Flex :: Changing The Color Of The Highlighted Line In Debugging Mode?

Nov 15, 2011

Thing is, after applying a new color theme for my Flash Builder enviroment, the only thing I couldnt find was an option to change the color when you enter in debug mode. When you have a brakpoint there, the color of that line change to light green, and I got dark background and white characters.. so, I dont see anything, I have to manually highlight the line.. really annoying.

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txtName.setStyle("themeColor", "#ff0000");

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Jun 4, 2010

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I was hoping there was a way to highlight the text box when it failed validation, or re-enable the red line feature. I don't want to get rid of my CSS cos it'll totally blow my color-scheme, but any tweak allowing the error line

This is the CSS:

TextInput, TextArea
border-skin: Embed(source='/../assets/images/input_bg.png', scaleGridLeft=8, scaleGridRight=20, scaleGridTop=8,scaleGridBottom=9);


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Flex :: Changing A Spark TitleWindow's Titlebar Color?

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Flex :: Changing Spark TextArea Text Color Dynamically Over A Range Of Characters?

Dec 22, 2010

I am attempting to dynamically change the color of a subset/portion of text in a Spark TextArea control. Using the MX-based TextArea, I could leverage the mx.controls.textClasses.TextRange type and change the color directly as follows:

TextRange tr = new TextRange(theTextAreaControl, false, beginIndex, endIndex);
 tr.color = somePredefindColor;

Input Parameters to TextRange constructor:

1st argument: The TextArea control that will provide access to the underlying textField property
2nd argument: Indicates the TextRange will not modify the content of the TextArea
3rd argument: The beginning index position in the TextArea text string
4th argument: The ending index position in the TextArea text string

How would I go about doing this for a Spark-based TextArea control? I am looking to dynamically change the font color for a range of text, not just the entire TextArea AND I cannot statically specify the font color. The problem I run into when trying to re-use the TextRange type is that the 1st argument is expected to provide the textField property, which is currently not on the Spark-based TextArea control. I thought about extending the Spark-based TextArea control to provide this accessor property but that seems like overkill and is probably not the best approach.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Color Objects - Stay The Same Color That User Selected After Going To Another Scene?

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i'm doing a school project of mine and i am having trouble doing the changing color objects. here is an axample of the script that i;m using:

on (rollOver) {
var colorful = new Color("_root.shapes");

For this script it does change color, but how do i make it to stay the same color that user selected after going to another scene?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Lots Of Movieclips Color And Border Color Separately?

Dec 23, 2008

I am in the making of a isometric level editor, and I have about 15 movie clips with more to come. I want to let people change the color of tiles to what they want from a list of colors, so how can I let them change the color of a tile dinamicly with actionscript so that it changes a tile's color while preserving changes of "shadows"? I mean I have let's say a cube and to make it look 3D I need to change each face to make a feeling of 3D and not a flat one.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Interactive Coloring Book - Large Blank Box At The Top Of The Color Pallet Isnt Changing Color?

Apr 27, 2009

i have been doing this tutorial http:[url]..but i am stuck on PART 8, i have done everything the tutorial has said so far (although my image and the colors used are different) but the large blank box at the top of the color pallet isnt changing color when i click on any color from the pallet.

Also this tutorial doesnt say what version of flash and actionscript is best suited for this.Currently i am using CS4 & Action Script 2.0 but i don't know if this is correct. below there is a link to the fla. file that Coloring_Book.fla.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Way To Change The Color Of An Object WITHOUT Changing The Color Of A Glow?

Sep 22, 2011

I have a few movie clips that change color when they are rolled over and rolled out of which is great and works correctly but now I have add glows to those buttons to serve as borders or a stroke and when you roll over the buttons the color and the filter color changes.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Changing Movieclip Color And Text Color?

Jul 28, 2009

I have a movie clip where it contains an instance of text

I able to change the movie clip and text color individually

but when i try to change both at once the text color is same as movie clip color

ActionScript Code:
myColor = new Color(myMovieClip);
myTextColor= new Color(myMovieClip.myText);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Text Color & HTML Background Color

Jun 18, 2009

So i'm working on this website and I want to be able to switch out the entire color scheme on the website everytime a button is pressed, I've stepped away from flash for awhile and actionscript 3 is new me. Plus I haven't quite found any truely useful stuff on forums yet.
What i can't figure out is when a button is pressed the HTML background color changes to one of 5 preselected colors (that alternate ever time the button is pressed). Then for each background change the text changes too as it is part of a entire new color scheme.
What I've managed so far is to change the color of the background thats within the Flash file. What i did was to make a movie clip that plays to a next frame and stop everytime the button is pressed. Now i just need to also get to change the HTML color and the font colors.
//"homeText" being the name of dynamic text field and "Button" the name of the button and "background" being the movie clip that is the background within the flash file.
Button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Button_CLICK);
function Button_CLICK(e:MouseEvent):void{
background.play();    homeText.TextFormat(color "0x000000");}
I'm not sure if my code is just sloppy or if i'm completely going the wrong route here.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using Color Picker To Change Line Color?

Jun 18, 2010

I am building a line drawing movie where I would like the user to be able to change colors using the AdvColorPicker I downloaded from Sephiroth.it.I don't know how to write the code that will change the line color upon picking one from the AdvColorPickerHere is the actionsript for the line drawing:

ActionScript Code:
colors.onMouseDown = function() {
if (1) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing 2 Or More Videos To Fullscreen Mode

Aug 16, 2010

I am using FLVPlayback component to display videos in fullscreen mode.
Try this:
1. Add 2 FLVPlayback components to stage (new file).

2. Make sure you are using two different *.flv files (video.source = "").

3. Change the video skin to one that has a fullscreen button and publish to Flash Player version 9.

4. Publish html with the fullscreen option set to true in the html page.
What you will find is that both the buttons display the same video!

I am unable to find any solution online. I have even tried this using AS3.0 with the same result.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Changing The Color Of MC Changes The Color Of The Text?

Dec 16, 2009

My buttonMC is build of:

1. shape (a rectangle gray color) converted to MC named = Bar

2. (on top of 1) DynamicText named = buttonText converted to MC named = buttText in order to change the color of the shape I decleard a veriable
cButton = new Color(this.Bar);
I then add actionscript onRollOver
cButton.setRGB(nRed << 16 | nGreen << 8 | nBlue);
but it also changed the color of the text so I added a veriable for the text field
tButton = new Color(this.buttText.buttonText);
tButton.setRGB(0xFFFFFF);but that didnt help

this is bad becuse the text on the screen is unseen.

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Blend-mode Color Over Images?

Mar 16, 2009

is it possible to blend an image over other images in flash? like if I wanted pictures to scroll behind a color gradient... here's what I'm working on: effect done in photoshop, but I what to achieve it in flash)See how the images blend with the colors behind? so when I click the right arrow and the images slide over, I want the overlay to effect them. like the pinkish/red image on the right needs to be greenish when it is displayed on the left side. I could perhaps do it with a gradient in flash (though I'm not sure how), but it would be better if I could use a png file for the color overlay so it matches better

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Flex :: AdvancedDataGrid Set Highlighted Element Programmatically?

Dec 3, 2010

I'd like to be able to tell my ADG to set a specific row to be highlighted and update the adg rendering to match such new value. Note: highlight != selected.
I thought perhaps setting highlightUID would do the trick, but I can't seem to get the ADG rendering to update.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Image Color Mode (Grey Scale)?

May 27, 2009

i have loaded a colorful image. when i rollover this image, then the image has to change in grey scale.i think it can be done with filter adjust color, but i want to do this with scripts.

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