Actionscript 3.0 :: Cast Array To Sprite?

Sep 30, 2009

i have an array of Sprites object reference

Code: Select allvar clipps:Sprite = new Sprite();
bildArray[i] =clipps;

And later in the code i want to get the x position of the sprite in the array-

Code: Select allTweener.addTween(bildArray[i], {x:(bildArray[i].x +50), time:3, transition:"linear"});

dose not worke so i need to cast it to Sprite?so i do

Code: Select allvar v:Sprite = bildArray[i] as Sprite;
Tweener.addTween(bildArray[i], {x:(v.x +50), time:3, transition:"linear"});

But it dose not work, what do i do wrong?

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newsDB.addItem( {
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import flash.display.Sprite;


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in root frame I:

var prevSec:*;
var currentSec:*;
var lastPage:String = "Default/Index";


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cast Error When Redispatching Event?

Aug 24, 2009

Can someone explain me why when I listen for a custom event and then redispath it it is redispatched as an Event instead of an object of custom event type ?

Exemple : You make un custom event, name it CustomEvent.

In a first class you dispatch an instance of this event and it is managed by a method in a second class, let's say this one :

I missed probably something in event dispatching process but I don't know what. However I found a solution : In the first event manager, dispatch a copy of the custom event received instead of dispatching the object itself. It works in this case.

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Nov 3, 2009

Here's the example:
var cartesian:CartesianChart = new CartesianChart();
cartesian.width = 100;
var column:ColumnChart = new ColumnChart();
column = cartesian as ColumnChart;
Why does this not work? "column" ends up null. ColumnChart is a derived class of CartesianChart, so I would have thought I'd end up with a ColumnChart with a width of 100.

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Actionscript 3 :: Cast A Variable As A Type Dynamically?

Nov 1, 2010

Is it possible to cast a variable as a type dynamically, where the type would be a variable of type Class? Consider the following (invalid):

var myClass:Class = MyClass;
var myInstance:myClass = new myClass();

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