Data Integration :: Get Value Of Label From Combo Box ?

Aug 6, 2006

I am going nuts with this combo box! I have a flash form with 3 textboxes a combo box, and a submit button. When I hit submit, I post to an aspx page. My 3 textboxes are inserting into my db fine, but I have not been able to retrieve the value of the combo box.I have a change handler on the combo box called "comboDropDown". I have 3 labels, and no data. In the ActionScript for my submit button I have:
on (release) {

function comboDropDown()
var vchUser1 = comboBox.selectedItem;[code]............

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Jan 14, 2008

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Flash :: Data Integration - Making Resume With Data File

May 1, 2007

this is my current cv, painstakenly written in flash: [URL] I was told that I can use an external data file and load this into a flash file with xml, i am trying to make an xml file that will do what you see here above. But i cannot get the information to load properly where each title is separate (bold) and the description underneath it (plain text). i cannot get my cv to show up in a linear format as it only shows the
first entry and then stops.


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