Actionscript 3.0 :: Display All Of The Images In A Horizontal Row?

Jul 17, 2009

i am using a function to display all of the images in a horizontal row. (this is just a snippet of the important bits)

Code: Select allfunction processXML(e:Event):void{
var myXML:XML = new XML(;
xPos = 0;[code].........

i am sure i have all of the code i need apart from one piece which tells it that at the end of the project start a new row.

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Flex :: Display Paging In Horizontal List?

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IDE :: Horizontal Scrolling Images?

Apr 3, 2009

If you click on a client a set of images come up that move according to the x/y position of the mouse hover. This is something I'm wanting to create for my graphic design portfolio for a website, having 2 simple images that when you hover over them; dependent on the direction you move the mouse reveals more images. I have no flash skills at all and I've scoured the internet to try and find one.

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Professional :: Horizontal Scrolling Images?

Feb 7, 2010

I have a client who wants a home page similar to the way this one operates: http:[url]... It contains 10 images that are on a steady horizontal scroll that repeats. The images seem to be at about 50% opacity and they increase to 100% upon rollover. The images don't need to link to different pages. The way this one works would be fine, just all leading to another gallery page that gives more I can achieve this type of look thru Flash? I have done some browsing online but most tutorials I've found are more like viewers where the user has arrows to scroll forward and back. This one is different, just sort of operates on its walking by and window shopping for my client's products.

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Flex :: Horizontal Scrolling Of Images?

Mar 9, 2011

I am new to actionscript development and can't figure out where to start. I am trying to create a picture gallery in Actionscript (Flex would also do, but no Flash). Basically, it should be a horizontal list of images with captions below the picture. It should be possible to scroll through the images on a touch enabled device -> no scrollbars

I have looked into ScrollViewport put don't know how to implement a basic version in pure Actionscript.! I have included a small sketch I have seen alot of solutions with a scrollbar. But I want something like on iOS where you scroll with your finger through the images.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Space Images In Horizontal Scroll?

Jan 26, 2010

I was hoping to use the model script and make simple adjustments of file names and loading specs but it has gone beyond my simple understanding.
I have 64 images which need to load 50 pixels apart starting with a 50 pixels pace. The image sequence will loop. Each image is of constant 385 pixels deep but widths vary and I hoped AS could load them in sequence at 100% instead of using a finite number for the width. The attached file shows the gallery images at bottom right, loaded but all stacked upon each other with the last image uppermost.
Code so far:
var imagesNumber:Number = 64;
var baseX:Number = 0;


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Professional :: Gallery With Vertical And Horizontal Images?

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I want my page to be covered with thumbnails (not just in a row) then when you click on a thumbnail the image will open up either vertical or horizontal on top of the thumbnails. How can I do this without scripting or does anyone know of a simple way to do this with either Flash or another Product?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Horizontal Scrolling Boundaries For Images?

Jul 2, 2009

I have literally just implemented some code in a class to make images scroll. The code is here:

if (_root._xmouse>150) {
_root.speed = 0;
} if (_root._xmouse<650) {
_root.speed = 0;
} if (_root._xmouse<150) {
[Code] .....

However the scrolling does not stop and eventually goes back on itself and does a loop. Without creating any mc's is there anyway to stop this from happening and create a boundary?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Display Images From The Images Server As Long As The User Is Plugged Into The Domain

Jan 22, 2009

I have a flash file sitting inside of a web page in our company domain. There is another server (used to store images) that is part of the domain but is not running any web services (for security reasons). A folder on the images server is however shared in such a way that any site on the web server can display images from the images server as long as the user is plugged into the domain. For example, both I and my boss can pull up a web site on the web server and see all the information, but only he can see the images
because I have Vista Basic and no domain support. This is done via "<img src='\serverNamedirectory.'/>"

That's ok, but on this particular instance I don't want to display the image on the webpage, I want it in a SWF on the page. However the SWF can't seem to load the images even though the page it's sitting in could. I've tried tons of variations of URLRequests and Loaders, most resulting in security errors. Since most of the online discussions about these errors revolve around cross-domain access, I can't seem to find any tech support for our specific situation.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Display Images But Each One Selected Randomly From Say An Array Of Different Images?

Mar 31, 2011

Is there a way using flash you can display images but each one selected randomly from say an array of different images?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Horizontal Scroller, That Pulls Images From An XML Document, And Scrolls Them Infinitely?

May 9, 2008

Im trying to make a horizontal scroller, that pulls images from an XML document, and scrolls them infinitely.I have 2 problems with this and I have been looking everywhere for a tutorial, or example that shows how to do this and I always find something that is close to what I want but not quite.Here is what I have so far:

var mcLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
var mcListener:Object = new Object();[code]....

What I'm wanting to do is instead of using 490 (underlined), I want to be able to get the width of each loaded image so that I can line up the next image right up against it regardless of its width (490 just happens to be the width of all of them right now).I'm trying to use the onLoadInit() function, but I know I'm doing something wrong. When I try and trace my mainLoader variable, it traces the right amount of times, but they are all the last object in the group.What do I need to do to be able to get the widths of each image as it loads, then use that variable to position the next image right after it?

also (a semi unrelated help request), what I'm doing right now is loading them ALL in creating one giant line of images, then loading in another giant line of images and just alternating between the 2 each time one is almost to the end of its length. Is there a better way to do this so that only the right amount will load, and scroll, at the beginning adding the one right before it enters stage, and as they move off stage they are removed, then when it's near the end it just adds the first one back to the end?

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Flash :: Horizontal Scrolling Game/Large Horizontal Scene?

Apr 25, 2010

I'm currently learning Flash (CS4, AS3) and am creating a game. I have currently 1 flv file with 4 scenes, I then move from left to right and then to scene 2 and go from left to right. This is the game where items pop up that need to be clicked on and you get points.

Is there any way I can combine these onto 1 scene? Flash only allows you to have a maximum of 2880px wide.The reason for this is the transition between the scenes is RUBBISH and that my AS is not working correctly in between scenes (it loses values).

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Display Random Images?

Aug 7, 2003

Is there an easier way to display random images, for example I want it to display an image or two and then three or four second�s later change to another. I have over 100 images to display and don�t really want create each frame and place a new image on every 5 or so frame. There must be somewhere out there some action script that can do this, c

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Display Images In Flash?

May 5, 2009

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I am on the trial version of Adobe Flash CS4.

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How To Display Images From An Array

Mar 25, 2011

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Flex :: Display Images From FileReferenceList?

Sep 23, 2010

I have a FileReferenceList from which I'd like to display images in a DataGrid; currently I'm getting the following error: Only one download, upload, load or save operation can be active at a time on each FileReference.Here is my DataGrid:

<mx:DataGrid id="imageGrid" width="100%" height="100%" dataProvider="{imageFiles}">


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Display All Images From Folder?

Feb 13, 2009

What is the most simple way of loading whatever images are in folder and displaying them? If possible, not using xml/php/asp.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Display Images / Book?

Oct 15, 2009

On a server I am converting an entire PDF file to one single JPG image. As an alternative I can also convert each page to one image.

I would like to display, on an HTML pages, this images with a Next and Previous button, a GO TO page, maybe Zoom.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Thumbnail Images Don't Display?

May 30, 2007

1) I bought a photo gallery that works well, but when I use it in a project I'm working on, the thumbnail images don't display, but everything else does including XML loaded text so I'm pretty sure it has to do with the actionscript and the level it's targeting.

2) I also can't figure out how to shrink the size of the full view photo which seems to also be loaded somehow with action script to a blank MC, but it may not be in the script below... there's a lot of script here that I don't understand.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Htmltext, Images And Css' Display Property?

Oct 26, 2008

I've got two questions; one about whether or not something is natively possible in Flash and another if there is a free or commercial component to fix the problem.I know CSS/HTML in textfields is one of the weak points of Flash, but I still would like to clear something up(couldn' find a definitive 'not possible'through google).I'm trying to display images from HTML/XML as block through CSS in a dynamic textField but can't seem to get it to work.I've tried too many variations to display one piece of code which fails, but it boils down to:

* I load XML in which headings, paragraphs and images(usually within a paragraph) are set.

* I load CSS (or generate with AS for that matter) which set's the properties of the various tags.

* Images always display inline even if just one single char fits beside it in the field. If nothing really fits beside the image,Flash still places text there which is then hidden from the reader. All attempts to have the image's display set to block fail. Also if I try
through a surrounding p-tag.

I tried all from XML.ignoreWiitespace,TextField.condenseWhite, adding p-, and br-tags. It just won't work.If there really is no (why not?!) possibility to have it done natively, does anyone know of a solution (paid or free) done previously?

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Data Integration :: Display An Images From Database

May 9, 2008

Is there a tutorial somewhere that tells/shows how to display an image from a db. I have my image paths in a mysql db and I am using php to display my other text fields. I just haven't been able to get my images to show. Below is the code that I am using so far. Here is my actual goal, I am trying to have a flash document the has a list in the datagrid that is connected to a mysql db. I have successfully done this. When a user clicks on a product in the datagrid it populates the details below the grid and I have done so successfully. What I now need is to show a picture of the product in the details section. I would also like to see how to show different images for different vendors, each vendor has its own image size, so if I put just one image placeholder then some of the images will be scewed. I need something that shows image in placeholder 1 if company=1, show image in placeholder 2 if company=2, etc.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Can't Display JPEG2000 Images?

Jan 24, 2009

I am building a Flash interface to display high quality photos on a CD that will be included in a book. However, the author has decided to use JPEG2000 images and they will not load using my image loader. JPG will work just fine, but Flash does not seem to recognize the JPEG2000 format. Is there a workaround for this, or do I tell him to resave as JPG?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Display Images In Text Frame?

Sep 13, 2009

I have text frame with scrolling bar on right which is set as "Input Text".Is it possible to include images into same text frame.If I run this script:scroller.htmlText = "<img src='portrait.jpg'>";Image shows but my previously entered text disappears.Also is it possible to prevent text entering or deleting while movie is running?Basically I created text with a scroller i need to prevent it from modifying "entering/deleting"text on runtime plus I need to populate it with images!

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Load And Display Images Provided As A Query?

Sep 14, 2009

I am trying to write a small flash app which will load and display images provided as a query. My flash app works fine when I provide the image path directly in the browser address bar, but it is not working when I do the same using html.Here is the direct link to the flash appThe Html code is attached with the post.I know my app is getting invoked and it appears to work fine when I hardcode the image url into the flash app. But the query method just does not seem to be working!!This is hosted on a linux site supporting php.

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Professional :: Why The Gallery Doesn't Display Images On PC

Dec 16, 2010

I have one folder called "Gallery" consists of the following 4 Files/Folder. It works fine on my Virtual Machine. I copied the "Gallery" folder to my PC and tried. but it doesn't show any images on my PC. It doesn't throw any error either. It throws an error if the location of images is not correct. What could be the problem? I tried a lot but fail to understand.
Folder "Gallery" contains the following:
1) Images (Folder)
2) Gallery.swf
4) Gallery.xml

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