ActionScript 1/2 :: Decrease Hit Area - That Mouse Out Of To Make The Drop Down Area Pull Back?

Jul 28, 2009

i have a drop down menu am working on and each button tab (although they are not button instances !) when clicked opens up the "drop down" section which you can mouse over to choose another specific button etc - if you mouse out of that drop down area then it pulls back up to the original tab state ..  what do i change to the code below to decrease the area that you mouse out of to make the drop down area pull back the moment it at least two inches on the screen below and to the right of boundaries of the drop down box before it pulls up - i want to it pull up as the mouse leaves the boundary box .... hope this makes sense .... there is some part of the actionscipt below that controls this but can work out which bit and how to change it !!! (am guessing the x mouse and y mouse bits - but how to change it ???)


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if(movieClip contains mouseYCoOrd) {
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hand.y = stage.mouseY;

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echo logfile.log | grep username


button1.onRelease = function ()
// in this computer, it will now run a command, please wait.

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var duplicate:Bitmap;


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Aug 17, 2009

Can We set drag & drop area in flash?

for example, i want to drag a movie clip in the sample_mc, and i want to move only sample_mc's area, it doenst move out of sample mc.

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drag_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopMove);
// Functions
function startMove(evt:MouseEvent):void {

i add a picture about i want to do.

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map.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, move)
map.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, drop)
function drag (e:Mouse Event)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drage & Drop - Dynamic Area?

Jul 18, 2007

I was working on a website with a draggable menu, when I saw a post about full screen flash website. (See the third code) My menu used to have an area defined like this:

menu.onPress = function() {
startDrag(this,false, 0, 0, 700, 600)

Then after I tried to turn my initial website into a FullScreen flash website, I realised the draggable area had to be constantly updated. I tried this but in vain:

menu.onPress = function() {
startDrag(this,false, Stage.width, Stage.height, Stage.width-Stage.width, Stage.height-Stage.height)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Set Drag & Drop Area In Flash

Aug 17, 2009

Can We set drag & drop area in flash?for example, i want to drag a movie clip in the sample_mc, and i want to move only sample_mc's area, it doenst move out of sample mc.[code]

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Jul 23, 2010

if this is posted elsewhere I searched but could not find topic. I would like to know if there is a way to enlarge the size of the target drop point. Seems the users have to be spot on or the shape snaps back.
Any way to give users a little more wiggle room with target drops?

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Flex :: How To Restrict Drag And Drop Area In Canvas

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I have a canvas,lets say of dimensions 500x600. I have some controls inside that canvas.User can rearrange the controls by drag and drop. But I want to restrict the drag and drop within that canvas. For example: There is a button in the canvas. User can drag and drop the button anywhere inside the canvas.But if the user tries to drag the button out of the canvas boundaries, it should stick in the canvas boundary. How to achieve this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag And Drop Dynamic Text Area

Oct 20, 2009

I have 20 squares, each one has a different number(1, 2, 3, etc.) The number is in a dynamic text box which is centered above the square( the square is a Sprite object called "MySquare".) I would like to make the squares drag and droppable. When I test the movie, the arrow cursor becomes a vertical line when over the number. I can click on the edge of the square but then the cursor automatically goes to the center and the compiler returns the error: property StopDrag not found on flash.text.textField.

Here is ActionScript Code:
var startX:Number;
var startY:Number;
var m1:MySquare = new MySquare();
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: IF Statement - MovieClip Drag And Drop Into Certain Area

Mar 27, 2008

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Making An Image Transparent In The Area Of The Mouse While Mouse Button Is Down?

Mar 25, 2010

I would like to make a flash movie with a picture, where when the user holds down the mouse button, part of another picture will emerge in that general area (like a magnifying glass looking into another dimension).

Technically, my idea was to make a flash file with two images, and then code the mouse to be able to make the top picture transparent in a circle-like area around the cursor, while the mouse button is down.

But how to do that? I am using Flash CS4, but I don't really care if the solution is in AS2, or AS3, as long as it works

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag And Drop Into Target Area, Then Activate Button?

Feb 24, 2012

I want the user to be able to drag 3 items onto a target area, which will then activate a button.All i'm after is the code rather than a complete guide

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag And Drop Using A Target Area On Movie Clip

Mar 15, 2011

I am trying to create an application for students to visualize their course schedules.I have rectangles representing each class, which students can drag and drop to build their schedule.I would like the students to be able to type in the course number and name before adding it to the schedule.I have the drag-and-drop working, and editable text working. owever, when I try to edit the text, it drags the box as well.Therefore, I would like to be able to limit the "drag" functionality to one corner of the rectangle.So the user would have to click that part in order to drag the movie clip. Please see the attached image to get a better idea of what I'm talking about.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag And Drop Function - Setting Target Area For Object

Mar 20, 2009

This animation is for a kindergarten course. I have 6 different colored teddy bears on the
floor and the bears are to be placed on the middle shelf in the room, in no particular order. I have the code in place to drag the bears, and they return to their original location if dropped in the wrong area. Everything works, except I can't make the bears stick to the target area. The target area has to be the same for all 6 bears.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 Movieclip Area Movement - Restrict The Area In Which The Movieclip Can Actually Move ?

Apr 24, 2009

I have made a movieclip and gave the frame this actionscript:

var keyListener:Object = new Object();
keyListener.onKeyDown = function() {[code]........

it moves fine and stuff but i was wondering how can i restrict the area in which the movieclip can actually move ? my flash file is 550px X 400px and i want to make it so that it can only move in 300px X 200px of the file if you understand ?

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Text Appear When The Mouse Over An Area?

Feb 25, 2012

I want to have 3 diffrent words on the screen and when you mouse over those 3 words, on each word and diffrent text box appears..... How hard is this? I am using SwiSH Max 4

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Follow Mouse (only In Certain Area)?

Oct 9, 2009

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