Flash :: Movieclip Saves Bitmap At Wrong Coordinates?
Oct 8, 2011
I have a MovieClip inside a stage that is mostly(not accurately) centered to the middle of the stage.
When I try to save the MovieClip into a bitmap in order to upload it to facebook, I either get a cropped image or a white image(blank). Here is the code for generating the bitmap:
var source:BitmapData = new BitmapData(board.width, board.height);
var bitmap:Bitmap = new Bitmap(source);
The result I am getting is the yellow area in the following image:
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Jan 21, 2010
I'm trying to export my movie clip into an image, everything works fine but when the user draws in negative coordinates, the draw bitmap command doesn't get my movieclip as I need, here's a graphic explanation of what's going on:As you can see the user can draw in any part of my movie clip (black border), the 0,0 coordinates are in this example located in the black spot. when I get the bounds of my object I get correct values (in this case i get negative x and y and the correct width and height), but when I apply the draw bitmap command what its captured is the area represented with the red border, the height and width values are correct but it captures from the 0,0 coordinates and not from the coordinates I want! anyone? i have a dead line approaching.this is the code:
ActionScript Code:
//funciones click
function exp_cli(e:MouseEvent):void {
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Oct 15, 2010
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trace(pt); // should be 610, 410 at least at the start.
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Jun 24, 2005
I have 2 balls, which i connect with a drawn line using the following code.
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Jan 7, 2010
First the code:
tt = function (prev,nex,coox,alf) { attachMovie (nex, nex, _root.getNextHighestDepth()); nex=eval(nex); nex._x = coox; nex._y =
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Mar 27, 2010
I have this problem with text set to bitmap text rendering. With fonts like pixel fonts like standard 07_51, Kroeger etc. I can't get them to show the right accents. This shows on stage and in runtime and it occurs with static, dynamic fields and input fields. When I choose anti-aliasing then it's ok, but that isn't the purpose with those pixel fonts, right? I've set the correct font-embedding settings.
I checked it on two computers with Flash CS4 v10 on MacOS X 10.6.2, Belgian Keyboard, FontExplorer Pro for font management.
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Dec 1, 2010
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Jun 26, 2011
Basically I have a load of movieclips on one frame, and a load of the same type on the second frame. However, when you're coming from the first frame to the second frame, Flash decides to place the new movieclips in the same position as the old movieclips (from the first frame) rather than where I placed them in Flash.
I vaguely remember seeing something like this before, but I can't for the life of me remember the solution. Any of you guys know what's happening here?
Just a note, it looks as if giving the movieclips instance names stops it - but this isn't really plausible for me as I could have hundreds of movieclips on each frame..
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May 4, 2011
I just started coding classes and I am having some pretty good success thus far coding individual objects. BUT I realized that I don't know how to find coordinates of another object that is on the stage!Say I am coding in the class "Zombieguy".With the other movieclips linkage "Armyguy" I try toracetrace(Armyguy.y);ORtrace(Armyguy.Y);Both come up with "access of possibly undefined property y through reference with static type Class".I'm sure this is probably pretty simple, but can someone inform me of how to do this small step that is holding me back?
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Mar 28, 2009
Okay this is always something that's puzzled me. If I create a movieclip, place that clip on the stage, then inside that movieclip, create another movieclip, how does flash determine the coordinates of that second movieclip in relation to the stage. The reason I am asking this, is that I have a large movieclip which contains a number of other smaller movieclips. When a user clicks on one of the smaller movie clips, I need the larger movieclip to move so that the clicked movieclip is now centered on the stage.
I figure that this would be easier to know if I knew how to calculate the distance which the second, smaller movieclip is from the center of the main stage in x and y coordinate values. Am I making any sense? If not I'll try to explain again.
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Aug 13, 2011
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Aug 14, 2011
The code below compiles fine on the Flex 4 SDK on Fedora 15.Mouse-click opens the dialog box, I click okay, and a file is saved, but the file is empty.I run the same SWF file (that was compiled on the Linux machine) on a Windows machine, and the created file contains the expected data.Then I broke the FileReference declaration out of the function into the class level, hoping to avoid a known bug, but the same problem persists.Hoping to set up a workaround, I added the debug Flash player to my path and ran the file from Flash without the benefit of the browser, and it works.So now a Flex problem has become a Firefox problem, maybe owing to a shady procedure I used to install the plugin without really understanding what was happening.I am running Firefox 5.0.In essence my workflow is fixed, but perhaps people who performed the above will not be able to use projects with FileReference.save()?[code]
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Nov 25, 2010
i can't seem to figure out this:
I have 3 coordinates on a stage.
Coordinate1 (x50;y50);
Coordinate2 (x150;y150);
Coordinate3 (x250;y250);
How to make a movieclip (or button) appear on one of theese coordinates randomly when loading flash?
Coordinates don't change but movieclip (or button) goes to one of theese positions upon flash movie starting.
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Feb 1, 2012
This work:
var a:BitmapData = new BitmapData(640,480);
var b:Bitmap = new Bitmap(a);
How can I draw in my Bitmap just the visible part of a MovieClip that uses mask?
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Nov 4, 2011
I have a masked movieclip which contains nothing but static text inserted from the IDE (not programatically).
In the IDE it states this movieclips height to be 332.25, however when I trace the movieclips _height property it returns 327.3.
This is causing my scrollbar code to mess up as it is not scrolling down far enough. It is also not a one off thing, every block of text I make in the IDE exhibits this behaviour.
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Apr 19, 2011
I am developing a Paint Application is AS3. What I am trying is to basically mimick the MS Paint. I am using vector graphics to implement tools like pencil,line,curve and bitmap to implement bucket tool,spray and eraser. But I faced a problem. While its possible to draw bitmap over vector its not possible to draw vector over bitmap if every drawing is in the same layer.
So the idea that I have is to make it into two layers
Top layer where the vector drawing is done.
In the bottom layer layer after each vector drawing on MOUSE_UP a bitmap copy of the top layer is made and kept on the bottom layer. Keep the top layer fully transparent so that bottom layer is always visible.
Things like flood-fill(bucket tool), spray and eraser will be directly applied to bottom layer.
After each vector is drawn on MOUSE_UP the top layer will be cleared but everything will be visible because it has been re created in the bottom layer and the top layer is full transparent.
My questions are: Is there any flaw in my logic. How to make a bitmap copy of the movie clip on top. I tried but maybe I am stupid it does not work. The name of the MovieClips are topLayer_mc and bottomLayer_mc. What is need to have is to have a function to create a bitmap copy of topLayer_mc on every MOUSE_UP of pencil,line and add it to bottomLayer_mc. I mean create a bitmap copy of topLayer_mc on every MOUSE_UP of pencil, line and add it to bottomLayer_mc. A function will do.
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Nov 14, 2011
But now the tracks are objects in an array, that will grow larger and larger (and slow down the game over time). How can I paint them on the level bitmap? And how to reload the bitmap when you restart?Have searched for an answer for days but have not found one.I know how to combine a bitmap and add it to the stage, but not how to replace it in the movie clip object:
var newLevel:BitmapData = new BitmapData(grassLevel.width, grassLevel.height);
var newDebree:BitmapData = new BitmapData(debree.width, debree.height);
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Jan 4, 2012
This is my first question here :D, first sorry about my english. My question is basically how can i save a flash Movie Clip to FLV. The Movie Clip is generated by users and it has various sounds and animations and i need to save an FLV to send it to Youtbue. What have I tried: I found some question here about using an Alchemy Lib that I am using to grab the Movie Clip frame to frame and save it to Bitmap. The Alchemy Lib converts those frames to FLV like a charm and supports saving chunks of sound using ByteArray.
In this situation my Problem is, how can i grab the sound of Movie Clip to send it to Alchemy Lib? Iīve tried using:SoundMixer.computeSpectrum(sndData, false, 2); Witch returns me a byteArray in sndData variable but is useless since itīs used for render Audio Wave forms on screen. Thougth aboud using Sound.extract(); but i believe the sound class is used only for one MP3 sound and I need to grab the mixed sounds generated by Movie Clip.
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Jul 8, 2010
I've a movieclip in my library ready for export to ActionScript. It's width and height is (723, 614.05), but I tried to put it on stage manually and check. When I get the item from library in ActionScript i get that's it's width and height is (743.65, 626.75). How can that be possible?
View 9 Replies
Mar 28, 2011
I have a quiz that randomly sorts then dynamically places a question and its answer choices. An answer is a text field laid over a movie clip with a resizable, invisible rectangle and a radio-type button (not actually the radio button component) that handles the rollover and feedback. When clicked, it looks like a selected radio button if correct and has a big red X if incorrect. At this point, I remove all its eventListeners and leave it in the feedback state because the user gets to try again. It also places a feedback box on the screen with the standard, "Try again."
This all works perfectly with the mouse, but the quiz is for .gov sites, so it has to be 508 compliant. When tabbing to and clicking on an answer, the feedback button works fine, and the feedback dialogue does, too. When tabbing to another answer, however, the incorrect try resets to its up state, minus the eventListeners. I am disabling buttonMode when the eventListeners are removed, and I've tried doing all this before the feedback box is placed, as it's placed, and after the user clicks to continue. It doesn't make a difference, and neither does including tabEnabled = false; I tried not even adding the FOCUS_IN and FOCUS_OUT, and that didn't make a difference.
I could removeChild and then add it back as a new, never-been-a-button object, but if there is a simple setting, I'd like to know about it.
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Jan 28, 2011
I am trying to load a swf into a movieclip of the same size but the swf seems to be resized somehow.The Movieclip and the swf are both 300 x 300 pixels. Yet the swf loads in scaled down and is only taking up part of the movieclip.I have the following code on the 1st frame of the timeline of the container movie:[code]
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Apr 6, 2010
What are the Advantages and Disadvantages over the Bitmap and MovieClip in Flash.
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Sep 7, 2011
I've got a code, which caches loaded resources (both images and swfs) and saves its bytes to flash SharedObject:
var cache:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal('dataCache');
cache.data[url] = (loader.contentLoaderInfo as LoaderInfo).bytes;
When there's a query to load new resource, the code checks if the resource is in cache and then loads its bytes:
var loader:FlexLoader = new FlexLoader();
// handlers skipped
var lc:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext();
lc.applicationDomain = new ApplicationDomain(ApplicationDomain.currentDomain);
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Mar 24, 2011
So I'm Bitmaping some heavy stuff to try bring down the [pre-render] and [render] which is quite high according to FlashBuilder's profiling. I thought this was going well until I realised that as soon as you change a MovieClip to a Bitmap, you lose the pixel based accuracy of the mouse move events (Over, Out, Move...), all your left with is the entire bounding box of the Bitmap, something which is less than desirable. I've got a game where many Bitmapped assets would be on top of each other in a scene, on the stage, arranged in various ways and need to have that pixel accuracy moving between each one and have exhausted my efforts as to how to achieve the same mouse move results with the Bitmapped guys as normal.
This, [URL], is a FLA which shows this operation, and you can see how it works here, [URL]. When it loads up, both items on stage are drawn Shapes, encapsulated in MovieClips, both that get a glow, if you hover over them. If you click the stage at all, the purple guy gets turned into a Bitmap and now, his 'hit area', when it comes to MouseEvents is his whole bounding box and you can only get through to the back green item at the edge slivers.
I'm also tracing the pixel which the mouse is over, so I can clearly tell when the mouse is over a transparent area, it's 0, but how can I tell the event to forward itself on down the chain to the green MovieClip?
Below is how it's now pretty much working for me,
var bitmap:Bitmap = this['bitmap'];
var shouldMouseOver:Boolean = bitmap.bitmapData.getPixel(event.localX - bitmap.x, event.localY - bitmap.y);
I shut off mouseEnabled for my item, when I know it's wrong, then I search for another item that properly fits the bill and if there is one, send an Event to that and break. If that one's also wrong, it'll do the same again, but each time taking themselves out of the loop.
This does work exactly how I want it to, but I'd always prefer to keep things like globalToLocal and looping, and reading from arrays for not frequently updated methods like listeners to MOUSE_MOVE. Is there a more efficient way to do this?
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Dec 3, 2010
I have a movieclip with static text inside of it. The width (correct one) of the movieclip is 204 px, this is what it even reports after dragging it from library to stage. However, if I export the movie and trace the width of the movieclip, I get 214 px. Inside of the clip is a static text field - it is not wider than the clip and it is not even filled up with text completely. Now if I change it to dynamic text and I export the movie, I get the correct width - 204.
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Feb 23, 2011
I have a movieclip inside another movieclip.[code]...
I can get mc_inside._x and mc_inside._y properties relative to the container movieclip, but how can I get the mc_inside._x and mc_inside._y relative to the _root (the stage)?
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May 18, 2010
I have a 50x50 fixed rectangle in the center of the stage. I am using this rectangle as a "hit area" to copy pixels of a bitmap that is draged by the user to line up an area of the image he/she would like to crop.I have preview of the hit area displayed while the bm is being dragged which works well. However, once the bitmap is scaled using the slider component the preview area no longer reflects what is in the hit area.
Code below:
function mouseDownHandler(e:MouseEvent):void
// Contraint #8 - Define drag bounds[code].....
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