Actionscript 3 :: Flash Saves In Windows Not In Linux /

Aug 14, 2011

The code below compiles fine on the Flex 4 SDK on Fedora 15.Mouse-click opens the dialog box, I click okay, and a file is saved, but the file is empty.I run the same SWF file (that was compiled on the Linux machine) on a Windows machine, and the created file contains the expected data.Then I broke the FileReference declaration out of the function into the class level, hoping to avoid a known bug, but the same problem persists.Hoping to set up a workaround, I added the debug Flash player to my path and ran the file from Flash without the benefit of the browser, and it works.So now a Flex problem has become a Firefox problem, maybe owing to a shady procedure I used to install the plugin without really understanding what was happening.I am running Firefox 5.0.In essence my workflow is fixed, but perhaps people who performed the above will not be able to use projects with[code]

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The code is pretty simple just now (this is contained in an event handler which triggers when the save button is pressed):

var levelData:String = GetLevelData();var outputFileName:String = "NewLevel.txt";
saveFile = new FileReference();
saveFile.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, SaveCompleteHandler);
saveFile.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, SaveIOErrorHandler);, outputFileName);

And it all works fine - the NewLevel.txt file appears where I want it to and contains the correct data. But as soon as this has completed Flash Player quits and I get the 'Flash Player Quit Unexpectadly' message. There are no errors in the output from my code. The SaveCompleteHandler function has been called and the SaveIOErrorHandler function has not.

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Jan 10, 2012

I am currently working in Flex 3.0 I am getting an error(screen shot is given below). I am using Flash Player Version 10.0Currently I am calling the HTTPService and in the resultHandler of that HTTPService i am getting an error in method .because this method is called only when the MouseEvent or Keyboard event is occured.Is there any solution to overcome this situation or in other words calling the method in ResultHandler.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Filereference To Save File Locally?

Jun 30, 2011

This code:

ActionScript Code:
var file:FileReference = new FileReference();
 saveBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);[code]....

will save a text file to a location I choose, containing the text I wrote in the text field. But it prompts me for the location. Is there a way to save the text just locally next to the swf without the prompt?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: XML - Save Xml File With CDATA Tag Using FileReference?

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I'm trying to create a XML file in actionscript which will be saved out using FileReference and will then be loaded in later by another SWF.The problem I have is that I can't figure out how to have the actual CDATA tag in the saved XML file so that I can output html tags in the text.e.g.

var xml:XML = <data>
<text> <![CDATA[ This is some <b>bold</b> text ]]> </text>

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