Actionscript 3.0 :: Maximum Clickable Area?

Jun 3, 2009

I have a movieClip with instance name "rulesScrollbar", that has a width of 9.1px, and a height of 729.6px.Along with it, I have the


Code: Select allrulesScrollbar.buttonMode = true;
rulesScrollbar.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, scrollbarClicked);
function scrollbarClicked(e:MouseEvent):void {[code]......

But when running the movie, only the first 600 vertical pixels (approximately) are clickable! Does flash have a limitation of which I am not aware that would cause this? There isn't any masking going on, so I'm not sure why only part of the movieClip would be clickable.

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Mar 19, 2010

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Professional :: Resizing A Buttons Clickable Area?

Aug 22, 2010

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And then I bring it into photoshop and make a different layer for each different structure (in the screenshot I only did it for one structure but you get the point)
Now what I would like to do is import my .psd file into flash and make every layer a different button. But I don't know of a way to view layers of a .psd file in flash. But here's the bigger problem. As you can see, it makes the "clickable" area for the button a rectangle shape.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Clickable Area Of MC Full Size?

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I know this is basic, but I lack the terms to use to search for the solution. I can do some advanced stuff in Flash, but when it comes to basics like this, I'm at a loss.

I'm trying to have two movieclips call the same function but pass to it a different argument to then process accordingly. What I've learned is that even though the MCs are small rectangles on the stage, their clickable area seems to span the entire stage. In this code example, when I click on one MC, the trace gives me both 1 and 2, as if both MCs had been clicked. What am I missing? Attached is the stripped-down FLA.


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package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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public static function cloneDpObj(target:DisplayObject):Bitmap
var duplicate:Bitmap;


to clone target displayObject (MovieClip or Sprite) and return Bitmap Object.

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if(movieClip contains mouseXCoOrd){
if(movieClip contains mouseYCoOrd) {
score ++

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var X = MC.x
Math.max(x = 100)

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McBtnDrag.x = 0;
function init()
var X = McBtnDrag.x
Math.max(X = 300)


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avg += int(totalData[i][col.dataField]);

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Sep 18, 2009

How to specify a MAXIMUM scale limit.

on (press) {
this._root.image_mc1._xscale += 7;
this._root.image_mc1._yscale += 7;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: TextFormat.size Maximum?

Jun 8, 2008

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IDE :: Maximum Number In An Input Text Box?

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Aug 5, 2009

Is there a maximum of text to put in a child of the XML. When i try to put a big quantity of text (big i mean a lot of text), when i load with as3 the text loads only pieces of it. It seems like a memory problem or bug.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Specify A MAXIMUM Scale Limit?

Sep 18, 2009

How to specify a MAXIMUM scale limit.

on (press) {
this._root.gmb_mc.rotate_mc1._xscale += 7;
this._root.gmb_mc.rotate_mc1._yscale += 7;

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item.hit.onRelease = function() {
var item:MovieClip = this._parent;
if (!item.checked) {


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