment becomes terminated.I changed my flash version to CS4 and I have this problem again.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Importing Variables (information) From User Maintained Text Files.?

Jun 17, 2009

i am making a quick and dirty flash help source for my companies site.  Later on i will tweak I will pretty it up. I am going with two movie clips that i believe will be sufficient for now as seen the layout below....[code]....

MC_1 :Is the selection menu.I want to import from a text file the different help sections or Setup, Administration, Customizing, etc......Then i want to import from text files that are labelled and corrisponding to each section that will list the actual different help would have sub menu options of System Requirements,Server Install, Client Install.I would have these sub menus in listed in different text files for each section heading.
MC_2 :Then when somene clicks on the submenu options like 'Server Install' in the given example Movie Clip 2 would import from yet another text file the actual help information in an HTML format
Questions:For MC_1 I am not sure how I should go about creating it!I assume I will be creating a MC inside of it, one for each variable it pulls in from the Header.txt do i do that when the number of variables can change?And then it will pull in and create the sub menus one for each variable that it finds in its own text file, again the number can change?From there i should have no problems having the sub menu, when clicked on, would pull the text info in html format into MC_2.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Variables And Dynamic Text?

Aug 16, 2010

AS3 newbie here finally trying to make the transition from AS2. I have a little application that I am trying to build which has some basic math in it based on user input. I have the numbers stored in dynamic text boxes and now I need to have the results shown after the user hits submit.

I have this code on the results page frame.

ActionScript Code:
var resultsmin:Number = Math.round((Number(devsize.text))*(Number(typemin.text)));
var resultsmax:Number = Math.round((Number(devsize.text))*(Number(typemax.text)));

This probably wasn't even the best way to do it in AS2 but it worked, now in AS3 it doesn't. Something to do with the way var is used now?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting Variables From Dynamic Text?

Apr 14, 2004

A simple input text field at the end of Scene1 then displays the user name in Scene2. How do i detect if they have filled the feild in or not, if they don't I want the resulting text be different.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get Variables From Dynamic Text?

Apr 14, 2004

A simple input text field at the end of Scene1 then displays the user name in Scene2. How do i detect if they have filled the feild in or not, if they don't I want the resulting text be different

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text From Files?

Jun 3, 2008

ive looked at the tutorials about loading in text from files but have yet to get anything to work (i.e. gives me undefined messages or just random code appear in the text boxes)loading text from files to dynamic text boxes.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using Dynamic Text Box Variables For PHP Email?

Oct 15, 2009

Passing Text Variabes to a form PHP script for emailing.If a user makes a number of selections from visual indicators on frame 1 of a Flash 8 file and textual descriptions of those selections are then actionscripted into dynamic text boxes as text values in a form on frame 2, can the text values of the dynamic text boxes be given variable names that can be sent to and processed by a server side PHP script as regular input type text box variables would be processed?

User selects 3 images on frame 1 via a mouse on(release) event.
the actionscript being:
on(release) {[code]....

On the form frame (frame 2) would be a movie clip (form_mc with instance name form) with the normal Name, Email, Message input type text boxes along with dynamic text boxes dynamicTextBox1, 2 and 3.On the form Submit button the actionscript would be:

on(release) {
var sendVar = new LoadVars ();
var receiveVar = new LoadVars ();[code]...........

Would this work? All indications I have seen through many Flash/PHP email tutorials indicate not using dynamic text boxes but components like combo boxes etc use variables and not input boxes.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Displaying Variables In Dynamic Text

Aug 10, 2009

I need to display a few different variables inbetween static text in a dynamic text box. In the movie the users click on pick 1 of 3 characters and 1 of 3 backgrounds. The variables are set onRelease of the button, ie

function pickname(){
if(charSelected == "char1"){
_root.textBox.CharSelectText.text = "Nutmeg";
} else if(charSelected == "char2"){ //else if


To display their name in a tester dynamic text field with just their name in it and no static text

Underneith the images of the characters and bg's is a sentence that gets filled out after you make your choices, ie "One day, [character name] went to the [lbackground name]."

I also need to have the character name and background name different colours from the rest of the text, is there a way to hook up a css file to give just those words different properties from the rest of the text?

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