CS3 Loading From DVD/Webpage

Apr 6, 2009

i'm working in CS3, with AS2

I'm taking a website i put together, and plopping it on a DVD.

There are 3 parts to it.

One, is the flash .exe, which brings up a small splash page with general info on me. At the bottom there are two links to webpages i made. I would like to keep all the websites files ON the DVD, and not have the end-user need to have an internet connection, although in these times, i guess i could get by that way.

2nd part, is the webpage's main page. The main page contains a flash frame, in which there are six buttons, each with AS(2) looking to a folder on the DVD, to bring up another URL in the same window. Ru:

on (release) {

weird thing is, this works when on the hdd, but as soon as i put it on the DVD and try to run it from there, the main page doesn't connect/open the link I specified. I've also tried it:


and that doesn't work either. i'm not if i'm missing something small, but if need be, i can post a chopped down zip or rar with the files needed for someone to take a look at.

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<script type="text/javascript">AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase','http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#ve


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Apr 2, 2009

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The Flash Object Within A Webpage?

Jan 15, 2010

From JavaScript, you need to get a reference to the Flash Player object. There are two basic Flash Player versions that run in the browser: ActiveX and the plug-in version. The ActiveX version runs natively in Internet Explorer, while the plug-in version is used by the rest of the browsers. The ActiveX player is controlled by the object tag in an HTML page, and you can retrieve a JavaScript reference using window. objectId where objectId is the value of the id attribute of the object tag. For example, if the object tag's id attribute is example, then the reference to the ActiveX player would be window.example.

The plug-in player is controlled by the embed tag in an HTML page, and you can retrieve a JavaScript reference by using window.document. embedName, where embedName is the value of the name attribute of the embed tag. For example, if the embed tag's name attribute is example, then the reference to the plug-in player would be window.document.example.And here's the question itself:Why does the Flash Player Object exist as a window property when embeded via the object tag, while, when embeded via the embed tag, it exists in the window.document property? And what is the most modern way of getting the Flash Player Object from within a web page?

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