Professional :: Text Animation Sideways Explosion And Fade Off Page?

Mar 19, 2010

I'm using Flash CS3, actionscript 2 to build a site in which I would like to have a line of text animation to slide off the screen, but I'm looking for something similar to almost a 'sideways explosion'.... it will be synched to the sound of a golf club swing, and I'm look for some way to get that instant explosion, with the letters plowing through each other and away as they fade off the page....

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Professional :: Whole Page (With Text / Images And Animation) Scrolling

Jun 9, 2010

I'm not looking for text box scrolling!! I want the whole 'stage' / 'page' whatever its called to scroll down. I have lots off different content like text, images, animations etc on there so is this possible? I would prefer just two buttons on the side that will scroll the page up and down with as much content as I want on there.

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Javascript :: Flash Animation To Preload Page (and Fade In/out Effect)?

Nov 19, 2010

My client wants so have a loading animation/movie (already created that in Flash CS5) on the website's start page (root, '/' - the first thing you see when you go to domain.tld).When the animation's finished it should forward to another page (i.e. the real page with the content), e.g. domain.tld/somepage.htm I can do this with, for example, getURL() in Flash and it works fine.

But. Is it possible to kind of preload domain.tld/somepage.htm so the content (almost) instantly appears after the loading animation's finished?Also, a fade-out-fade-in effect would be nice, i.e. the loading animation fades out and the content of domain.tld/somepage.htm fades in.

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Professional :: Page Link On Press To Play Swf Animation Before Directing To Page?

Feb 16, 2010

I would like to create my page links so when I roll over the text(link) enlarges and then once pressed a swf animation plays.When it stops it automatically directs to the desired page.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Controlling Animation Timing - Services Text Fade In

Oct 27, 2009

I'm new to OOP and AS3. I'm doing my company website. When a mouse event sends you to my services page I have 4 separate blocks of text that fade in. So far I have the first 2 texts blocks fading in at the same time. I want to stagger the timing so the second block of text starts its fade in a fraction of a second later, and so on with the remaining text blocks. Below is the code I've used to fade them in at the same time.

//services text fade in
var servicesText1Tween:Tween = new Tween(servicesText1, "y", Regular.easeOut, 148.9, 140.9, 1, true);
var servicesText1Fade:Tween = new Tween(servicesText1,"alpha",Regular.easeIn,0,1,2,t rue);
var servicesText2Tween:Tween = new Tween(servicesText2, "y", Regular.easeOut, 244.7, 236.7, 1, true);
var servicesText2Fade:Tween = new Tween(servicesText2,"alpha",Regular.easeIn,0,1,2,t rue);

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CS3 :: Pages - Make Each Page Movie Clip Have A Fade Start And Fade End

Apr 12, 2010

flash version: CS3 AS2 Im having trouble making the pages for a website im working on. I have a row of buttons, and I want each one to open its corrisponding page ie. contact_us_button to open contact_us movie clip. the thing is I want each page to transition in and out. so when I click contact us, the contact us movie clip fades in and stops. When I click about us, the contact us movie clip fades out and about us fades in.

Is the way to do this to make each page movie clip have a fade start and fade end, and have it stop before the fade end, and on another page click continue playing the current clip to get the fade out and then open the new page movie clip?

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Professional :: Add An Animation To A Html Page?

Jan 11, 2010

I have a static html home page on my website and I would like to add a flash animation of a cartoon character riding her bike.  My home page is [URL]
I have tried several ways of doing this.  Firstly I started taking measurements using firefox developer toolbar and then realised that the page displays differently according to what screen size users view it.
Next I took a screenshot and imported this to the stage and used the dimensions of my wrapper div which is 1024 px.  I am using the creative suite 4.  After creating a separate layer for the animation and getting the character to go where i wanted her to go, I realised I couldnt use the navigation which is on the html page.

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Professional :: Using Animation In A Page Flip

Oct 29, 2010

i would like to add an animation page inside a page flip.

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Professional :: Link A Flash Animation To A Page?

Jan 1, 2012

I'm wanting to link a flash animation to a page on my site. These are the steps i have taken so far Open flash , create New symbol (choose button) named it flashflashbutton Then still in symbol section, File import.

I then import a flash animation I made .swf.Now when I import it the animations frames stretch across the up, hit, ect.  I am sure this isn't the correct way to do it.How do I import an animation and put all the keyframes (hence the animation ) just into the up mode.

As atm when i go to scene view, open librarary and drag it into scene view. Then test movie, It plays one frame if i hover over it it plays another frame.I assume the answer to this is sumhow put all the frames in the up mode, and another anim on the hit mode?

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Professional :: Fade In Some Text In A Text Box Over A Space Of About 60 Frames?

Mar 9, 2010

I am very new to Flash and am trying to work out how to fade in some text in a text box over a space of about 60 frames (25frs)
Can anyone poiint me in the right direction

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Professional :: Possibility To Fade In Or Out A Text Or JPG

Jan 6, 2011

in cs3 I had the possibility to fade in our out a text or JPG.but in cs5 I can't find it.

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Professional :: Fade TEXT From Black Color To Lets Say Red?

Dec 18, 2010

I am trying to fade TEXT from black color to lets say red...Well, when I try to break the text apart and make it Shape Tween - it breaks the text, mean some part of the original text disappear...When I try  to Motion Tween, nothing happens... Same for classic tween :<

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Professional :: Created A Motion Preset Of A 3D Text Animation That Made The Text Swing Back And Forth

Jun 25, 2011

I created a motion preset of a 3D text animation that made the text swing back and forth like a gate with the hinge on the far left side.  However, when I apply the motion preset to other text, the text moves to a new location and the text swings closer to the center than the far left side.  Moving the text only creates a travel path that further complicates matters.

what am I doing wrong with the motion preset?  How can I save something into a preset and apply it to other things and have the animation work the way it was designed? 

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Professional :: Fade-in Fade-out Flash Navigation Bar For Website?

May 15, 2011

So my flash skills are pretty rusty. The project I'm currently working on is updating my portfolio site and I have a navigation bar that I want to fade in, click on a link, fade out, then go to the specified link. I've got the animation working the way I like, however I cant get the links to work correctly. I've used the standard getURL commands, but then every button goes to the same link, not different ones.
What Action Script 3.0 coding do I need to make the animation play the way I've described and have each button go to it's own link?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Fade Out Page Into Another Page

May 10, 2008

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Professional :: Text Looks Bad After Animation

Jan 25, 2011

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Professional :: How To Repeat Fade In Fade Out Images

Feb 17, 2011

I have 2 images that need to fade in and fade out so after 5 seconds image1 slowly begins to fade out while image2 slowly begins to fade in. My first image does not fade in because on the start of the flash movie I want to directly see the first image. But when image2 is done (so the whole movie is almost done) and it's start fading out.... I get to see the background (just a black empty background) while I actually want to begin fading in image1 (so looping the 2 image constantly).
So how can I immediately see an image on the start of the movie and still getting a fading in effect of the first image when the movie is almost on its end (so during the fading out of the last image)?

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Flash8 StarDrag But Only Sideways?

May 6, 2010

have a movieclip with this script

onClipEvent (load) {
startDrag("/cursor", true);


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How To Change Sideways Actionscript

Jul 31, 2010

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Mar 22, 2011

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onClipEvent(enterFrame) {_root.scrolling._x = _root.scrolling._x + 3;}

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Professional :: Loading External Text File Into Animation?

May 6, 2010

I'm a total rookie working with flash and i'm wondering if theres a way to call in text from an external file. I'm building a news feed on my companies home page, and I'd like to be able to have my boss edit it easily 'cause he doesn't know how to use flash.
you can see it here... [URL]

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Flash :: Professional - Banner Over A Animation - Change The Text

Sep 29, 2010

I'm going crazy trying to figure out how to change the text on this banner. The person setting up my website isn't available anymore. I have this slide show with a transparent banner at the top and photos that I can manipulate. I can also change the order by modifiying the file Images.xml:


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Professional :: Create A Text Animation Preferibly In Flash?

Nov 24, 2010

cs4. I need the text to appear throught the left side an on to the middle of the banner and dissapear. I also need animated text to come in through the right side and do the same.

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Professional :: Text Object - Changing Colour In Animation

Aug 19, 2011

I've created a text object, writing let's say "HELLO". I then made it into a picture, and erased parts of the text, all the while taking frame captures (F6). It ended up looking great, even though I had 900+ frames. However, I now want to change the font each of the frames. Any easy way to accomplish this, I cannot go frame by frame. The object is in the same place each time, so if I could just put a mask on all the frames or something to change the colour to black, that would be sweet. I followed this tutorial [URL].

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Professional :: Add A Text Ticker Onto A Dreamweaver Page?

Sep 11, 2010

I am looking to add a horizontal text ticker onto a dreamweaver cs4 page. This is to highlight areas within the site so will not be linked to any news association, simply used for the benefit of the site and probably changed daily.I am looking for something simple that can be pasted in and will run even with me changing it!

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Professional :: Animation - Creating Text Effect On Mouse Click

Feb 12, 2010

I am currently working on Flash 8 tool. I wanted to know how to create a text effect on mouse click in Flash 8. I have tried simple text effects like fade in and out and zoom out effects, however these effects are not mouse enabled. How to create text effects in flash 8 on a mouse click i.e. text should appear when the mouse is clicked. I am also attaching the SWF file that I generated from a flash document.
Attachments: dummy14.swf (17.7 K)

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Fade A Photo In As An Animation?

Apr 14, 2009

How do I fade a photo in as an animation? I'm working in CS4 on a Mac.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sideways Tree Or Organizational Chart Component?

Apr 23, 2009

got a client that wants an app that will allow users to build something almost identical to an organization chart, dragging information blocks (tree nodes) and attaching them to higher tiered nodes (which are themselves info blocks) and rearranging branches as required. The client doesn have nearly enough budget for us to construct the chart component from scratch so hoping to find a readymade AS3 component that will work with some tweeks

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Professional :: Fade In Fade Out Code?

Jan 9, 2011

I made an earlier post which has been answered and everything works perfectly, but now i need a hand getting my images to fade in and fade out via code. I have 12 different images on 1 layer (bad thing i know but i dont know how to fix this).
My images pop up when they go over the respective button.How can i get the image to fade from 0 opacity to 100 in about 1.5 - 2 seconds? and then fade out again upon moving the mouse off of the button?
I have had a look at alot of different tutorials but none have helped me with the code, they have all been with keyframes. i cant use keyframes due to everything being on the one layer. also i think the code will be a bit easier for me to understand.

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Professional :: Create A Flash Animation In Which A Text Title Fades In To The Screen

Feb 3, 2010

I am trying to create a flash animation in which a text title fades in to the screen. I created the text, converted it to a symbol, then tried to create a motion tween in which I could tweak the alpha values of the text object. However when I try to create the keyframe, the popup that comes up has the Color option greyed out (which is where I believe the alpha setting lives).

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