ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Into Another Swf And Add To A Sprite From The Library?

Jan 2, 2011

I have a swf that I load into another swf and add to a Sprite from the library.  The Sprite is enabled for drag/drop so I can move the loaded swf and that part works fine .  On the imported swf is a scrollbar it no longer works. I


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Make A Button Load A Sprite From Library?

Jun 30, 2011

I am trying to create a newspaper that consists of four pages. Each page i have created and are sitting in the library as sprites. Each page  has buttons that need linking so that when pressed it loads the next page or page that i want. This is the part i am confused with =/ how do i make the buttons on each page load the next page (sprite) from the library? Basically i want to no how to make a button load a sprite from the library when clicked. Does anyone no the script for this?

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Make The Buttons On Each Page Load The Next Page (sprite) From The Library?

Jun 29, 2011

My basic aim is to create a newspaper that consists of four pages. Each page i have created and are sitting in the library as sprites. Each page has buttons that need linking so that when pressed it loads the next page or page that i want. This is the part i am confused with =/ how do i make the buttons on each page load the next page (sprite) from the library??

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sprite Loader From Library Onto The Stage?

Jan 30, 2009

Loading a Sprite or MovieClip from the library to the Stage is simple. You just export the symbol and do the following code:

var mySp:Sprite1 = new Sprite1();

assuming the exported sprite is called "Sprite1" and the base class is flash.display.Sprite

But what if you have many sprites and want to encapsulate this into a function with the sprite name passed as a string? What would the code in the function look like? Somehow you have to cast the string as the name of the sprite class defined in your export but I'm not sure how. I've seen a sample using the "as" keyword but try searching "as" in the help you you don't get much help.

function loadSpriteFromLibrary(sSpriteName:String)
//load the sprite with an exported name passed into sSpriteName onto the stage
//what would the code look like?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Gradient In Sprite From Library

Apr 4, 2009

I would like to be able to make changes to a colour gradient of a sprite from my library, as opposed to one drawn dynamically. So the code I thought would look something like this:

var radType:String = GradientType.RADIAL;
var radMatrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
var radColours:Array = [0x3174d0, 0x15396f];
var radAlphas:Array = [1, 1];
var radRatios:Array = [0, 255];
var myLibrarySprite:spriteInLibrary = new spriteInLibrary();, radColours, radAlphas, radRatios,radMatrix);

I've been using essentially this code (plus a bit for say drawing a square) happily to gradient fill sprites that are dynamically drawn. I don't get any errors from this.
I have tried adding but that does not make a difference.

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Actionscript 3 :: Convert A Library Font Into A Sprite Sheet?

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Is there an inbuilt way of doing this other than manually creating text fields, adding a character, using BitmapData.draw() and then adding the result to a sprite sheet?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load, Unload And Load Again From Library?

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I have pre-existing PDF files which I would like to send to a PrintJob in Flex 3. I can load the files fine with UrlRequest, but I need to somehow get the data into a Sprite to be included into a PrintJob.

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test.mxml (main app)

BTW, I typically have many more lines of ComboBox in the app to force the preloader to display, but limiting number of lines here.
package customPreloaders {
import flash.display.;
import flash.utils.;
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load MC From Library?

Aug 3, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load MC From Library

Aug 3, 2009

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Jul 6, 2009

i am trying to load a swf from my library... i already gave it the linkage name of:"1". But still cant load it to my moviclip container called:mc_area_1 This same container is inside another movie clip called: mc_movies_areas

here is the code that i am using:


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import flash.display.*;
public class ScrollBar extends Sprite {[code].....

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IDE :: Adding A Single Sprite On Main Moviclip Sprite Remains Invisible

Mar 2, 2009

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However, when I run this, I see nothing painted on the screen at all, the screen remains completely white.[code]...

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But once the loaded movie finishes playing would like to unload it and to load another random another movie and so on.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Png Images From Library?

May 10, 2009

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var deactiveShow_mc:deactiveShow_id = new deactiveShow_id(0,0);


this code gives following error:

1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type deactiveShow_id to an unrelated type flash.display:DisplayObject.

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May 30, 2009

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Dec 20, 2010

Can i load an external swf to the library?

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I would like to load a bunch of swf files to the library and later on bring them to the stage.

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Apr 21, 2009

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May 30, 2009

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load the menuMc on the stage at x = 200 and y = 300;
i called the identifier menuMcAs

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AS3 :: Load Symbol From External Swf Library

May 31, 2011

I have 2 SWF, one of them (let's call it Resources.swf), that contains several symbols (most of them MovieClips) on its library, but, none of them are added into the stage ( the timeline contains only one empty frame),and then, the other swf (Main.swf), where I need to import some of the symbols from the other SWF.I have been looking around, and searching, but all the info that I saw, and tried, imports the symbols from the stage/timeline using things like:[code]If not,do I have modify my Resources.swf to work this out or do I have other alternatives?

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Flex :: Swfloader - Load A .swf And Use Its Library?

Jun 12, 2009

I have a symbol in a .swf's library, with a linkage name of "Pana". The Pana symbol is just a 100 frame animation that I would like to have timeline control over in Flex. So how can I load the .swf and then add the Pana symbol to the display list and control it's timeline?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Movieclip From The Library?

Sep 17, 2009

I just want to ask if is it possible to load a movieclip from the library using the Loader class together with the URLRequest and then use gotoAndPlay method?

Do i need to use the String?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use Arrays To Load Mc's From Library?

Dec 17, 2009

I'm creating a little movie player. i have 3 buttons on stage that when clicked i want to load a movie clip from the library into my "container" MC already on stage. basically i want it so when i click on a button it changes the first and only array item to the one i want to load. therefore replacing the existing one. (so there is only one in the container at a time).[code]...

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