Adding A Stroke To A Shape?
Aug 27, 2010
So I like the whole convert stroke to fill option in the Modify menu, but what if I want to apply a stroke to a fill?
In other words, if I created a circle, then delete the stroke, is there any way to the regenerate the stroke? I mean, if I press A I can see the contours of the fill - can I just turn that into a stroke? In the properties menu, if I click on stroke (which as its colour has the white box with a red diagonal line) it's all greyed out. Am I missing something obvious?
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var vectorDisplayObject:DisplayObject = stage.addChild( myArrow );
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package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class Base extends MovieClip {
public var baseHP:int = 50;
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<s:Label text="Select an example on the left. Right-click to view source."
top="10" left="10"
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function highlightSquare(e:MouseEvent) {
if (building == true) {
transform1.color = 0x00CCFF;
var temp1 = e.currentTarget;
temp1.transform.colorTransform = transform1;
[Code] .....
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ActionScript Code:
//floor color1
var cityPic:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
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Mar 1, 2009
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