Actionscript 3 :: Convert A Library Font Into A Sprite Sheet?

Mar 6, 2012

In Flash I am able to create a font asset and add it to the library:I want to convert this asset into some BitmapData that will contain all of the characters with the correct letter spacing/line height etc.

Is there an inbuilt way of doing this other than manually creating text fields, adding a character, using BitmapData.draw() and then adding the result to a sprite sheet?

If I need to do it manually like above, is there a way to retrieve all of the embedded characters? For example, in the above screenshot I'd expect only a-z, A-Z. Or will I need to note these manually as well?

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*****(...)var _loader = new Loader();_loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,


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var myFormat = new TextFormat();
myFormat.color - 0x999999;
myFormat.font = "Harmony";//Harmony is the Identifier of the symbol


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How can I convert a string to a class without getDefinitionByName because that class is not linked to a library item and getDefinitionByName only works with classes that are linked to library or allready initialized! Is there a way? Or I have to initialize every class I want to use?!

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