ActionScript 3.0 :: Convert An Array To Object Or To A Sprite?

Dec 27, 2011

Anyone can teach me how to convert an array to object or to a sprite.

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Xml :: Convert An Array In An Attribute Value To An Array Object?

Feb 14, 2012

I have an embedded xml file which I'd like to have a property like this:

<level missions="[m1,m2,m3,m4,m5]"/>

I'd like to know how can I convert the string value [m1,m2,...] into an array, in order to get its value by index (a[0] == "m1", a[1] == "m2", etc.)

I tried Array(xml.levels.level.@missions)[0], but to no avail :)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove A Sprite Object When Another Sprite Object Hits It?

Mar 23, 2011

I have a brick class where I have created a rectangle using am using this brick class to create a grid of 10 X 10 in another class called grid using new brick() in a for loop.I have another class called ball where I have created a circle with problem is that I want to remove / destroy individual bricks when the ball hits the bricks on Event.ENTER_FRAME which is not happening.the error I get is shown only for the last brick that is created in a for loop.ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.

at flash.display:isplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
at grid/ball_movement()// my function in enter frame event
The code I wrote in ENTER_FRAME is


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove A Sprite Object When Another Sprite Object Hits It

Mar 24, 2011

I have a brick class where I have created a rectangle using am using this brick class to create a grid of 10 X 10 in another class called grid using new brick() in a for loop.I have another class called ball where I have created a circle with problem is that I want to remove / destroy individual bricks when the ball hits the bricks on Event.ENTER_FRAME which is not happening.the error I get is shown only for the last brick that is created in a for loop.[code]

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TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion Failed: Cannot Convert Object@26331c41 To Array

Oct 31, 2009

I've been trying to get JSON working with AS3 for a while now, but to no avail. I keep getting the following error when I get the JSON back:

TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert Object@26331c41 to Array.

I've tried changing the datatype of the variable "jsonData" to object, which fixes the error, but I'm not entirely sure how I can parse the data.

import flash.display.Sprite;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Convert A Bitmap To A Sprite?

Nov 22, 2009

if it is possible to covert a bitmap to a Sprite? I tried casting it to a sprite, but that does not work. The reason why is because if figured out that you can't use the addChild option on a bitmap.


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Flash :: Convert From DisplayObject To Sprite With Loader?

Jun 29, 2011

Do you know why this AS3 code works:

var loader = new Loader();
loader.load(new URLRequest("")));
var o:DisplayObject = addChild(loader);
o.x = 100;
o.y = 100;

But if I cast to sprite it doesn't work? Ie the sprite appears on (0, 0) instead of (100, 100):

var loader = new Loader();
loader.load(new URLRequest(""))
var o:Sprite = Sprite(addChild(loader));
o.x = 100;
o.y = 100;

How would I properly have a sprite instead of a DisplayObject? I need some sprite's features (drag'n drop, useHandCursor...), yet I wish I could still use the very quick writing with the loader.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cannot Convert Flash.display:Sprite?

Nov 2, 2010

cannot convert flash.display::Sprite@39394a9 to is sample code

var enemyArray:Array = new Array();
var mySprite:Sprite;
mySprite = new Sprite();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cannot Convert Flash.display::Sprite

Nov 1, 2010

cannot convert flash.display::Sprite@39394a9 to flash.display.MovieClip.

here is sample code

var enemyArray:Array = new Array();
var mySprite:Sprite;
mySprite = new Sprite();


then it will be ok, but my goal is, How can enemy call the removeEnemy() in parent while it is inside the sprite

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Actionscript 3 :: Convert A Library Font Into A Sprite Sheet?

Mar 6, 2012

In Flash I am able to create a font asset and add it to the library:I want to convert this asset into some BitmapData that will contain all of the characters with the correct letter spacing/line height etc.

Is there an inbuilt way of doing this other than manually creating text fields, adding a character, using BitmapData.draw() and then adding the result to a sprite sheet?

If I need to do it manually like above, is there a way to retrieve all of the embedded characters? For example, in the above screenshot I'd expect only a-z, A-Z. Or will I need to note these manually as well?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Convert Bitmap Into Sprite Pixel At A Time?

Nov 21, 2010

I'm making a game where the player moves around a map, where the player can walk and where they can't is decided by the color of the pixel they are trying to move onto, which I get using the Bitmap.getPixel method.

What I'd like to do though is when the map image is loaded process it into a sprite or something which I can then use the DisplayObject.hitTest methods on. So I have an array of colors whcih the user can walk on, is there way I could go through each pixel and build something that would let me do that?

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IDE :: SWF Optimization - Heavy Graphics - Convert A MovieClip To Sprite

Jun 19, 2009

I'm coding games that come with the graphics done. Unfortunately the designer has some bad practices, such as not using Sprite symbols - never. And the files have dozens (even hundreds) of symbols in the library, very few of them with any animation. I would like to re-brand such symbols as Sprite to save some CPU (and maybe even kB), but my graphics-related skills are very low. Where should I start? Check and convert the symbols at authoring time or it's possible to do this at runtime? Can I effectively convert a MovieClip to Sprite (I'm guessing casting to sprite won't help much) or another light image type?

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Convert Array To Multidimensional Array?

Nov 14, 2009

first off, for those who don't know, a normal array is a set of data contained in a variable, created like so:
var myArr:Array = new Array("data1","data2","data3");


(because it starts counting from 0, not one) A multidimensional array is just an array of arrays.created like so:

var myArr:Array = new Array(new Array(1,2,3),new Array(4,5,6));

and called like so:

which gives:

I have a set of 24 movieclips, which I'd like put into a multidimensional array containing 8 arrays, each containing 3 movieclips.

Code: Select allfunction addArrayDimensions() {//takes the clips array on root, and makes it an 8x3 multidimensional
   for (i=0; i<_root.clips.length/3; i++) {//while i<8...
//assign the first three items of clips[] to a new array, and put it at the end of clips[]


Right now, it's taking the clips array (which we'll pretend contains this data: [1,2,3,4,5,6.....])and then runs through the function, and then returns it exactly as it was before. (1,2,3,4,5,6....)How can I take an array, and make it into a multidimensional array?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: String To Object - Easily Convert It To Object Properties?

May 17, 2005

Allright, i receive a string and want to convert it to object. here a test that i have made:


this work pretty fine... but i am receiving the object property as follow: "{a:'test',b:'testAgain'}" How can i easily convert it to object properties?

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Xml :: Flex - Dynamically Add Attributes To An Object And Convert That Object?

Jul 1, 2011

How to dynamically add attributes to an object and convert that object into xml in Flex/Actionscript?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Convert PHP Array To Array

Nov 9, 2011

I have a PHP socket server that serves an AS3 client. Currently the server is working correctly and clients are able to message each other. The issue is that I need to send an array of all the players from the PHP client list to the newly connected flash client. Below is the code that receives the socket data. When the user first connects the socket sends a string list of all the clients. I need to have access to the raw array form without workarounds.


The issue is that although the above does send the user something, it appears to be just a string that says "Array". I have tried xml[0] to see if I can access the array, trace statements and .length with no luck. Is there any way to pull the PHP array out of the XML socket?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Cast Array To Sprite?

Sep 30, 2009

i have an array of Sprites object reference

Code: Select allvar clipps:Sprite = new Sprite();
bildArray[i] =clipps;

And later in the code i want to get the x position of the sprite in the array-

Code: Select allTweener.addTween(bildArray[i], {x:(bildArray[i].x +50), time:3, transition:"linear"});

dose not worke so i need to cast it to Sprite?so i do

Code: Select allvar v:Sprite = bildArray[i] as Sprite;
Tweener.addTween(bildArray[i], {x:(v.x +50), time:3, transition:"linear"});

But it dose not work, what do i do wrong?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Saving An Array Of Sprite With Filestream?

Oct 20, 2011

I am looking for a way to save an array of sprite on the user drive and then read this array...I saw method for saving text file. It quite simple... but it seems that saving an array is not very documented.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Random Array, Create Sprite?

Feb 13, 2012

How can I create a sprite with a random array?

var ball:Array = new Array();
var currentBall:Number = Math.random();
Now I want to create a sprite with ball[currentBall]

What I am trying to do is have it so that I can keep creating sprites from a random number like if i wanted every time a user pressed a spacebar to create a new sprite.Is array the best way to do this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Return Sprite Object

Dec 11, 2011

I want to load two picture and add every picture to every sprite object,such as picture a to sprite1 and picture b to spriteb,I know I can load a pictue by following code:

loadImage('a');loadImage('b');private function loadImage(imagePath:String):void {  var loader:Loader = new Loader();  loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onImageLoaded); loader.load(new URLRequest(imagePath));}private function


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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Add Sprite Object With Animation

Mar 18, 2012

What I'm about to ask might be completely nonsense/basic or something else. Because my AS knowledge is too little. Hope I can explain correctly. I am tring to create a sliding banner animation dynamically. The reason that I create dynamic is that I want to load banner images and headlines from XML file.


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Actionscript 3 :: Add Sprite Object With Animation?

Mar 18, 2012

What I'm about to ask might be completely nonsense/basic or something else. Because my AS knowledge is too little. Hope I can explain correctly

I am tring to create a sliding banner animation dynamically. The reason that I create dynamic is that I want to load banner images and headlines from XML file.

So I found a sample project with .as and .xml file. It does what I want but it has no animation. You can see the demo here: [URL] As you can see, there's a transparent info panel below. Here's the code how it is being created:

private var infoPanel:Sprite = new Sprite();
private var titleField:TextField = new TextField();
private var description:TextField = new TextField();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Way Of Duplicating A Sprite Object

Feb 2, 2007

Does anyone know a way of duplicating a Sprite object.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Possible To Return Sprite Object?

Dec 12, 2011

I want to load two picture and add every picture to every sprite object,such as picture a to sprite1 and picture b to spriteb,I know I can load a pictue by following [code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: New Resize() On Sprite Object?

Feb 28, 2007

I'm making a resize function that has to resize a Project object that extends Sprite.

But I keep ketting a type coercion error:
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert AS:: Project@318ff89 to mx.core.IUIComponent.

I've tried casting the Project object to an UIComponent or DisplayObject, but this also throws a TypeError.

[AS]var resizeTarget:UIComponent = new UIComponent();
resizeTarget = UIComponent(target.getChildAt(0));
var myResize:Resize = new Resize(resizeTarget);[/AS]

So basically should I try avoiding the use of Sprites in Flex?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Way Of Dealing With 'implicit Coercion' Of Array To Sprite?

Apr 18, 2011

With continued help from this forum I am getting closer to having a working program. I look forward to being able to help others like myself once I finish learning the AS3 ropes.I have created a 12 x 9 random number grid that populates each cell with a corresponding image based on each cell's numeric value. I have also created a shuffle button that randomizes the numbers in the grid. The problem I am running into is getting my button-click event to clear the current images off the grid in order to assign new ones (i.e. deleting the display stack objects in order to place news ones in the same locations).My question is this: what is the best way to handle an implicit coercion from an array to a sprite? I have pasted my entire code below so that you can see how the functions are supposed to work together. My trouble apparently lies with not being able to use an array value with a sprite (the sprite represents the actual arrangement of the grid on the display stack while the array starts out as a number than gets assigned an image which should be passed to the sprite).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sprite Object - How To Get Smooth Text

Nov 22, 2009

I have created instance of textField Object and set property scaleX and Y in large and then I my textfield set into Sprite Object. I saw my text in ugly font . How can I have my text in smooth .

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Two Sprite Object Directing To Same Event

Dec 12, 2011

I have two sprite object and they direct to same event like follows:
sprite1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mouseEventHandler);
sprite2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mouseEventHandler);
private function mouseEventHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
//how to do it here?
When click spirt1 or sprite2,it will call mouseEventHandler function,my question is how to determine which sprite is click in mouseEventHandler function,sprite1 or sprite?

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