ActionScript 3.0 :: Importing Variables (information) From User Maintained Text Files.?

Jun 17, 2009

i am making a quick and dirty flash help source for my companies site.  Later on i will tweak I will pretty it up. I am going with two movie clips that i believe will be sufficient for now as seen the layout below....[code]....

MC_1 :Is the selection menu.I want to import from a text file the different help sections or Setup, Administration, Customizing, etc......Then i want to import from text files that are labelled and corrisponding to each section that will list the actual different help would have sub menu options of System Requirements,Server Install, Client Install.I would have these sub menus in listed in different text files for each section heading.
MC_2 :Then when somene clicks on the submenu options like 'Server Install' in the given example Movie Clip 2 would import from yet another text file the actual help information in an HTML format
Questions:For MC_1 I am not sure how I should go about creating it!I assume I will be creating a MC inside of it, one for each variable it pulls in from the Header.txt do i do that when the number of variables can change?And then it will pull in and create the sub menus one for each variable that it finds in its own text file, again the number can change?From there i should have no problems having the sub menu, when clicked on, would pull the text info in html format into MC_2.

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[Code] .....

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Feb 16, 2011

I'm trying to approach another method for making a particular game that I've been working on for the past year. I'm wondering if it's possible to create the game in 'pieces' and import all of the files into one .FLA file. For example, some of the game features include:

-a turn-based tic-tac-toe system (player vs. computer)

-File save/load storage system that will save/load the game files from the user's computer (note: this is NOT an online game)

-An options screen for the user to toggle sound and controls

-The game is played using the mouse

Is it possible to create separate .FLA files and import them into one single main FLA file? For example: For the turn-based game, could I just develop the AI portion of this (since this is extremely difficult to do and will take a lengthly amount of code) in a single FLA/SWF file, then develop the interface, graphics and controls in another separate FLA/SWF file and import all of that into a single, main FLA file where the actual game will be compiled for the final version? For the options screen, can I create all of this in a separate FLA/SWF file and import it in a single, main FLA file with the rest? if I can organize each part of the game into separate FLA/SWF files and then when I get ready to compile the entire game into a single, stand-alone EXE file, everything will all be together? If the game is compiled into a stand-alone file, will it still need all of those separate FLA/SWF files each time it's run? or when I import those files while I'm developing the game, will they already be included once I compile it?

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Actionscript 3 :: Importing Variables From PHP 4 Into Flash?

Jun 9, 2010

I'm trying to get variable importing from a PHP script before I implement it into a larger project. So far all I've gotten is headaches.// this is all thats in test.php other than the open and close brackets.// Normally I'd have it doing a mysql_query and putting useful information into the print statement.All has to do is access the three variables. The problem comes in that 'val' is undefined. The id and name variables however are just fine and return 0000 and Glenn respectively.

package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.text.TextField;


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