ActionScript 3.0 :: Explosion Generator With Many Options To Play With And It Saves A Transparent Png Sprite Sheet

Jul 8, 2010

Here's a link to a particle explosion generator with many options to play with and it saves a transparent png sprite sheet: [URL] The same particle engine is used in my latest game:Tank Rush. But since my next game will use only sprite sheets for effects, I created this generator out of the tank rush engine.

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Professional :: Sprite Sheet Cropping Funny

May 2, 2010

SO I am working on animating a 20/fps sprite (an SCV from Starcraft 2). The animation is 1 second long, and thus 20 frames. I have made a sprite sheet in photoshop, and have each frame as a separate layer. I import the PSD into my library and have it convert the layers to "Flash Frames". I get each frame nicely tucked away as a layer in my library. Problem is, it gives an ugly white border (about 1 to 2 pixles thick) around my sprites, making it look like I did a terrible crop job. However, the crop job is fine (I can change the background in the PSD to black, and the cropped sprite frames look perfect! What have I done wrong or need to do?

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Actionscript 3 :: Convert A Library Font Into A Sprite Sheet?

Mar 6, 2012

In Flash I am able to create a font asset and add it to the library:I want to convert this asset into some BitmapData that will contain all of the characters with the correct letter spacing/line height etc.

Is there an inbuilt way of doing this other than manually creating text fields, adding a character, using BitmapData.draw() and then adding the result to a sprite sheet?

If I need to do it manually like above, is there a way to retrieve all of the embedded characters? For example, in the above screenshot I'd expect only a-z, A-Z. Or will I need to note these manually as well?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Generate An Animation Containing All The Frames From A Sprite Sheet?

Sep 2, 2009

I'm trying to generate an animation containing all the frames from a sprite sheet. Then also append them again but flipped vertically. I have an animation class to create the animation, the stuff I wrote just gets the image from the sprite sheet and sends it to this class. But "frame.scaleX = -frame.scaleX;" isn't changing anything, neither is "frame.scaleX = -1;". It's just leaving the bitmap the same..

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for(var i:uint = 0;i < 20;i++)
var frame:Bitmap = getFrame(i);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Xml Sheet - Navigate Between Each Cd To Play Tracks Within?

Apr 19, 2007

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<cd thumb ="album_music/image.gif" albumtitle="album1" artistname="yoohoo" tracktitles="blah blah">[code]...

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var item_spacing = 110;
var item_count = 0;
var tracklist = new Array();[code]....

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FLV Play Options Not Working Once Loaded To Web

Oct 30, 2009

On my website: under the animations tab I have several animations that I embeded using Flash's premade option: "SkinOverPlay SeekStop.swf" player. The only change made to it was the color.My problem is that, as you can see when you go to the website and click on an animation, there are no play options at all.I have no idea what to do to fix this because when I publish preview they are there...but once I loaded the website to the server..nothing. The website is coded in AS3, built with Flash CS4.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Sibling Sprite Transparent To Mouse Events?

Jun 10, 2010

Essentially, the simplified problem is this: I have a parent sprite "PARENT" with two children: One child sprite "A" that contains a number of children which respond to mouseover/mouseout and rollover/rollout events, and a second child sprite "B" that is shown/hidden based on the events in "A".

The problem is that "B" appears over "A" on the stage and when the mouse enters "B", the children in "A" throw mouseout/rollout events. Ideally, I would be able to make "B" completely mouse transparent so that the hit testing in AS3 will "see through it" to the underlying "A" sprite, but this doesn't seem possible.

Note that "B" has mouseEnabled and mouseChildren set to false... but the problem seems to be that the AS3 hit testing engine won't look at siblings when determining mouse hit testing. (i.e. It sees "B" under the mouse, sees the mouseEnabled=false setting, and then moves on to "B"'s parent ("PARENT"), but never checks to see if "A" is under the mouse (which it is)).

I can't make "B" a child of "A", because "A" is clipped and "B" needs to extend beyond this clipping area.

At this point I'm thinking I'm going to have to do my own hit testing, which is far from ideal given that "A" contains a large number of children.

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Flash :: Transparent Parts Of Sprite Responding To Mouse Events

Jul 17, 2010

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Oct 2, 2011

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package classFiles
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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Aug 27, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Have A Context Menu On A Multiple Frame Movie With All The Options Except Next, Prev And Play?

Jan 22, 2008

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Saves PHP Instead Of JPG File?

Dec 16, 2008

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Currently my code is prompting the end user to save my PHP file and not the JPG of the movieclip. Here's my AS3 code

ActionScript Code:
import com.adobe.images.JPGEncoder;
var serverPath:String = "";
function createJPG(m:MovieClip, q:Number, fileName:String)


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Jun 24, 2009

i am using AS3 and i have this hitTest occuring:

function hittest(e:Event):void {
for (var i=0; i<bulletArray.length; i++) {


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Jan 18, 2010

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Does anyone know how to create a simulated explosion in CS4 AS3 ?

View 1 Replies :: Webplayer Saves File Instead Of Playing It

Jun 7, 2011

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Because everything is in development the webpage is only available through our servers. In other words, I can't provide you any link with details. So my question is, why do some browsers download the video instead of playing it? And is there a possible free alternative to JW Player to play flash videos?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: JpgEncoder Saves White Jpg?

Jul 5, 2009

I'm using the jpgEncoder for a webcam snapshot app, my script was running right when my code was into my FLA on a layer, BUT I wanted to take it away in a document class, and now I'm having 2 issues :

a) when I shot a picture, the image doesnt stay frozen even with the line [attachCamera(null)]

b) I get a white image saved on my server.[code]

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Jun 14, 2011

I was hoping for assistance on how to recreate an explosion effect like Flash 8 adn MX used to have. It seems to be missing now. It is not in the presets. I tried to break apart but something is missing. How can accomplish this? I am trying to explode and IMAGE not TEXT.Particle tutorials seem to explode into hundreds of parts. Im looking for 12 to 16 exploded pieces. I'm not the great at AS2 or 3 but Again this is for an image not text so the simple Break apart doesnt seem to be working.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Shaking Stage With All Objects After Big Explosion

May 14, 2011

Is it real to make my stage shaking by actionscript? For example, shake the stage with all object after big explosion....But without touching objects (without their movement). Just cool effect. So?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Particle Explosion, Removing Movieclips?

Jul 28, 2005

Ive attached the associated file, Its simply a partical generator that initially creates an explosion of particles which disipate after they stray a certain distance, but how can i remove the original particle movieclip from which Its formed?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating New Sound Objects For Each Explosion?

Nov 7, 2004

i'm making a game with tanks at the moment, and there will be explosions happening from side to side on the screen. i was thinking that it would be good to pan the sounds, so explosions on the right of the stage would play on the right speaker etc.

i tried to do this by creating new sound objects for each explosion and then setting the pan for each, individually, but it seems that when i set the pan for one sound object, it sets that for all of them. is there a way around is?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Explosion Effect  For Single Image In Flash CS5

Jun 14, 2011

How to recreate an explosion effect like Flash 8 adn MX used to have. It is not in the presets. I tried to break apart but something is missing. How can I accomplish this? I am trying to explode and IMAGE not TEXT. Particle tutorials seem to explode into hundreds of parts. I am looking for 12 to 16 exploded pieces. Again this is for an image not text so the simple Break apart doesn't seem to be working. I am Using Flash CS5.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Make An Explosion And Move Other Movieclips On Stage?

Jan 27, 2009

I want to make an explosion and move other movieclips on stage depending on how far they are from the explosion point. If one mc is only 10px away from explosion it should go another 90px and if it is 75px away it should go another 25px. I can't get it to work (I don't remeber anything about vectors in math class..)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating A Button That Takes A Screenshot And Saves It?

Jul 9, 2010

I have been searching for a way to create a button that when pressed, opens the "save as" dialogue box and saves a screenshot of the stage of an .swf.

I am using this for a game in which movie clips can be moved around the stage. When the button is pressed, it would take a screenshot of the stage with the movie clips in the position they were moved to and then save this screenshot.

The screenshot would just be a picture (such as .PNG, .jpeg, etc.), not the actual .swf file.

Is this button possible to create with just Actionscript in Flash?

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Actionscript 3 :: Generating Password Saves For Oldschool Games

Aug 25, 2011

I'm making oldschool-styled flash game and as it's so oldschool, I want it also to have password saves. Unfortunately I can't use usual solution - array of passwords and corresponding levels, one of which is to give hard time for guys on Arcadeprehacks and the other is that I want to make possible to save in-game and load with all score and lives.I need some solution to encode number values to string, which values are:

-Lives - up to 2 digits
-Score - 10 digits
-Level number - 3 digits

It can also take 2 additional values which can be numbers or text, anything else will be converted to string.It can't be converted to ANY string - only numbers and capital letters can be in it.

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Flash :: Movieclip Saves Bitmap At Wrong Coordinates?

Oct 8, 2011

I have a MovieClip inside a stage that is mostly(not accurately) centered to the middle of the stage.

When I try to save the MovieClip into a bitmap in order to upload it to facebook, I either get a cropped image or a white image(blank). Here is the code for generating the bitmap:

var source:BitmapData = new BitmapData(board.width, board.height);
var bitmap:Bitmap = new Bitmap(source);

The result I am getting is the yellow area in the following image:


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Professional :: Text Animation Sideways Explosion And Fade Off Page?

Mar 19, 2010

I'm using Flash CS3, actionscript 2 to build a site in which I would like to have a line of text animation to slide off the screen, but I'm looking for something similar to almost a 'sideways explosion'.... it will be synched to the sound of a golf club swing, and I'm look for some way to get that instant explosion, with the letters plowing through each other and away as they fade off the page....

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