Animate On Mouseover On Lower Layer?
Sep 26, 2009
So, I had a problem animating a movie clip on mouseover which was solved here: Now the problem I'm having is that I want to movie some of those clips to a lower layer so that they animate behind an object on the top layer.If I put the same code on that bottom layer as in the top layer,
it tells me that I have a duplicate function definition.If I cut out the second half of the code,
function doStartAnim(e:MouseEvent):void {;
e.currentTarget.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER,doStartAnim) ;
and just put that other part it doesn't give me the error, but mousing over the leaf does nothing. Any thoughts?
P.S. - If I leave the entire code for the movie on the top layer (with the movie on a seperate background layer) I get the following error:
Description: 1120: Access of undefined property leaf5. Source: leaf5.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER,doStartAnim);I hope that all makes sense!
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ActionScript Code:
import fl.motion.Color;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
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Dec 12, 2011
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tip_052.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER,ove rSub);function overSub(evtObj:MouseEvent) {
tip_052.visible = true;
appear this error "Scene 1, Layer 'Layer 3', Frame 1, Line 291083: Syntax error: else is unexpected.
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Jul 27, 2004
this is the END of the code:
this.createEmptyMovieClip("pos", total);
pos.moveTo(radius.b, 0);
pos.beginGradientFill("radial", [0xCCCCCC, 0x999999], [100, 100], [0, 255], {matrixType:"box", x:-radius.b-radius.b/2, y:-radius.b-radius.b/2, w:radius.b*2, h:radius.b*2, r:0});
for (var radians = 0; radians
I get a error for the last line. The error is this:
**Error** Scene=Scene 1, layer=Layer 1, frame=1:Line 11: ';' expected
for (var radians = 0; radians
I cant get it working.. I have flash mx 2004 pro..
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var bobRun:MovieClip = new bobRunning(); addChild(bobRun); bobRun.scaleX = .45; bobRun.scaleY = .45; bobRun.x = 350; bobRun.y = 30; bobRun.contrast = -100;bobRun.saturation = -100;bobRun.brightness = -100;
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Apr 26, 2010
Using CSS, I can set the corner radius of the top corners of a tab in a tabnavigator:
.tabstyle {
corner-radius: 10;
} </mx:Style>
<mx:TabNavigator tabStyleName="tabstyle" />
However, I also want the bottom corners to have a radius.
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Mar 10, 2012
I'm developing an AIR app that is receiving TUIO events from a Framework for a fiducial marker based multitouch table. Until yesterday I was faking the events by mouse to work faster, but then I connected everything to a TUIO simulator and the problems appeared.
The TUIO Simulator is a java app. By dragging markers on the simulator you can send OSC messages that I'm forwarding to my AIR app. The problem is that I'm noticing that when I drag something on the simulator, my AIR app lose the focus, and the AIR framerate suddendly drops. If I drag something on my simulator and I switch super fast to the AIR window, everything goes smooth, so it seems the problem is that if my AIR app is not the active app it's redrawn at a lower framerate (I remember reading something about this, not sure).
So my questions are: am I right about the fact that inactive windows in AIR are redrawn at lower framerate? do you have any workaround to fix it and to allow me to interactive with the java app without my AIR framerate drops?
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Mar 12, 2007
I would like to gradualy take lower the _alpha from 100 - 0 through actionscript. I found this in the actionscript archive of Kirupa.
function disappear(){
//call onEnterFrame dynamic event handler
_root["clip1"].onEnterFrame = function(){
//decrement alpha by 5
can i use this to target an instance ? how would I do it if the instance is id_mc and it is in the _parent.
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Jan 16, 2011
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