Data Integration :: XmlConnector And Bind To AttachedMovie Component

Mar 16, 2007

I need to dynamically insert (attachedMovie) a movie that has a ComboBox with in and then I need to bind this ComboBox to an existing _root.myXMLConnector.

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Data Integration :: XMLConnector Returns 11 In IE ?

Oct 26, 2006

I have a Flash output file that uses both LoadVars and XMLConnectors. While LoadVars all work on all tested browsers, XMLConnector does something very strange and ONLY on Internet Explorer. When I try to use it, the listeners for the XMLConnector say send (using GET Method), status is correct (StatusChange), but the data that returns is crazy (outputs 11). I am suppose to get a full xml data stream, but all I get is 11. This happens in IE (PC) only. In Netscape on PC or Mac) it is fine, on Firefox (PC or Mac) is it fine, on Safari it is fine. SO, has anyone able to use the XMLConnector properly on IE (FP8)? The parameters for the problem are: Flash Player 8, Internet Explorer 6, PC.

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Data Integration :: XMLConnector No.Data.Received Only When On Server?

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Data Integration :: Datagrid, XmlConnector In Internet Explorer?

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so my XML looks like this:

<name text="Dolphins"/>


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Jan 18, 2007

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [MX04PRO] XMLConnector Component Access?

Jul 15, 2004

I have an XMLConnector component instance that is communicating fine with the external XML file from which it is reading the data. The XML file is structured like so:

<category id="0">
<name>Category 0's name</name>


Now that you've got a general idea of what I'm working with, I'll move onto what I want to do with it. Let's say when the 1st frame (which has the XMLConnector on it) loads, we want to calculate the sum of all the values from the XML categories. It seems like an easy concept, but I can't figure out how to traverse through the array of objects without user intervention.

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my component inspector window shows:

ASP_DB : MSAccess
dataSource : C:WebsitesFlashDevelopmentFlash with


I get different id to set these parameters up ASAP for the filepath and filesource, esp this flashsql_v31.php that comes supplied with the component and encounters the above error.

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Data Integration :: Formatting Tags Appearing In TextArea Component?

Apr 26, 2007

I'm having an issue with TextFormat tags that are appearing in textfields. Here's an overview of what I'm doing: Basically, I'm trying to grab the text from a textArea component: (myText = myTextArea.text")

Because I want to retain formatting, I have the textArea set to be html. Thus, myText becomes the text you see below

So the myText data is then stored in XML, but later when I try to access it, it fills that same textArea component with the literal code rather than the formatted text. How do I take that TextFormat string and convert it back to it's original form? I've
tried myTextArea.htmlText

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Data Integration :: Building An Events Calendar With The DateChooser Component

Sep 12, 2007

The AS2 DateChooser has just the functionality I need to build the events calendar that I have to build .. however .. while I know what to do in theory, I'm stumbling on (a) whether it will work and (b) syntax.

I want to display an instance of the DateChooser (myDate) and access the selectedDate property when the user selects a date. Then I need to pass it to the main events page preferably on the same page with something like this:

SELECT EventTitle. EventDescription, EventLink FROM Events
WHERE EventDate = MMColParam

MMColParam 1 myDate.selectedDate

The page itself is ASP. I am thinking I would probably define a variable and perhaps use LoadVars to load the selected date from Flash .. not something I have done before.

Perhsps something like

dim eventDate
eventDate = myDate.selectedDate

I'm sure that's not the syntax .. but I think that is the theory. I should be able to access the selectedDate property of the Date Chooser instance and feed the date into the query to select the events on that date and list them.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use The XMLConnector Component To Read And Update XMLdocuments?

Aug 23, 2005

I want to use the XMLConnector component to read and update XMLdocuments, binding it to a DataGrid.

As long as I only receive data there is no problem. As soon as I want to work with send/receive nothing works anymore. Unfortunately all tutorials I can find only show how to receive data.

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Flex :: Data Binding Re-bind When Data Model Not Change, Possible?

Nov 4, 2011

If user change the value of the TextInput, then click refresh button to retrieve the data model from backend again, the GUI value will not change back. Re-binding not happen, Since the value of data model not changed, no propertyChanged event fired.In this case, I must Programmatically set the model value to the GUI after data refreshing done.I know bi-directional binding can solve this problem(when user change value on GUI, set the new value to data model immediately). But sometimes I cannot use bi-directional binding, for example, the data model is a int, but user input a non-int value, I cannot set the value to data model. So the value in data model do not change, when refresh data, rebinding still not happen.

This will make the data binding useless. How to resolve this?I put pseudo-code here for now, I will put real code later:1. retrieve a data model from server, via blazeds or something else.2. bind the model to a TextInput on GUI.3. user change the TextInput text.4. User click a refresh button, triger retrieve the model value again.5. Now since the model value do not change, no PropertyChanged event fired.6. GUI value still is the user's input, not the value from the model. can clear the model value before set the velue back, make re-binding happen.(but sometimes you do not know how to clean the model value, take int for example, you may do not know the original value and happen set the same value). Or I can manually set the model value to GUI. But both are not good looking.

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Data Integration :: "a Component Instance Must Exist In The First Frame"

Jul 22, 2006

it apears that message on frame 6, where i have a connection with an XMLconnector. What sould i do ?

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Unable To Bind To Property Of Custom Component

Feb 25, 2010

Can't seem to bind to data from within a custom component. I've tried BindUtilis and {} but can't seem to fathom it out. Here's what I've got:

I have a class DataModel which has been made bindable

Within Mainn.mxml I have two components: DataGrid (used for testing) & CustomComponent (which extends Canvas)

When the data within DataModel.somelist is updated the DataGrid reflects the changes but the CustomComponent doesn't appear to.

I was expecting to see the trace (CustomComponent.dataProvider) fired whenever this._dataModel.itemList is changed. [code]...

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Bind A Component To An XML Node Dynamically At Runtime?

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I have a custom component based on mx:ComboBox. Within it I connect to an HTTPService (the url is passed as a paramter) and bind the combobox. Parameters to be sent to the HTTPService are passed to the component. This is working fine. But I want to modify it to make it re-usable with other HTTP service URLs, which return the XML in a different format.

My challenge is how can I bind a custom component to a node dynamically at runtime?[code]...

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Aug 19, 2009

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Flex :: Bind Class Property To Mxml Component?

Nov 25, 2009

Is is possible to bind class properties to mxml components ? E.g.: I have a class with a String property nameValue. What I want to achieve is always having the latest value of a mx:Text component in nameValue.

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