Flex :: Workaround On FileReference.save Dialog Box

Dec 14, 2010

Im still new in Flex and currently working on capturing a flash game into a flv video file. Im using FileReference.save() to write the captured file in the user's system. It is working as of now but not the way I want it to be.Is there a way to bypass or automate the save dialog box when invoking the save() api of fileReference?

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Flex :: Bypass The Save Dialog Box Of FileReference.save?

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Can we Bypass the save dialog box of FileRefernce.save()? If not, then Is there any workaround to save a file from web application in Flex without asking user where to save file?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Rid Of Save Dialog Box In Filereference.save()?

Sep 22, 2010

Is there a way to get rid of the save dialog box in filereference.save()?I want to specify the filename and location rather then letting the user do it.

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Flex :: 4 - Download Files - Make The Save Asynchronous From The Dialog

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Flex :: Unhanndled IO Error On FileReference.save()

Mar 4, 2011

I am using a filereference Object to export an excel file from my flex application. I am using fileReference.save() from Flash player 10. I am getting an error if the file i am trying to save is already open. This error is not getting handled even if i put a try catch block. I have tried adding a listener with IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR. Still the error is happening. This is the Error message i am getting - "Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2038: File I/O Error."

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Flex :: Flash Player 10 Filereference.save And File Extensions?

Jun 8, 2010

I'm using Filereference.save() to save a XML file. It's working fine with default filename.But is there a way to force a file extension on the saved file? I'm using "untitled.xml" as the default filename, but if the user changes it to say "myfile", it gets saved as "myfile", rather than "myfile.xml".

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex's FileReference.save() Can Only Be Called In A User Event Handler

Jul 21, 2010

I need to call FileReference.save() after a web service call has completed, but this method has a restriction: "In Flash Player, you can only call this method successfully in response to a user event (for example, in an event handler for a mouse click or keypress event). Otherwise, calling this method results in Flash Player throwing an Error exception." (from the documentation here)

This restriction is a bit vague. Does it mean that I can only call the FileReference.save() method from within an event handler function that is registered as a listener for certain types of user events? If so then exactly which user events are valid? (Perhaps there's an event that will never be dispatched by user interaction with my application and I could register an event handler function for that event type and make the save() call from within that function?)

My difficulty is that I can't safely call the FileReference.save() method until my web service returns with the data that will be used as the argument of the FileReference.save() method call, so the event that triggers the FileReference.save() call is actually a ResultEvent rather than a user event, and I'm leery of dispatching a new (faux) user event type in order to be able to trigger the FileReference.save() call unless it's definitely a user event that would never be dispatched as a result of actual user interaction with my application.

In a nutshell what I'm doing now is this: I have a function that is registered as a handler for a button click. In this function I make my web service call to fetch data from the server. I also have a result handler function which gets invoked when the web service call completes, and it's in here that I want to call the FileReference.save() method since it's at this point that I know that the data is ready to be saved to a file. But the aforementioned restriction is blocking me from doing this -- I get an error:

Error #2176: Certain actions, such as those that display a pop-up window, may only be invoked upon user interaction, for example by a mouse click or button press.

I've tried many things to get around this such as creating a second mouse click event handler function with the FileReference.save() call within and calling it after a timeout interval (to give the web service time to complete), but I keep running into the same error -- maybe that approach doesn't work since the second function isn't registered as an event listener for the event type used as its argument.

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Professional :: Save CS4 Documents In CS5 Without Save As Dialog?

May 7, 2011

At my college, they have CS4 (master suite) and at home I've got CS5 (design premium). I can save files in CS5 as CS4 so they can be read at college (by Flash) but I have to do it via the "save as" every time I save. After a couple of times, it get rather irritating. Is it possible for me to save in the usual way (as if it was a CS5 document) without the save as dialog every time I save my work?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Close A Filereference Browse Dialog Box?

Feb 8, 2011

is there a way to forcibly close the browse dialog box that is opened by my_filereference.browse() ?
filereference.cancel() does not close the box.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Save Images With My MyProject.as With FileReference.save?

Dec 20, 2010

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Flex :: Error 1061 Call To Possibly Undefined Method Save Through A Reference With Static Type Flash.net:FileReference

Jun 2, 2011

I want to save XML File using Flex 4 SDK

var fr:FileReference=new FileReference();
fr.save( newXmlRow, 'D:/Sample.xml' );

Error Shows :

1061 "Call to possibly Undefined method save through a reference with static type flash.net:FileReference"

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Flash :: Save A XML Without Displaying The Dialog Box?

Dec 13, 2011

I just created a xml editor in Flex that works perfectly, but i'm having trouble with save option. In fact he's saving quite well, the problem is that it is displaying a dialog box for saving the document, and i want to save and replace the file automatically when i click the save button without displaying the dialog box.

NOTE: I am using the FileReference class to use the method Save(), i read somewhere on the internet that FileStream class can be used for this, but i don't know how...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Save A File Without Dialog Box?

Sep 25, 2009

If the computer has internet conexion, the app has to check when open if the data xml file has changed in a web server, if so, has to download the new data.xml file and substitute the old one.

Since it is posible that the app runs when the computer is turn on at a certain time and there may be nobody to use the dialog box.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Save Image Locally Without Dialog Box?

Dec 29, 2009

I know how to save images from flash using JPGEncoder/PNGEncoder using FileReference.save();But I don't want the dialogbox displayed.I want this: Clicking a button will save the image to a predefined location without user confirmation.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Save The File Without The Saving-dialog Box?

Feb 29, 2012

I'm trying to use save() method in the FIleReference class to save the mp3 file. Do you know is there anyway to save the file without the saving-dialog box?

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Javascript :: Opening A File Save Dialog Using Flash?

Jan 15, 2011

I know that there is no implementation of File Save Dialog in JavaScript as of now, but it can be done with Flash. I am looking for a lib or source code in Flash that could do it for me so that I can call it via JavaScript. JavaScript knows the data and filename, I just want to open a file save dialog.

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Actionscript 3 :: Trigger Save Dialog For A Static File - Flash

Apr 20, 2011

How do I trigger a save dialog for a static file in Flash? The file in question can be local or remote, if that's easier. In this case the file is a static image.

how varied and convoluted the solutions are for a problem which initially seems very straightforward.

I've had success with JPEGEncoder (along with ByteArray, BitmapData etc.) but it's extremely slow and obviously not file type agnostic.

I'm using Flash Pro CS5 and not Flex or AIR.

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Flash :: Save To XML File Without User Prompt Dialog In Action Script 3?

Mar 12, 2011

How can save data into a XML file without user prompt dialog in Action Script 3?

I'm writing an simple application (with adobe flash) that runs on client PC and save user state data in XML file in same directory of app. When i use FileReference it shows a user dialog for saving file. Is there any class to save just XML data directly into XML file?

I think writing just XML (text plane) data couldn't make any security problems?

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Flex :: FileReference.load() Not Populating FileReference.data?

Nov 11, 2009

I am trying to use the load method of FileReference object to load the data and use it to display a thumbnail of the selected image.However, after calling fr.load(), fr.data remains null.I'm using Flex Builder 3.0.2 on Windows 7 with Flex SDK 3.4 and Flash Player 10 Debug. If I evaluate fr.load() in Eclipse's watch variables list, I get an error reading "No such variable: load."

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Flash :: Save A Download Without Filereference

Dec 2, 2011

Is there anyway to download a file with the URLLoader and then save it to the disk without using filereference or anything that uses a dialog? This is what I have but isn't working:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: FileReference Save As Filetype

Sep 18, 2010

Is there any way to set the filetype you want to save to with the FileReference class? I'm creating PNGs for users to save to their hard drive, but I don't really want them to have to specify an extension. If they don't, the images are just saved as generic files, which is a bit crappy.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Filereference.save And File Extensions?

Feb 13, 2009

I'm using Filereference.save() to save a jpg file. It'sbasically working fine, but is there anyway to force a fileextension on the saved file? I'm using "untitled.jpg" as thedefault filename, but if the user changes it to say "myfile", itgets saved as "myfile", rather than "myfile.jpg".

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making FileReference.save() Even Nicer

Dec 3, 2010

I am using FileReference,save() to save a file to the local HDD. It works. But it could be nicer. When I issue the command, I get a dialog box displayed and the title is "Select location for download by localhost". I can't see any documented way to change that title. The file I want to save has been created locally - there is nothing to download.

Also, the dialog lists "All Files" and there does not be any way to filter to a particular file type - although I can specify a default file name (including the extension). I suspect that these are features of the current implementation - not a lot of people read the title of the dialog box anyway. But if they can be changed, I'd like to know.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: FileReference.save() Causing Crash?

May 16, 2011

I'm currently using the FileReference class to allow users of my program to save and load files from their PC. I'm currently trying to get the save function to work (I'll do load later) and it all seems to be working perfectly but while testing it (locally) it crashes Flash Player every time it saves.
The code is pretty simple just now (this is contained in an event handler which triggers when the save button is pressed):

var levelData:String = GetLevelData();var outputFileName:String = "NewLevel.txt";
saveFile = new FileReference();
saveFile.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, SaveCompleteHandler);
saveFile.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, SaveIOErrorHandler);
saveFile.save(levelData, outputFileName);

And it all works fine - the NewLevel.txt file appears where I want it to and contains the correct data. But as soon as this has completed Flash Player quits and I get the 'Flash Player Quit Unexpectadly' message. There are no errors in the output from my code. The SaveCompleteHandler function has been called and the SaveIOErrorHandler function has not.

Could this be a bug in Flash player? I'm using a Mac and have encountered a few bugs with the Mac version so I wouldn't be surprised if this was another one.

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Actionscript 3 :: Getting An Error In FileReference.save Method?

Jan 10, 2012

I am currently working in Flex 3.0 I am getting an error(screen shot is given below). I am using Flash Player Version 10.0Currently I am calling the HTTPService and in the resultHandler of that HTTPService i am getting an error in method filereference.save() .because this method is called only when the MouseEvent or Keyboard event is occured.Is there any solution to overcome this situation or in other words calling the filereference.save method in ResultHandler.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Filereference To Save File Locally?

Jun 30, 2011

This code:

ActionScript Code:
import flash.events.Event;
var file:FileReference = new FileReference();
 saveBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);[code]....

will save a text file to a location I choose, containing the text I wrote in the text field. But it prompts me for the location. Is there a way to save the text just locally next to the swf without the prompt?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: XML - Save Xml File With CDATA Tag Using FileReference?

Feb 23, 2012

I'm trying to create a XML file in actionscript which will be saved out using FileReference and will then be loaded in later by another SWF.The problem I have is that I can't figure out how to have the actual CDATA tag in the saved XML file so that I can output html tags in the text.e.g.

var xml:XML = <data>
<text> <![CDATA[ This is some <b>bold</b> text ]]> </text>

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ActionScript 3.0 :: FileReference Save Without Prompt (offline)

Oct 12, 2010

I'm creating a offline application that needs to save out XML file to the user's computer. I normally use Zinc to handle all saving, but I've just remembered that FP10 has FileReference, is there are way to invoke the save with out the dialog box displaying?

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