Actionscript 3.0 :: DispatchEvent Tries To Cast CustomEvent To Something Comp
Mar 3, 2011
I have a problem in dispatching a customEvent. I already managed to dispatch custom events in other projects and all worked well so i can't understand what's different now. I have a WSConnectorEvent that extends Event
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package folder1
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in root frame I:
var prevSec:*;
var currentSec:*;
var lastPage:String = "Default/Index";
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-1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type flash.display:Loader to an unrelated type
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Mar 1, 2012
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const oef1:Array = ["citroen","schoen","boek"];
const oef2:Array = ["huis","muis","jas"];
const oef3:Array = ["boek","koek","sok"];
const oef4:Array = ["ei","bij","bot"];
const oef5:Array = ["vier","mier","muur"];
Now I want to set the current game. I do this by copying the array, like so:
var curArr:Array;
var curExc:int = 1;
curArr = ("oef" + curExc) as Array;
I can't convince flash to accept the string ("oef"+curExc) as an Array. How do I do this?
I have searched Stack Overflow extensively but I think I simply don't know the correct lingo for what I'm looking for. It's the only possible reason I can think of why I can't find the answer here because I'm sure someone must have already tried this.
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Oct 2, 2009
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Sep 30, 2009
i have an array of Sprites object reference
Code: Select allvar clipps:Sprite = new Sprite();
bildArray[i] =clipps;
And later in the code i want to get the x position of the sprite in the array-
Code: Select allTweener.addTween(bildArray[i], {x:(bildArray[i].x +50), time:3, transition:"linear"});
dose not worke so i need to cast it to Sprite?so i do
Code: Select allvar v:Sprite = bildArray[i] as Sprite;
Tweener.addTween(bildArray[i], {x:(v.x +50), time:3, transition:"linear"});
But it dose not work, what do i do wrong?
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Feb 6, 2010
I have successfully imported a Lightwave generated Collada file into Flash using Papervision3dA material within the Lightwave file is called "Lambert4SG". How can I assign the "precise" property to eliminate the texture distortion. However, the material needs to be cast to BitmapMaterial in order set a BitmapMaterial specific property.
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May 10, 2005
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