Import Working .gif Files Into Flash (CS4)?

Feb 17, 2010

I've downloaded some animated .gif images. When I try to import them to Flash and add them to the libary, and then onto my animation, they don't move, just stay still like normal images. Why is this? I've seen people import things such as boats moving across the sea in .gif files and they work in flash, why aren't mine?

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package {
import ""; //ERROR
import "";
public class Game {

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import flash.display.*;


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Here's my code:

import flash.filesystem.*;
function writeFile():void {
var file:File = File.documentsDirectory;


I can't find in my install folders. Perhaps it's somewhere else?

Or perhaps I misunderstand the documentation and you can't use fileSystem in a flash projector with AIR?

Or is there some setting in Flash I need to adjust to work with the library and AIR?

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