Customize Highlighted Data Point Circles In Flex Charts?

Oct 5, 2011

I need to customize a look and feel of standard Flex LineChart with LineSeries. I cannot figure out how to change default circles drawn when the mouse pointer is over a data point.

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ActionScript Code:
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.sensors.Accelerometer;
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[Code] .....

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Input output error: IO_ERROR I have tried both relative referencing (relative with respect to the swf file) and absolute reference to the URL of the csv file. But both approaches have failed.

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array1 = [23, 49, 40, 239, 20, 80, 39,49,120, 24, 31,41];

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I have two Qns,

1) how can I pass this array to Bar chart or column chart.

2) how do I need to show months on Xaxis. beacuse I'm asking this regarding, I have kept a filters that even if we want to see some months or a particular months or perticalar span of months... there on Xaxis it need to change the months dynamically depending on the filters..... (for ex, on Xaxis the values should be (Jan, Apr, Jun,Oct) if i select the 3 months period filter....)

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I'm displaying my text. However, I want the balloon to be exactly above the data point. I tried to change the (x,y) coordinates but it doesn't seem to change. How can I move this balloon around to a desired location?

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Database :: Flash Charts That Can Map/dither The Data On X Axis?

Nov 16, 2009

I looked at different flash chart software (free and commercial) and could find only one that supports the feature I want: map my dataset on the predefined X axis. Let me give an example.

Let's say my X axis is time. The time is represented in hours. So let's assume my X axis has last 24 hours. Now the data I have in the database contains data coming every 50 minutes. My goal is to have a chart that will show this data. The point on the graph will not correspond to X axis values one to one.

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The problem is that in this case (for all of the charts I know) I have to provide XML/json/CSV as a source of data that will contain 24 hours * 60 minutes points of data, with only ~29 (24 hours, every 50min) containing meaningful data. This puts a stress on 1) database, 2) more traffic 3) makes chart less responsive.Are there any flash graphs that will accept a dataset of ~29 values and map into 24 points on X axis.

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the Link : customize bar

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<mx:LineSeries form="curve" displayName="BG" yField="Value" xField="DateTime">


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Dec 3, 2009

I'm creating a small size Flex movies which contains two line charts, at the moment the size of the release build swf is 343KB, which is too large for our needs.

I've tried changing the loading of the SWC file to Runtime Shared Libraries, but I found that this removed the text of the charts (the text for the x and y axis). Why would the text be removed when the Framework linkage is set as a Runtime shared library?

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Flex :: Displaying Images/icons Besides Y-axis In Flex Bar Charts?

Jul 28, 2011

I am trying to place an image besides the label in y-axis. So I have created a custom label renderer(A HBox containing and ). The source for the image has to be set based on a property present in the data provider. The problem is, I am not able to access the BarSeriesItem in the fnSetSource() method.

<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
width="1280" height="750">


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Flex :: Customize A List In Mobile Application?

Aug 7, 2011

the thing I mean cannot be probably done with the component, but I don't know how is the component I want called. I would like to achieve a list but with sort of "icon look". You could say some sort of springboard navigation.

Here is just a quick sketch in Photoshop how it should look like: [URL]

The item is the one actual item in the list or something.

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Flex :: Customize Datagrid To Show Connectivity Between Tasks

May 18, 2010

I have made a program in Flex for creating simple schedules, similar to MS Project or Vico Control. I have one problem that I would like to solve. (You can see it here: OnTime Project Scheduling tool made in Flex

The tasks of the schedule are represented as Gantt Chart, for which I created a itemRenderer inside one of the rows in the DataGrid. The tasks are shown as gantt diagrams, but I would also like to show the connectivity between tasks.

take a look at the image below, to see what I am trying to accomplish here: (above is the image of how datagrid looks now, and below is the thing I would like to add)

how I could do this inside DataGrid's item renderer?

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Xml :: Set XML As DataProvider For Charts In Flex?

Mar 13, 2011

I want to display XML exported from Oracle Database as a chart......

The xml has the following structure :



I've seen many chart examples using ArrayCollection as DataProvider . using the same way , i tried to set xml . But no results.

how to set an XML as dataprovider ? ( or XMLList or XMLlistcollection )( i'm developing a small app in AIR )

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