Changing A Flash Scene When Highlighting A CSS Button?

Nov 4, 2009

I have a menu that is HTML/CSS. When I mouse over a menu item, I would a Flash header to change scenes accordingly.

Is this possible, and if so, how would I go about doing it?

I will be using Flash 8. I know how to animate, but I know nothing of ActionScripting. I'm a web designer, not a developer.

(I'm aware I could make the menu in Flash as well, but I personally don't care for having navigation set in a Flash .swf.)

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ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame label nGallery_btn not found in scene Scene 1.
at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop()
at BrookBrovazMusic004_fla::MainTimeline/pageSelect()
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onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.caught == 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("Scene 2",1);

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the xml file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

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function changemade(event:Event):void {


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// global variablesvar tabbingON = false;var draggingON = false;var selectedPiece = 0;var totalPieces = 10;var total = 0;var mySound = new Sound();var origPos:Array = new Array();var justHit = false;var offset = 50;var counter = 0;
 // function callsinitGame();


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below is the as2 code i am using.

HTML Code:
// global variables
var tabbingON = false;
var draggingON = false;


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on (release)
colorchange = new Color("/rectangle");


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Here is my code so far:

<s:List width="400" height="220"
alternatingItemColors="[#EEEEEE, white]">


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everything here is fine. It opens finely. But... i want to pass parameters where if i click a button in html page My.swf should open a particular scene called 'Scene 2' rather than scene 1. i tried


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