Actionscript 3.0 :: Add Children On Top Of Page?

Dec 29, 2010

The only thing I've done different all this time is I'm starting to move my last 2 years of code and .fla files into one giant .fla with the code and basically turn it into an official app. Which I'm very very very excited about, and this's the one last tiny thing I need to do, then I can spend the entire rest of my brake just putting the app together...

The adding of children is still working just fine. But its adding children behind everything else instead of in front and I have no idea why, and it's very confusing.Before it's always just plopped them in front and it's never been an issue.Here's my add child code, what could I do slightly different just to ensure they're on top of my back grounds?his's never been an issue before and I've tried everything I know how to do.looking at how to add children to a higher z axis, etc. to no avail.

Code: Select allpublic function hb() {
_mcHammerBook = new mcHammerBook();


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totalb =


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On Button Click Page Flashes Back To Main Page

Oct 23, 2009

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Make The Buttons On Each Page Load The Next Page (sprite) From The Library?

Jun 29, 2011

My basic aim is to create a newspaper that consists of four pages. Each page i have created and are sitting in the library as sprites. Each page has buttons that need linking so that when pressed it loads the next page or page that i want. This is the part i am confused with =/ how do i make the buttons on each page load the next page (sprite) from the library??

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Link A Button To A Page Like Google Or A Page On The Flashsite

Jan 24, 2009

Sorry for bothering you with questions like these, but I've never worked with Flash before, so I've got no knowledge in as3. So I'm trying to make a full flash website, and I've read some good tutorials on the net, but some of the script codes the tutorials provide doesn't work. I'm trying to link a button to a page like google, or a page on the flashsite. I just purchased Flash cs4, so that might be the reason why the tutorial codes doesn't work..

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Make A Flash Intro Page Continue As The Home Page?

Oct 13, 2009

So I am doing a flash intro page, but the intro becomes the home page, as in all the pieces come together to create the Flash home page, so that there is just one file for the home page that includes the intro from do I make it so that all the parts on the page stay there indefinitely, because right now after a certain amount of time, they disappear due to using the timeline in Flash.

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Professional :: Preloading An HTML / Flash Page On PREVIOUS Page

Jul 1, 2010

I have a site where all the pages have a common SWF embedded at the top (Nav and banner), but the rest of the page is HTML.Everything is working fine, but I'm finding the 'independence' between the HTML and Flash is making for some sloppy transitions from page to page.I was expecting the SWF to be delayed, at least for the first page visit(and I have a preload routine inside the swf to make it's delay and appearance a bit more visually pleasant), but was surprised to sometimes find the SWF appearing and playing while the HTML content was delayed (resulting in a SWF floating in black).What I'm wondering is if there's a way I can do some sort of preload on my index page.BUT, not the standard one that I'm sure everyone would suggest (like the javascript image 'preload', or the newer 'css visibility' preload trick). The problem with the standard one is that it doesn't check to see if everything is loaded.What I'm after is a routine on my index page that invisibly loads some of the elements from my inner pages (common swf, maybe some of the images) and WAITS until it's done before moving to the inner pages (displaying the company logo and/or a load status in the meantime).Many people would suggest a preloader inside the common SWF on my inner pages (which I have), but the problem with that on its own is that it doesn't stop the HTML from displaying.

I'm trying to figure out a way to do a preloader (like those in a SWF, which loops until everything is loaded) that controls both the SWF AND the HTML.Recently, I found that you can use one swf to preload another, which would be a potential solution, as I could make an SWF on the index page whose sole purpose is to load (invisibly) the common SWF, displaying the load status and then loading an inner html page once it's done.Problem is, I have bee having trouble finding the coding for that, as most searches for preloaders end up being about standard preloaders, where it's monitoring the same SWF that the code is on, as opposed to controlling a second, external SWF.Can someone point me to or provide me with the proper coding/procedure for a preloader that controlls a second external swf or give me a better solution?

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Professional :: Animated Index Page Before Moving On To The Home Page?

Jul 11, 2011

I have a project for a site that sells fishing lures.I want to have an animated index page before moving on to the home page. My idea is to have a boat sitting on a pond fishing lines in the water, when a fish jumps out of the water, the water ripples, the next time you see the fish it's got a hook in it mouth and jumping out of the do I go about it? How to I create the water rippling? I think with the fish I can do easily enough with it jumping on and off stage. Would I do the water with shape tweens?

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Flex :: Pass Info From Page One (List.selectedItem) To The Third Page?

Sep 13, 2011

I have 3 pages view,


In HomeView, has a List control and when user select an item it will goes to ViewPg02


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