I am trying to retrieve an XML file off the internet, parse it, and return a value from it, all from one function using Actionscript 3.0.[code]...
and then I just return the variable "text". However, the compiler complains when I try doing this. How can I return the value found in the onXMLLoaded function to the caller of the getValue function?
I'm importing an XML file with 3 elements into Flash CS3 (AS 3.0) and when I trace the results, I get everything in the XML file parsed nicely and cleanly. Now, I have a dynamic textfield that I set equal to the parsed results, instead of a trace, but when I do it, the textfield only outputs 1 node. I have the textfield set to multiline and it still only returns 1 node. Here is my xml file:
I have a AS3 script that parses the iTunes Library XML file and converts it into something better looking and usable. The script works good and the nicely formed xml is traced out in the output window. But i would like to export it to an independent XML file instead of the output window.
I've traditionally all my as3 code in one included .as file, not as packages / class files, but I'm trying to make that transition. I'm a little confused about how to pass information back and forth among class files though. For example, what I'm trying to make is a sort of node diagram where clicking on a certain node will sprout out its child nodes, and clicking on a child node will sprout out its children, etc. I have a main class, Main.as, which I was going to make parse an XML document and store an array of all the relevant data for each node (things like a title, link, etc). Then I have a class file called Node.as which actually builds the node, adds it to the stage, and sets up its listeners and the motion tweens.
My question is - if all the information for the nodes is stored in Main.as, but the click handling is done in Node.as, how does Node.as know what attributes to assign to each added node (i.e., how does it access the array from Main.as to assign properties to the clips created)?[code]...
I'm creating a trivia game with two different categories. The player can choose one category, or the other, or both together. The way I have it is three different xml files (code below). Is there a way for the third option (both categories) to parse the first two xml files together so I don't need to create the third xml which is just a combination of the first two?[code]...
I have created an AS3 FLA where I am parsing and displaying RSS text. I have traced the parsed text and displayed the text into dynamic text boxes on the stage no problem. However the line breaks in the traced text show up on stage as well. How does one strip out the <p> or </r> tags from the text to make the text one nice long line that will wrap using the length of the text box as it's parameters?
i am developing a flash application for ios using new cs5.5, when i'm choosing setting options for Air for ios, i'm getting this error,"Application descriptor file can not be parsed" This is my descriptor file content.when it is creating after choosing setting option Air for ios.
Is there a way to make a url clickable from a parsed xml file? I pull in an xml file from the php script and then display the data in a dynamic text field. I want to have the hyperlinks be about the be linked.[code]...
The XML is listed as so (only a snippet of coarse):
now when parsing the DepartureDate="2009-06-30 15:00" the entire date is displayed, as should be. How can I set up my AS3 to only display the 15:00? The parsed path to the xml node is as follows:
I've got my XML file loaded and parsing correctly with a trace statement.
I want to have each text identified as marketLocation1, marketLocation2, etc up to 150 and I wanted to use a 'for loop' to place the value of that XML node into each labeled text field, and each individual text field is buried inside a button so that the button displays on mouseover an associated XML fields data. Each button would also be corresponding labeled market_1, market_2, etc.
Meaning, I mouse over a dot on a map (button) and it pulls up a statistics balloon about that location specific to our companies needs. I'm a total AS3 noob, so I'm not sure if I can preload the data for that button into it's specific text fields.
I have markets divided up into regions. I have the base map, which when you click each region goes to a new labeled scene on the root timeline. The scene shows a closeup version of the region. On that region are the dots for the markets. Each dot would have an up state and over state (displaying the pop-up balloon with data) etc.
I'm working on the first 'button' as the initial test and what I want to do is make is that i can use a For loop to cut down on the code, using the variable i in place of the "1,2,3..."
The first button, market_1 is in a labeled scene SERegion on the main timeline. While the code I'm using to parse all the fields is in frame 1.
When I try to place the value of marketLocation located inside the button market_1, I am trying to do this when I parse the data
When i compile, i get the error 1119: Access of possibly undefined property marketLocation through a reference with static type flash.display:SimpleButton
MarketLocation is also in just the Over state of the button.
I'm trying to parse an XML file and create an object array from its data. The data is converted to MediaAlbum classes (class of my own). The XML is parsed correctly and the object is loaded, but when I instantiate it, the Albums array is of zero length, even when the data is loaded correctly.I don't really know what the problem could be
import Nem.Media.*; var mg:MediaGallery = new MediaGallery("test.xml"); trace(mg.Albums.length);
I have a flash file which loads data from JSON and parses it. It works fine expect on one machine (specs below). On that machine it loads an image URL specified in the JSON, but nothing else. I've tested with a other machines (Dell E6400, Apple MacBook Pro) and it works just fine in all browsers. I compared Windows Updates between the Dell E6400 and the Dell Optiplex 745 and they only differ by one update (KB2525694) which isn't applicable for my Dell E6400.
I've set up an XML file with names of objects that will be contained in my fla/swf library.I wish to position the objects on the stage at runtime using an XML file that can be quickly modified without having to recompile the fla/swf file. Of course, positioning can only be accomplished when the objects are instantiated and added to the stage. The problem is passing the parsed XML file name/class paring data into the var creation programaticallyThe XML file contains the object names and class: simple example follows:
It seems that every scripting language I start using, it all goes back to this problem. How do I evaluate a string as a variable name or text field name, and get or set the contents of that variable or text field
var mySelf:Person = new Person ("Enter Your Name", "Enter Your Email", "Enter Your Phone"); //Person is an external class file. The variables in it are named "_HomName, _HomEmail,
I have an subclass that is called from the constructor of the main class. The subclass is loading and parsing a .xml file for images. A Event Listener is waiting for the .xml file to load and the fill the image URL's into an array. This code works fine (tested), but here is my problem.
While the subclass is called in the constructor, I also have code that should display two of the loaded images by default. However, while the xml file is parsing and filling the array, the main code already continues on and tries to display the two default images on the stage. But this causes the program to break, because the code executes before the array is filled from the .xml file.
this is the error the program spits out : TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter url must be non-null.using trace I see that it is trying to access the array but its undefined, because it hasnt been filled yet.
Here are the code snippets, concerning that problem.
//Main class code //the constructor of the main code, which calls the loader class for the .xml public function GameOfGames() {
Is there any way to make the code in the main class wait for the array to finish filling up before the main code moves on?
It seems that every scripting language I start using, it all goes back to this problem. How do I evaluate a string as a variable name or text field name, and get or set the contents of that variable or text field?
var mySelf:Person = new Person ("Enter Your Name", "Enter Your Email", "Enter Your Phone"); //Person is an external class file. The variables in it are named "_HomName, _HomEmail, _HomPhone."
I am trying to get a regex match on HTML code that is parsed into a text box in flash. I have successfully loaded the HTML code and then began the regex matching, but am stuck on getting the right regex expression to match. The code that I am using in html page builds a tree view list on the html page, so once it's loaded into the flash text box, i am trying to match the html pages to build a list from. The code below is what I am trying to match. The code I want to match is the first two items in quotes for each entry to build the array list of page names, and their URL. The problem is that the pages won't be named as nice as the example below. Each time it can be a different page name, and page url, so I need to match what is in the first two quotes.[code]
I have an xml with an xml-schema. The xml-schema defines an abstract complex type with 2 optional attributes that have default values. Then I have several complex types that extend the base one. And finally nodes of the types defined.So I load the xml and when I parse each node, the optional attributes are not present at all.I've tried fooling around with the namespaces, even[code]...
No luck. Something similar was being experienced by this guy on codingforums, but that was like 5 years ago. Same is happening to me with firefox 3.0.11 - the xml is shown without the default attributes.For now I'm setting the default values in code, but isn't there a way to make them available from the xml-schema?[code]...
I'm having some troubles with the use of interface and inheritance in AS3. I've done lots of OOP in the past and what I'm trying to do seems obvious to me, but doesn't work in AS3. The question is : Is it possible to override a function that return an Object of class A, and make it return an Object of Class B which extends A ? It seems not to be possible, since I'm getting a signature error in Flash, when compiling. For example, the following set of class do not compile (the code in function definition doesn't matter):
I have a button in frame 20. This button attached a script to go to frame 1. How do I add a script to this button or any other way so that I can know it was from frame 20 when I am in frame 1 ?
I have define complete event handler and want to return value . But I lose "myString". I do not know how to return "myString" from loadXMLFile.[code]...
I am trying to understnd some of the things about packages, I have expand a book exercise and I am now trying to workout how to reference a return value within this package.I have put together this package
What I am trying to do is use the 'return(spot1);' value where 'new smiley1(); is.My goal is to be able to create the library object name, (in this case smiley1 from a string variable and then display it on the stage with addChild.At this stage I am just trying to work out how to swap 'new smiley1' with the 'return' value.I will work on the addChild bit next.
Anyway, I have a function that goes through an XML file, looking for a specific value. If it finds it, it should return the node that contains that value. However, I'm having trouble with the whole return part of it.My code is:
I am trying to write my first real class (it works when I just use trace statements). The main part of the function returns a value and since the constructor can not return a value I was not sure how to handle it, so I did this...